Saturday, 23 June 2018

Back home

'I just spoke to the insurance. Repairs are going ahead ASAP. Shouldn't take too long, since there wasn't too much damage to the living room or kitchen and it was mostly in the hallway. Thanks for agreeing to have us, anyway.'

'No problem, mate. We're just glad it's not too bad. You three can stay as long as you need to.'

'Great. I just... can't believe it's happened. Every time you forget how bad he is, he always has to come along and do something to remind you.'

'Ugh, I know...'

'It kinda feels like it's out of nowhere. When he came over, he made it sound like he'd do something if Saraya “interfered” again. But she didn't. Neither of us did. I don't get why he changed his mind.'

'Because he's a prick? He probably just found out we were on holiday and thought it'd be an easy opportunity. Would've been obvious nobody was in.'

'I guess you're right.'

*knock knock*

'Hey, I think that'll be Nyla!'

'Oh, I didn't realise she was coming.'


'Hey. Yeah, I invited her over to talk about the restraining order.'

'Is there an update?'

'I spoke to my colleagues and they've been dealing with it while we've been away. You'll get a call when it goes through.'

'Oh, good! Thanks for this, Ellis.'

'My pleasure. So if he turns up at your place again, make sure you phone us right away, okay? Someone will come over immediately.'

'I will. And Stan's going to move in with me for a while too. I ought to be safe.'

'Good! You are safe. That's why we're here.'

'So... Nalini said Austin was already on your radar.'

'Yeah, I'm afraid so.'

'Turns out my mum was one of his “clients”. I didn't know who he was at the time, but he came over here to ask me to pay up on her behalf.'

'Oh God, seriously?! What happened? Are you okay?'

'Don't worry, I'm fine. My mum didn't get off so lightly though... I couldn't pay him, so he put her in the hospital.'

'Shit, Heath, I'm so sorry!'

'It's okay, Nyla. He's nothing to do with you. Just a weird coincidence how that jerk's been involved in both our lives now.'

'You must think I'm a real idiot for ever dating him.'

'No, what I think is that people manage to deceive innocent men and women into thinking that they're decent, and by the time they figure out otherwise, it's often too late. I don't blame you for falling for him. I can't imagine he started out like that.'

'No, he didn't...'

'People spend too long trying to question the victims and imply they're at fault for sticking around, when in reality, there's nobody to blame but the abusive dickhead in the first place.'

'You're right. If there's one thing I understand about Brie, it's the whole being in denial thing... though not so much the stabbing your sister in the back thing.'

'I must admit, I'm finding it really hard to sympathise with her right now. She made shitty choices of her own free will. Not saying she deserves Tate or anything, but she knows full well she shouldn't have started fucking him in the first place.'

'That's true, but... I don't think she should be denied help because of her awful actions. I'm firmly on Roxxi's side. She's my friend. But I also know what it feels like.'

'She was offered help. She just refused to take it.'

'Maybe finding out about the fire might change things. It'll be harder and harder to bury her head in the sand then.'

'Mm... Though I doubt she'll believe it was Tate without proof, which we don't have.'

'I'm sorry. It's not that I want her to be punished for what happened... I want her to leave him just as much as anyone, for her sake and the twins'. I'm just pretty fucking pissed at her right now.'

'You've got every right to be pissed, Logan. It's okay.'

'Let's just see how the investigation goes. And Nalini said she'll talk to Brianne too, at some point. Who knows, maybe she'll get through to her.'

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