Couple one: Abraxas and Circe Gore née Bourne
On the surface, it appears that Abraxas Acheron Gore managed to punch well above his weight with the gorgeous Circe. However, what she has in looks, she lacks in personality. A high maintenance, shrill, child hating harpy who desperately wants to be a famous musician, but is completely devoid of any of the talent required to see her dreams come to fruition. She spends a lot of her time practising playing whichever is the latest instrument to take her fancy, preening over herself in the mirror, or yelling at her two children.
Abraxas himself is more of a success, but does not exceed her in the pleasantries. Coming from an old money family, he used the family fortune to buy himself a ludicrously exquisite mansion - in the rundown shithole city of Devil's Port. The Gore Manor is easily the best looking thing in the entire city - despite Abraxas and his woeful underbite living there. He supplements his family's fortune with payback from business investments, extortion, and...starring in pornography.
If you need to stop reading to go and puke, feel free.
Orpheus Odysseus Gore
Abraxas' brother. Much, much nicer than his sibling - helped tremendously by the lack of the evil trait - Orpheus lives in the manor purely because he can be used for free childcare. As neither Abraxas or Circe have any interest in actually doing the hard work of child rearing, it falls on Orpheus to make sure his niece and nephew aren't left wanting. One of his favourite ways to bond with them is to perform magic tricks - a passion of his.
Orpheus disappeared at some point in the childrens' childhoods and has since been presumed dead. Nobody knows exactly what happened, but everyone is convinced Abraxas had something to do with it.
Indigo Lilan Gore
Raised by Orpheus until his disappearance, Indigo had virtually no contact with her parents as a baby and toddler, and what little there was with Abraxas was negative. Her first ever memory is of her mother's death and other than that, has no idea who Circe was and what she was like quite fortunately.
She hates Abraxas with a fiery passion and would like nothing more than to see him ruined/tortured/killed/all of the above. By contrast, as the only adult that gave a fuck about her and her younger brother, Indigo adored Orpheus and was devastated when he "left".
As a young adult, Indigo supports herself with sporadic artistic commissions, helps to look after her younger siblings and makes sure the manor's fridges are kept stocked. Easily enough done as due to her birth date falling on the same evening as a full moon, she was born a genie despite both parents being human (in spite of the justifiable dehumanising insults that can and are made about Abraxas).
Lazarus Magus Gore
Lazarus is...interesting. He comes across as easy going, laid back and generally quite chilled, basically the polar opposite to his constantly angry big sister. Something of a physical powerhouse and into body-building. Much to the exasperation of Indigo, he's the very definition of "long winded" and "Jesus Christ this guy has verbal diarrhoea", and quite eccentric.
Lazarus is also a supernatural, though not by birth like Indigo; as a child he fell in love with magic and alchemy, and has studiously researched both topics. When he was just fifteen, he crafted a bottle witch's brew, turned himself, and ran away to escape Abraxas' tyrannical grasp and the bleak, unwelcoming city of Devil's Port to start a new life. As we can see from the above picture, he managed it

Featured is his long-term partner, the green haired Deveron Rumen Shoel and their son (biologically related to both of them thanks to the power of MAD SCIENCE

Couple two: Abraxas and Phaedra Gore née Bourne née Farraday
You may have noticed that the surname "Bourne" has now popped up twice, the first time being Circe's maiden name. ...Yeah, Abraxas married his mother-in-law. Cut from the same cloth as her daughter, Phaedra is another cruel, spiteful bitch, though fortunately not as ear-drum shatteringly loud as her eldest daughter.
With a curiosity in the supernatural, Phaedra was one of Devil's Port's few psychics. As a conwoman, naturally. She's never been close to her family and didn't really mourn Circe's death - she probably didn't give a shit about it at all, and didn't mind carrying on giving Abraxas more children, so long as she was able to keep the materialistic life she had become accustomed to. Together, they had five children.
Wednesday Phaedra Gore
Being both someone's sister and aunt is going to mess up their head a little, and sure enough that's something Wednesday has decided not to think about. Because really, it's awkward to explain to strangers "hello, Indigo is my sister-aunt. No, honest, there's no incest in our family!"
Actually, Wednesday doesn't like to think about a lot of things that goes on inside the Gore Manor. It doesn't need explaining that neither of her parents are good people, and it's a fact she's well aware of. Fortunately, she's had good support and love from her older siblings; leaving Wednesday and the younger kids behind was something that Lazarus regretted when he ran away.
Wednesday is the one who has visibly suffered the most from growing up with asshats of the highest order for parents, namely depersonalisation and derealisation. The most unusual coping mechanism (and the one that causes her loved ones the most concern) is her interest and participation in the internet's modern variation of Tibetan tulpas, stemming albeit accidentally from interacting with her Imaginary Friend doll as a baby.
Parasite and Failed Abortion Gore
...First of all, fucking ouch, how callous are those names!
Phaedra wanted a girl. She discovered they were twin boys. She hated the idea of having twin boys. So instead of doing anything even remotely close to reasonable and non-twattish, she opted for a third trimester back alley abortion at the criminal rabbithole, and was rewarded with two ghosts. She's the one who named them, and Abraxas didn't give enough of a shit to protest because QUALITY PARENTING.
For reference, Parasite is the orange meteor ghost, and Failed Abortion is the mummy's curse ghost.
The pair of them use their ghostliness to their advantage, and spend their time either phasing through walls and making their "parents" jump, or breaking into Abraxas' private winery (newsflash Abraxas is a snob) and getting absolutely wrecked.
Jezebeth and Aura Gore
Jezebeth on the left, Aura on the right. This pair are not twins but were still born close together. They are the last two babies Phaedra and Abraxas had together but as a result of their terrible parentage had very little contact with them except to be mistreated. Indigo again took on a more parental role for them and as such is very protective of them, like she is with Wednedsay.
They're more often than not happy enough, with an extensive vocabulary of swear words and get plenty of entertainment out of suddenly yelling "fucktwat" at one another. Or otherwise being adorable pests to their siblings.
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