‘You sure you’re feelin’ better? You still don’t look great. No offence.’
‘It’s fine. I just haven’t slept well, that’s all.’
‘If you’re sure. I don’t want you to come back too soon and end up worse.’

‘You don’t need to worry about me.’
‘Hey, I’d be a shitty boss if I didn’t care about the health of my employees. And a shitty friend.’
‘If I thought you were either of those things, you’d know about it by now.’
‘Good point!’

‘Anyway, about your vote…’
‘C’mon Aria, you already know what it is.’
‘Are you registered to vote?’
‘Yep. I’ve lived here a while, you know that.’

‘Good… Sorry, I just can’t stand the idea of him winning.’
‘Me neither, man. Is that why you’re on edge? At least, it don’t feel like it’s just the illness.’
‘…Yeah. Does it seem petty to you?’

‘Petty? What part of that’s meant to be petty?’
‘You know, when we were telling people down at the pub not to vote for him, and that Wayne said I shouldn’t treat my dad like that and ruin his chances just because we don’t get on.’
‘Hell no, Aria. That guy’s a fuckin’ creep, anyway, I wouldn’t listen to him.’
‘I could’ve worked that out when you told me he runs a strip club.’
‘Yeah, and from what you told me ‘bout Tate, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if he was one of the patrons.’

‘That’s a lovely thought, Stan. I’m so grateful.’
‘Sorry… Though, uh, I can’t talk. I’ve been before. Not to that one, but a different one.’
‘Don’t ruin our friendship like this.’

‘Not for a dance or nothin’ like that, though! And I wouldn’t do it if I was taken.’
‘Don’t do it at all. Gross.’
‘It was my cousin’s stag. I couldn’t really back out, it was in Italy and I didn’t wanna ruin the night. Anyway, it wasn’t that good. The novelty wears off quickly. Besides, my grandpa came along too.’

‘…Your grandpa went on a stag do? To a strip club?’
‘He don’t miss a party.’
’Yeah. And then my grandma told him after if he wanted to see a woman strip, he could’ve stayed home.’
‘Okay, I’m gonna stop you there.’

‘Ah, shit, I just remembered. I was meant to be handing in my payment for prom!’

‘We can go before the end of break.’
‘I did mine last week. Still need to drag Aria to help me go dress shopping. She’s got a good eye for these things.’

‘Mind if I tag along, or is it a sisters only deal? I don’t ever wear the things, but I figured I should get into the spirit of it. At least, I’m not really the suit-wearing kind of lesbian.’
‘No, that’ll be fine. A girly shopping trip is nice now and again.’
‘Cool! What about you guys? You got your outfits sorted?’

‘Not yet. I’ll have to get my mum to help. I’m not convinced I can pick out a good suit on my own!’

‘Uh… I don’t think I can make it.’
‘What? But you have to go! It wouldn’t be the same without you.’
‘Look, I can barely afford the ticket, let alone a suit. There’s no way Mum would pay for it, so it’d come out of my pocket money, and… Those things are expensive.’
‘That’s not fair! She wouldn’t do that for you, to have a good time? It’s like our last hurrah. Before real life comes along and kicks us in the face.’
‘It’s my mum, Ive. Her budget towards me having a good time is pretty non-existent. I know, it sucks. I really wanted to go.’

‘God… Even Ellis and Aria managed to squeeze some money out of Tate for prom… Though they did go to Roxxi for it.’
‘I was gonna say, Tate having a moment of kindness?’
‘Too good to be true.’

‘Surely we can find you a cheap suit?’
‘I dunno. It might be too late, anyway.’

‘We should find a way, man.’

‘Thanks. It’d be cool if we could. Otherwise, you’re just gonna have to be the cool dude with a girl hanging off each arm!’

‘Hmm, think we can manage that, Raya?’

‘Yeah, I think so… what about you?’
‘Sure, why not. But if Heath comes, I guess I’ll have him, and you can get Logan all to yourself!’
‘I guess I will…’

‘Or we can just go as a foursome, because nobody actually does the date thing.’

‘No offence, but you three are the last people I’d have a foursome with!’
‘Not that kind of foursome!’
‘Actually, it’s probably better not to go in couples.’

‘Because I’d have to have you?’
‘Hey! You offered to have me!’
‘I was being kind to Saraya.’

‘Damn. Hope Heath brought his burn heals to school.’
‘You think he’d be able to carry enough? They’d probably be used up by mid-morning…’
‘I think you’re onto something there, Raya!’

‘You guys are assholes. No, I meant because it doesn’t usually work out, does it? Imagine if I’d ended up having to come with Lisa. If I do manage to come, I’d much rather not have my memories of it tainted by having a shitty person as a date.’
‘Right, but none of us have future sight, do we?’
‘Exactly. Better not to risk it.’

‘Aww, Heath! I was only kidding, y’know. You’d make a great date for someone. You’re not giving up on people, are you?’
‘For good? Nah. Until we leave school, damn right. I can at least set my sets higher by virtue of not looking for people in this shithole.’
‘Valid point, but you’d better not be including us in that!’
‘Like I said, the three of you are pretty sexy in your own ways, but my dick’s going nowhere near it.’

‘I think there’s some good people here… But you’ve gotta get the awkward questions out of the way first. If you manage to get past that and it still goes wrong after that, well, that’s life. You can only do so much. Either way, I don’t blame you for wanting to wait. You can start slutting it up when we’ve graduated, right?’

‘Yeah, much as I’d like to imagine that, I’ll probably just be a virgin playing video games in his room.’
‘You and me both, buddy.’

‘You two are gonna have an easier time of it than me, that’s for sure.’
‘But you’re, um, a good-looking guitarist in a band…’

‘Oh, um, thanks… But you know what the obvious issue is. Y’know, that thing we talked about the other day.’
‘Ah… I guess… But some people won’t mind.’
‘Yeah, I hope so…’

‘She’s right, my dude. It’ll all work out.’
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