‘Oh hi, Ellis. What can I do for you?’
‘Dad isn’t home yet, right?’
‘No, he’s still at work.’

‘Good. Because I really need to talk to you properly. Can we go somewhere quiet, away from the kids?’
‘Sure… They’re playing upstairs. We can go in the kitchen.’

‘You must promise you won’t repeat this to Dad. Okay?’
‘Is it that bad?’
‘Yes, it is.’

‘I don’t know if I should make promises like that. I want to be honest with him…’
‘What, as honest as he is with you? I’m sorry, I really want to handle this with sensitivity, but you can’t deny that he’s deceived you.’
‘I’m well aware of that. I’d just rather be better than that.’

‘He has lied to you from the day he met you. You came to our house pregnant, clearly with no idea we existed! Sorry, but you know that’s true. You were just as shocked to see us as we were you. And I don’t hold it against you at all, but I do hold it against him.’
‘That was eight years ago, Ellis. I’ve moved on. I’m committed to being a wife and a mother. I can’t hold grudges.’
‘From that stunt he pulled with the triplets, it’s still happening. Roxxi, the most generous way I can describe him is as a sexist piece of trash.’

‘What’s your point? You want to get me to leave, like Aria did? I didn’t then, and I won’t now. I can’t, alright?’

‘What Aria told you isn’t a lie. Nor did she misinterpret anything. Because I was there too, and I heard everything. I’m backing up what she said 100%.’

‘Aria was telling you the truth. I can’t do any more than agree with her, and I should have done that months ago. I’m doing it now because I can’t live with myself, and because you deserve better than this.’
‘You’re saying he…’

‘…Killed my mum? Yeah.’
‘No, I can’t… That can’t be right…’
‘Like I said, don’t repeat any of this to him. It’s not safe. If you choose to leave, our door is open at any time. If you choose to stay… well, it still is. We’ll always support you.’

‘…I’m sorry, I…’
‘I’m not asking you to make a decision right now. I just had to do the right thing. Protecting everyone is hard… It’s a bit of a balancing act. God knows I don’t want to set him off again. But I’ve been cowardly here.’
‘You’re not… Oh God, you’re not.’

‘Do you believe me?’
‘I don’t know… but look, presuming this is true… Aren’t I in the same danger, if I make that choice? That just cements that I can’t leave.’
‘No, because we’d help! We’d find a way out for you!’

‘You think I can manage as a single parent of triplets? I can’t take any money from you, and if I went, there’s no way my parents would be on my side. I’d never afford it, for one thing… I’ve got no skills, no future, nowhere would hire me. I’m not capable of it. No court in the world would side with me.’
‘Who cares about doing things legally? That’s out of the question. I'm talking about running away.’
‘You know that couldn't work… And speaking of legally, how did the police not notice anything wrong? With your mother…? Is the mind control stuff really true?’

‘Yeah, it is. It’s not like any of us wanted to cover it up, but… Dad made it clear that we couldn’t tell the truth. Fuck, we were just kids. Even me. I wasn’t even eighteen… I didn’t know what to do. So I did nothing, and now that’s a bridge I can’t cross, legally. So yeah, I was a coward.’
‘Ellis, sweetie, I’m not even half as brave as you are. I always thought you’d managed really well. You were so kind to your sisters, and the way you looked after Charon, too… At least you went and got a real job. I made all the wrong choices… I’m saying, I’m not half as mature or responsible as you are. So I don’t think I can manage on my own.’
‘I think you could do a lot more than you’re giving yourself credit for.’

‘There’s no good solution to this. Any way I go will end badly. Either I try to leave and get killed, or I divorce him and lose, or I go on the run as some kind of outlaw.’
‘Why don’t you take some time to consider your options? I mean… how does he treat the kids?’
‘He’s still kind with them… Ellis, I swear, I might be useless, but if I thought he was mistreating them, I really would go, okay? I can put up with anything he might do to me, but them…’
‘Does that include emotional abuse? Because he wasn't violent to any of us. It's everything else that was the problem.’
‘Of course it does…’

‘I guess they do still seem enamoured with him. So he doesn't belittle them, get angry...?’
‘No, I've never seen that happen. He's never been angry with them. Obviously I'm not around 100% of the time, but they all seem to trust him fine. And he doesn't have them on his own that often anyway.’
‘Right… You come to us if you suspect anything, okay?’

‘Yeah, I will. I’ll stay on alert. I know this isn’t the answer you want, but…’
‘It’s fine. I know what’s at stake. Believe me… I really get it.’
‘Thank you, sweetheart. You’re such a lovely person.’

‘You are, too. Too good for this. But then we all were, huh?’
‘Yeah… I think so.’

‘Ellis? What are you doing here?’

‘Oh, Dad… I, um, actually came to talk to you…’
‘Okay? What is it?’

‘…I know you’re racist, and I can’t change that. I don’t intend to expose Charon to it. So… don’t instil anything like that in the triplets. Keep your stupid opinions to yourself. They already know bigotry is bullshit, so don’t go indoctrinating them or turning them against their own nephew.’

‘I beg your pardon? Who are you tell me what I can and can’t say-’

‘Oh, don’t worry, Ellis. I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen. I don’t like bigotry, either.’
‘Thanks. That’s all I needed to hear. I’d better get going, then…’
‘See you later.’

‘….Do you mind telling me what all that was about?’

‘I think your prejudice against aliens is wrong, and I don’t want the kids picking up on it.’
‘Prejudice? Well, I’m very sorry for disliking the fact that they implant foetuses in men without their consent.’
‘Has Charon done that to anyone?’

‘Well no, but give it time. And just what the hell were you doing hugging him?’

‘Ellis and I are on good terms. I don’t see anything wrong with a hug. And don’t change the subject… Sorry, but I won’t back down on this. I’m your wife. We’re a partnership. You know I’m dedicated to you, so please give my decisions some weight. The kids will make up their own minds without you needing to convince them one way or the other.’

‘Roxxi… I feel like I’m losing you. What can I do? I hate arguing with you.’
‘Treat me with more respect, please. Treat everyone with more respect. I’ll definitely be more attracted to you if you do.’
‘…Okay. I won’t say any more anti-alien things in front of the triplets.’
‘Thank you.’

‘You really do mean a lot to me, you know. Because you’re right, we are a partnership. I suppose you have to compromise sometimes in a marriage.’
‘Yeah… Thanks.’
‘Do you think we could spend the rest of the evening together, once the kids have gone to bed? Get an early night, perhaps?’