‘Thanks for coming over. How are you doing?’
‘Oh, you know. Managing.’
‘I understand.’
‘Hello, Brianne.’
‘Oh, Edward… Hi.’
‘Ah yeah, I guess I didn’t say, did I? We live together. Have done for years.’
‘Is anyone else here?’
‘No. Heath’s gone out with Nix, so it’s just us. Come on
‘Did you hear about what happened to Tate?’
‘I haven’t spoken to him yet, but he was abducted from his office at work. By that same demon who did it to Tristan…’
‘Ah… So that did end up happening, then.’
‘Wait, you knew it was coming?’
‘It’s a long story, but yes. Neither of us support it but we were told of Miles’ intentions. I think it was always going to be a matter of time before such a thing happened again. When was this?’
‘Yesterday. I’ve been to the hospital, but Tate was still unconscious, so I came home to look after the girls. Part of me feels bad for not being there, but truth be told, I’m thinking more about just using this as an opportunity to get things done.’
‘I think that’s a better idea, honestly. I find that sympathy is often wasted on Tate.’
‘Yeah… you’re right. How did you find out this was gonna happen anyway?’
‘We heard about it from Hazel.’
‘What? But… How are you talking to her?’
‘Again, a long story, but the short of it is that she’s trying to turn over a new leaf. Honestly, it’s a work in progress. She’s not on board with Miles’ actions anymore but at the same time, she doesn’t have the power to stop Rikard from helping him.’
‘This is so surreal, though… I was shocked when Wednesday turned out to be her girlfriend, and now even you’re giving her another chance…’
‘It certainly wasn’t an easy conversation, Brianne. It’s very difficult for me to face Hazel after all that’s happened. Ultimately, though, if someone truly wants to change their ways, I won’t stand in the way of it.’
‘I guess you’re right. I’d be in a lot of trouble if nobody was willing to let me change, after all. So what is it you wanted to talk about?’
‘I’d come up with an idea, but now I’m definitely having second thoughts. I was going to ask you if Tate had a second phone, or something… but no, it’s far too risky to ask you to look for one.’
‘A second phone? Oh, I don’t know… I can’t say if I’ve ever seen one.’
‘That’s okay then.’
‘Why? Do you think he’s doing dodgy business on it?’
‘Almost certainly. I’m a good hacker, you see, so… I’d be able to install software on it without his knowledge. Try to record his phone calls and see if I could use it for evidence somewhere down the line.’
‘I mean, I could look. He won’t be able to disturb me while he’s in hospital, and I really do wanna prove myself to you guys.’
‘Things were already tense and risky before he just got kidnapped and put in hospital yet again. The only thing you need to think about is your own escape, and like you said, now would be a perfect time to do it.’
‘Ellis is right. We’d be wrong to involve you, especially at a time like this.’
‘Wow… Imagine if it could be used as evidence, though. Imagine if it could actually bring him down.’
‘I know. It’s not so simple, though. I can’t take it through my office, after all.’
‘Aren’t you a policeman?’
‘Yeah, I am.’
‘…That was a bit naïve of me, wasn’t it?’
‘Ehh… He’s hardly likely to tell you he’s bribed my superiors, is he?’
‘No, of course not. He wouldn’t let the mask slip that much, even if he’s been getting more easily frustrated with me lately.’
‘He always takes it out on those closest to him, Brianne. At this moment in time, it’s you. That’s how abusers work.’
‘Somehow… I thought I’d be different, though? I-I mean, I didn’t actually believe the worst things Roxxi told me, but… I dunno. I felt like because we had an “understanding”, he knew he didn’t have to pretend with me.’
‘What do you mean by “an understanding”?’
‘…That it was more of an arrangement, y’know? That’s always what he and Roxxi were, too, duh. That was obvious even to thirteen-year-old me. Buuut… I felt like she was expecting him to be proper husband material regardless. And I didn’t have that expectation. We agreed from the start that we didn’t go for romance or the façade of it. Which means I wouldn’t be disappointed expecting him to be different.’
‘That’s… turned out quite conveniently for him, hasn’t
it? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying this to criticise you, but it sounds
like he took it as a perfect excuse to not put in effort from the off.’
‘Yeah… Arrangement or not, it doesn’t absolve him of not doing the bare minimum of treating you with respect.’
‘Look, I thought I’d have as much power as him in the relationship. I set out my terms and didn’t expect too much, I went into it knowing I didn’t need any of that from him…’
‘You didn’t need what? Basic respect?’
‘…Okay, I get it. I’m so fucking dumb, oh my God.’
‘Brianne. I don’t think it’s appropriate to lay more abuse on yourself right now. I’m just trying to understand.’
‘You’re a psychologist or something, right? Does that mean you’re evaluating me?’
‘No, not consciously… But I am curious how you got to this point. This is without judgement, because like I say, you don’t need that at the moment. But what exactly is it you were trying to get out of this? You don’t seem to have set your expectations very high for your relationship, but at the same time, you said you thought you’d be different?’
‘What I meant is, I didn’t think he’d be so unpleasant to me like this. I thought we’d just carry on our arrangement but in a more “official” capacity, I guess. And plus the girls would grow up with their dad. Don’t comment on that, I already know how stupid that was.’
‘So did you think that because it was more “explicitly” an arrangement than it was for Roxxi, that she always treated it as more of a relationship than you, that what, he’d be nicer to you than he was her…?’
‘He said she was needy… and I believed him. And I guess I didn’t want to be like that.’
‘What do you define as “needy”?’
‘Right now, I’m not really sure any more… I’m starting to realise I’m a lot more fucked up than I thought.’
‘I’m sorry, because this is personal, but… Why were you only ever seeking an “arrangement” in the first place? I know Roxxi well enough to have learned a long time ago that judging people as “gold diggers” isn’t always particularly accurate, and she is your sister. You come from the same background. And I know you really care for your girls, so…’
‘I thought an arrangement would be easier. More secure. Because I don’t believe the real thing exists. That’s why.’
‘Don’t. You don’t need to feel sorry for me about it. It’s fine.’
‘…So, the girls… What are you going to teach them about relationships?’
‘Oh God, I don’t know yet. One of the main reasons I’m getting out is that I don’t want them to grow up witnessing this kind of thing. I can put up with being treated like that, but it makes me sick to imagine Marigold or Peach being spoken to in that way by a boyfriend when they’re older. I’ll happily stay a single mum forever rather than let them turn out as messed up as me.’
‘I don’t think that’s strictly necessary, but I do agree staying single for a while is the best idea. It’s too turbulent a time.’
‘Like I said, I’m done with “arrangements” for good. And… I’ve got a lot of thinking to do about all this. I used to think all men were the same before I met you two, and now I just don’t know.’
‘This may be inappropriate for me to comment on, but given the kinds of things I’ve heard from Roxxi about your family, and their willingness to support her marriage to Tate at such a young age… I think that topic should be something you discuss in therapy, if you take it up once you’ve left. And I’d really recommend doing so.’
‘Okay. Thanks for the advice. And for being willing to even talk to me after all that’s happened.’
‘We’re happy to do it.’
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