*knock knock knock*

‘Can I help you?’
‘I know you’re hiding Edward in there. I need to come in. Let me through.’
‘Uh, no you don’t —’

‘Hey! What the fuck do you think you’re doing? You don’t live here any more, you can’t just let yourself in!’
‘Watch me.’

‘And there we have it. No wonder Aria didn’t want me coming in.’

‘Oh, wonderful, it’s you.’

‘What the hell is your problem?! This isn’t your house. We can have anyone we like living with us! But you’re not welcome here, so get out!’

‘Yeah, do as she says. Unless you’re here relating to Saraya’s care, nobody here is interested in anything you have to say.’

‘Oh, charming. You lot fucking deserve each other.’

‘What’s going on…?’

‘Look, Edward, it’s this simple. I don’t want you seeing my triplets.’

‘Me meeting them was quite by accident-’
‘I don’t care. You’re not to be around them, at all. It’s bad enough that you’ve turned up like a bad penny after all these years-’

‘Oh, what, because you made him homeless? Fuck you. You did that!’

‘And I see you’ve already started dripping poison into their ears about me, too.’

‘Believe me, Tate, I didn’t need to.’

‘You’re pissed off because he told the truth about you? You just expect everyone to take your shit without ever saying anything?’
‘Stay out of things you don’t understand.’

‘Oh, just say your piece and then leave. We’re fed up of pandering to your delusions. You’re damn lucky I haven’t punched you for what you did.’
‘I’d like to see you try.’

‘Go on, Edward, rip his fucking head off!’

‘Fortunately for him, I’m better than that.’

‘Yeah, that’s what I thought. Like I said, stay away from my children. I’m not giving you the chance to fill their heads full of crap.’
‘Do you really think I would talk to a group of seven-year-olds about what you put me through? They wouldn’t even begin to understand it. I wouldn’t hurt them to get back at you.’
‘You told this lot, evidently, and Saraya is still only fifteen.’

‘Yeah, well, you wrote us lot off years ago, so what does it matter if we see you for what you really are?’

‘They asked me what had happened. They had a right to the truth. I figured they were old enough to understand. Your triplets, however, are not. So you have nothing to worry about, for Christ’s sake.’
‘Exactly. He’s not the one here who traumatises kids.’

‘Saraya, you are not to bring the triplets here, under any circumstance. That’s if I let you see them again.’

‘What the hell? You can’t just revoke access!’
‘You’re lucky I’m even considering it. She put them at risk, by bringing them here.’
‘Are you fucking serious?!’

‘That’s ridiculous! You really think I pose any kind of risk?!’

‘I’ll let you know my decision later. Don’t worry, I can see myself out.’

‘Eat shit, Tate!’

‘He really threatened to take access away just because Edward was here?’

‘I’m really sorry. This is my fault.’
‘No, not at all. He would have found out eventually, anyway. And bringing them here is no crime.’

‘Don’t blame yourself over this. It’s all that dickhead’s fault.’

‘But what if we don’t get to see them again?’

‘He could have just been throwing his weight around.’

‘This was about me, nothing else. I was always a thorn in his side when it came to you lot. He’s worried about me potentially interfering with the triplets.’

‘If he really wants to revoke access, then I’ll talk to Roxxi. I doubt she’d be on board with it.’

‘I thought you didn’t like getting Roxxi involved.’
‘Well, this is different…’
‘Yeah, you’re right, there’s a big difference between just being a jerk, and then being a murderer and a hitman.’

‘A hitman?’
‘Well, yeah. He killed John Atwood, I think that much is obvious. And sorry to bring him up, but Miles specifically said he was after Olivia’s money, too.’

‘The money that he was unable to inherit…’

‘So what other conclusion can you come to? Olivia had to have been involved. Would Tate have just killed John if he wasn’t getting anything out of it?’
‘I never did like to dwell on the situation… but you’re right. That’s the only explanation that makes sense.’

‘And it explains why Olivia stuck with us all that time. Because she and Tate were in it together, and she was copping the fallout as well.’

‘So, in the most literal sense… he was a hitman. A hired assassin… Against his own father-in-law, too.’

‘Technically speaking, he wasn’t his father-in-law, at the time.’
‘God, I was only eleven at the time. John was the headmaster of the school I went to. I’d just joined as a Year Seven the previous year. Then he was murdered. Everyone was devastated. He was much-loved, at that school. But even before then, he was a family friend. Your grandparents knew him rather well.’

‘He was a family friend? So Tate killed a family friend?!’
‘…All evidence would indicate so, unfortunately.’

‘…Sorry, everyone. I need to go lie down. Think I can feel a headache coming on.’

‘Yep. Another conversation that was too difficult.’

‘I know what you were getting at, Aria, but you shouldn’t hold it against Ellis.’
‘Why couldn’t he back me up over talking to Roxxi about Tate’s killing?’
‘He’s demoralised and without proof.’

‘Strength in numbers might have helped? But no, it’s easy just to pass it off as Aria the delusional, crazy bitch.’
‘You’re right. But you should consider that Ellis is only afraid of the retaliation if Tate found out. Aren’t you?’
‘Not enough to stop me from trying.’

‘He also has a child. And quite frankly, I don’t know if there is a low that Tate wouldn’t stoop to. I don’t wish to be horrible, but I can imagine Ellis is fretting over the possibility of being murdered in front of his son. Or even worse, his son being murdered in front of him.’
‘…Sorry. But those are the worst extremes your mind can go to.’

‘What about the possibility of Roxxi being murdered in front of her kids?’

‘Yeah, but… our mum was killed for trying to leave. What if it’s actually safer for her to stay…?’
‘Oh, fuck…’

‘Please, let’s not drive ourselves mad over the possibilities. I shouldn’t have said that, I’m sorry. We’re all doing our best here. Let’s not point fingers at each other. None of us are giving up on Roxxi or the triplets.’
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