‘We’re so pleased for you, Tate.’
‘Thanks so much. I really have a lot of faith that I can win.’
‘Oh, I’m sure you will!’

‘I think you’ll make an excellent mayor.’
‘I’ll do my best!’

‘Mum, are you finished? Tristan and Zeus are arguing over the TV again.’
‘Oh, honestly… Yeah, I’m done. I’ll come over.’

‘Don’t be hard on them, dear. They’re just spirited children.’
‘I just don’t want them to cause trouble.’

‘Ah, but you and Brie used to bicker all the time! It’s what siblings do.’

‘He’s got a point.’
‘Hey, Auntie Brie! What happened to Jeremy?’
‘Oh, I don’t date him any more. I’m going out with Joe now.’
‘Ooh, okay. You have a lot of boyfriends, don’t you?’

‘Oh Jesus.’

‘Umm… Sometimes it takes a while before you find the right one!’

‘Let’s go sort out your brothers, huh?’

‘Yeah, I thought you’d leap at that. You wanna see me tell them off, don’t you?’
‘Maaaaaybe. Why are all of Brie’s boyfriends old men, anyway?’
‘I don’t know, sweetie, but I don’t think you should ask her.’

‘God, how embarrassing.’

‘Sorry about that... you know what kids are like.’

‘Are you okay, Joe…?’
‘Of course, my dear. Don’t worry about it! I’m going to step outside for a smoke, though.’

‘Then I’ll have dessert ready soon.’

‘Brianne. I’m sorry about Carmella. Should I have said something?’
‘No, she’s fine. Don’t worry.’
‘So… forgive the intrusive question, but what did happen with Jeremy?’

‘Oh, we just wanted different things, that’s all. Actually… he proposed to me.’
‘And you didn’t want to get married?’
‘Hell no. I’m twenty-three, Tate.’

‘I married Roxxi when she was nineteen.’
‘Yeah, you did… but that’s Roxxi, and I’m not her, much as Mum and Dad would like me to be.’
‘That’s fine. You do things the way you want to. Marriage isn’t for everyone, after all.’

‘It’s waaaay too much commitment right now. I don’t wanna tie myself down.’
‘Right, that makes sense. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with you playing the field.’
‘Good. I know Mum and Dad don’t like me going through a lot of guys, but things don’t always work out.’

‘Better that than to stick with someone who isn’t right for you. What’s this one like, anyway? He wasn't too bothered, was he?’
‘No, he’s nice. It's not like he expects me not to have had a past. Still early days yet, of course.’
‘I hope it works out for you, then.’

*knock knock knock*

‘You? How the hell did you find me?’
‘I was on my way to the karaoke bar, but then I happened to spot you coming home. There’s a lot I want to ask you.’
‘And what makes you think you’re entitled to my time?’

‘I’m entitled to the truth. You don’t get to put me through a childhood like that and not explain how it happened.’
‘Still harping on about your childhood? Aren’t you a little old for that excuse now?’
‘It’s not an excuse! I’m just after answers, okay? Not a justification or anything, just the plain facts of what really happened.’
‘Oh, fine.’

‘You’re not sitting down or anything. I’m not welcoming you as a guest. Plain facts it is. What do you want to know?’

‘You start with John Atwood’s death.’
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