Saturday, 23 June 2018

Fire fallout

'Hi, it's Saraya... I've got some bad news to tell you.'

'Oh, hi. What's the matter? Is Mattie okay?'

'Gimme phone, Daddy!'

'They're fine, thank God. It's the house. We went away on holiday to visit relatives and while we were gone, someone... someone set fire to our house.'

'Oh my God! That's awful, I'm really sorry!'

'Thanks. I'm so sorry it's happened...'

'For what? It's not your fault, whoever did it's to blame.'

'Look, the thing is, I was deliberately targeted. I've got no proof, but I know who did it, and it was because I pissed him off.'

'Yeah, but that doesn't mean arson's your fault.'


'Hang on. I'll explain in a bit, take Evanthe in the other room for a sec?'

'Blood Dancccer will kill whoever turnsss fire againssst our kind.'

'But I promised my home would be safe for Mattie, and now it isn't! I don't want them in danger because someone has it in for me...'

'What's the damage like? Is the place salvagable or are you gonna have to move?'

'No. The fire wasn't severe, they got to it quickly. We're at my brother's house just for now.'

'Small mercies. Maybe when you're settled back in, we could think of some measures to make the place more lule friendly. Sprinkler systems tied in to the fire alarms, put something like that in each room.'

'Oh, definitely! I will absolutely do that.'

'If you want some help, me or Blood Dancer could come down and do some shit for you. ...Providing she's not liable to run into the arsonist.'

'It's possible... Can't say I'd be upset if she did anything to him.'

'Even if it ended with funeral arrangements? Because she's got a special hate place in her heart for arsonists.'

'Well, to be honest, I've got a special hate place in my heart for fathers who set their daughters' houses on fire because they don't like them telling their girlfriends the truth about them being abusive. But no, she shouldn't get herself into trouble on our behalf.'

'Wow. Wow. Shit. I just meant, I didn't think you'd want to cover up a death. Fuck a duck, I'm really sorry.'

'He's the worst. I just feel slightly responsible. I thought you might be mad at me for provoking it...'

'I don't care if you went up and stuck a pineapple up his butt, that doesn't excuse how he retaliated. We're just mad at him.'

'I'm glad. Thank you.'

'No worries. But yeah, if you need some help, let us know. Without eating any psychos.'

'We will. And I promise, I'll keep Mattie safe. And when they're older, if anything happens, maybe they can bite a finger off or something.'

'Hah, sounds good! Look after yourselves.'

'I overheard Dad talking to Edward earlier. They're planning on putting their money together with some of the others and using it to treat Raya and Logan to a stay in a fancy hotel. I know it won't make up for what's happened, but it'll be nice for them to have a little break away.'

'Oh, nice. That's a kind thing to do.'

'Yeah. Grandad may be the biggest prick ever, but at least the rest of the family comes together in a crisis.'

'Uh huh.'

'You still seem kinda distracted. Is it about us... y'know, having sex? Did I do everything right? I didn't hurt you at all, did I?'

'No, no, you didn't. I promise. It was really, really nice. You were great.'

'Oh, good... I didn't wanna give the impression I only cared about getting laid. It meant much more than that. I wanted to make sure you had a good time too.'

'I honestly did. I'm glad my first time was with you. I wouldn't have wanted it any other way, or with anyone else. It was special.'

'I can't wait to do it again. Not sure when that might be... I'd have to be really lucky to manage to get the house empty for us, and I don't think you'll wanna do it with the others around. Hell, I don't wanna do it with the others around. Too much of a risk of Vincent bursting in to show us a bug, or Nix yelling random crap in my head.'

'Oh God. I'm not sure how we can do it either... I don't really fancy outside. Not yet.'

'I'll think about it. Maybe ask Tristan for inspiration or something. Or ask to borrow his office for an afternoon.'

'I don't think he'll be up for that!'

'No, me neither.'

'Hey, if there was something really wrong, you'd tell me, right? You know I'm here for you.'

'...Of course I would.'

'Good. I really care about you. I mean, actually, it's more than that... I love you, Jude.'

'I love you too.'

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