'So, like, are you sure you wanna still do this?'

'Yes. I am not going to back down because that venomous little cunt has equally unstable Mafia friends. The longer damage control is left, the worse off we'll be; I cannot afford to give in now.'

'What are you going to do?'
'What are you going to do?'
'I'm going to go with Nephilim's plan. We go for the defamation angle.'

'Have you decided what you're going to sacrifice?'
'Have you decided what you're going to sacrifice?'

'One of the clubs. Either The Grind or alte Fabrik, I don't care.'

'What're you gonna do if those mobsters come back?'
'I'm not sure. When I can, I'm going to accumulate as much information on them as I can, and the rest of you can share that. If any of them ever dare to step foot in my fucking city again, I want them dead.'

'You should get a panic alarm.'
'You should get a panic alarm.'

'In case anybody surprises you again.'
'In case anybody surprises you again.'

'One that connects to those of us who wish to serve you.'
'One that connects to those of us who wish to serve you.'
'One that connects to those of us who wish to serve you.'
'One that connects to those of us who wish to serve you.'

'That sounds good. Get on it.'

'Is there, like, anything else?'
'I need Caile to pay Phillip Dowsdell a visit. I need his testimony to paint a picture of Indigo's frame of mind if I'm going to have any hope of salvaging my reputation.'

'I'll give 'er a call.'

'Good, thank you.'

'...Fuck. Be right there!'

'N-No, please! Not you! W-Why are you here?! I haven't done anything...! I haven't - I haven't...! Oh God... Oh Jesus, no...'

'Be quiet. I'm not here to hurt you. If you behave, anyway.'
'Abraxas has a favour. You saw Indigo's fabric of lies, right?'

'I - I did...'
'Abraxas isn't happy that his eldest is spreading these sorts of lies about him, so he's turning to you to make up for it. He wants you to go to the press. He wants you to tell the media, the public, that she is mentally unstable and bipolar. He wants you to make her look like the liar that she is, exposed for everyone to see.'
'I can't do that...! She's not...!'

'You're going to do it whether you like it or not.'

'But - but this is my job...! If I do that, other students who need my services won't c-come to me... They won't trust me... They'll lack vital support...'

'I wonder what would be strong enough to prise open the doors to the lift. I wonder what it would feel like to be dangling in the lift shaft. You'd see the light outside disappear if the doors managed to shut again. You'd know death was imminent. Especially when you heard the rattle of the lift rising again. I wonder how long it'd take to clean up the ensuing mess. Do you think the clean up crew might miss something? Maybe the remnant of a finger, or a piece of skin.'

'...I'll do it.'

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