Sunday, 18 February 2018

Gallo Introduction

Ettore and Donna Gallo

As mentioned, the Gallos are a Mafia family. Ettore is the big boss in charge, taking over at the age of twenty-five. Now in his late fifties, he's still going strong, with three children and six grandchildren.  He's the life and soul of any party and quite friendly and easy to get along with by nature, although he's certainly no pushover. When anybody is stupid enough to cross the Gallo family, Ettore doesn't do things by halves. As a real family man, he's prepared to help out his relatives in a heartbeat, and welcomes new ones as though they've been around for years.

Donna is his wife of many years. She's an excellent painter and cook, and takes over a lot of the childcare for the one grandchild that lives with them. A strong man like Ettore enjoys having a strong woman by his side, and Donna certainly fits that. Their setup is somewhat traditional but equal and harmonious. Donna has free reign over the house, especially the decor.

Feleti and Verity Gallo

Feleti is one half of a pair of identical twins, and one of Stanley's cousins. He is much more sensible than his brother, often being the only voice of reason in the room. Intelligent and a little on the grumpy side, Feleti works as a criminal lawyer, mostly for the gang but also taking on a few other cases. He's very successful in this regard, using his quick thinking and silver tongue to deliver a lot of not guilty verdicts. Feleti takes a backseat to most of the violence, rarely getting involved in carrying out punishments and preferring to observe his brothers and father at work.

Verity is a politician in Monte Vista. Being a Gallo wife, she's very glamourous and charismatic. Also being a Gallo wife, she tends to carry weapons on her person to protect herself or threaten to tase the balls of men who dare to try it on with her. On the whole, she's a genuine person who cares about her people, unlike other certain other politicians we know. Feleti and Verity hope to have their first child soon.

Nari Gallo

Nari is Feleti's twin. He doesn't have a specified job within the gang and as the son of the boss, doesn't really need to take on much work, but he often goes along with it for the fun of it, being very good as muscle. Personality-wise, Nari is a lot like his father. Inappropriate, with a good sense of humour. Nari is also a massive flirt, hitting on just about every woman he meets and racking up God knows how many notches on his bedpost. This is the source of many jokes by Genaro and Ettore, not helped by the fact that he's the only son to still live at home. However, don't underestimate Nari. Underneath his easy-going persona lies a real sadistic streak and he takes pleasure in carrying out some of the... messier jobs.

Being a manwhore ladies' man, it was inevitable that at least one of his conquests would lead to either an STI or a child. Fortunately for Nari, it was the latter. His eight-year-old daughter Bianca lives with the family, in Donna's care whenever her father is out at work.

The latter two characters won't be appearing any time soon, but I felt it'd be good to get some clarification on them anyway.

Giselle Cooper

You may remember Stanley's overbearing mother from my Christmas post. She's Ettore's older sister and, to put it unkindly but honestly, the family nag. Her vision is for her two children to be happily married to suitable people and produce lots of grandchildren she can spoil. Unfortunately, things haven't quite turned out that way. She lays the pressure on Stanley to find a wife, despite him having zero interest in doing so, being far too attached to a young person's life free of responsibilities. In her own mind, Giselle is only doing right by her children and wanting the best for them, but they all have very different ideas about what that means.

Portia Cooper

Giselle's first born and Stanley's sister, Portia is a fake tan-loving beautician living close to her parents in the city of Miniopolis. She got married far too soon at a young age, in what essentially was a shotgun wedding due to Portia being pregnant with her now-adult daughter Gucci.  Ricardo, the husband, and Portia simply didn't know each other very well. As such, the marriage was never particularly solid, destroyed beyond repair when he started to have affairs. Following the divorce, Portia decided to reclaim her lost youth by partying and wearing very revealing clothing, something Gucci finds extremely embarrassing. Portia settled down with a boyfriend a few years ago and had her second child with him. She refuses point blank to consider marrying him though, to Giselle's displeasure.

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