‘Um, hi. I’m new. Do you mind if I sit here?’
‘No, not at all! That’s fine.’
‘Awesome, thanks. Didn't wanna sit on my own.’

‘I’m Ivy.’
‘Yeah, we just moved from Riverview. Dad got a promotion, so… we came here, and I don’t know anyone yet.’

‘I’m from Bridgeport… but I moved years and years ago now. Was just a little kid. I’ve been here longer than I was there.’
‘Never been to Bridgeport.’
‘I’ve visited Riverview before, ‘cos my stepmum’s family lives there… We used to go for Christmas.’

‘Shit, isn’t it? Nothing ever happens in Riverview. I was hoping Sunset Valley would be more interesting.’
‘Well… It’s quiet here, too. I think my brother having an alien baby was one of the most interesting things to happen.’
‘Your brother had an alien baby? Wow! That’s really rare, isn’t it?’

‘Yeah, he’s the only one around here.’
‘What are alien babies like?’
‘They’re just like regular babies, except… tinnier? Their voices have a weird echo. And, well, obviously they’re green. Um… and they’re really quick to walk and talk.’

‘That’s fucking cool.’
‘He’s six now. He’s a nice boy.’

‘Reckon Mr Farrow would let us put an ad here?’
‘Doubt it, man. Guy’s a stick in the mud.’
‘Well, he should. Who’s he to get in the way of the next upcoming rock legends?’

‘You think you might be getting ahead of yourself there, Heath?’
‘Dude, I’m serious.’
‘Might help if we actually get a drummer first.’

‘That’s what the ad’s for, genius. Anything so we don’t have to seriously consider Satanist Steve.’
‘Yeah, with the way he was banging on about virgin sacrifices, I bet you were getting worried.’
‘Oh, like you’re not one too. We’re fifteen! We’re not even legal.’
‘Doesn’t stop some people.’

‘Well, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it.’

‘Who are those two?’
‘Oh, them? That’s Logan Greene and Heath Everett.’
‘Did they say they’re looking for a drummer? I play drums.’
‘It sounded like it.’
‘I’m gonna ask.’

‘Hey, guys. Did you say you needed a drummer?’
‘Yeah, that’s right.’
‘We’re starting a metal band. Well, hard rock, alternative, too. It varies.’

‘Cool. Sorry, my name's Ivy, I'm the new kid. I overheard you. I don't wanna muscle my way in or anything, but do you mind if I audition?’
‘If you play drums, you're more than welcome to!’
‘Great! I play piano too, but I'm a lot better at drums, and those are my genres, too.’

‘Are you good?’
‘No, I’m shit, that’s why I’m offering. Thought you’d like me to fuck up your rhythm.’
‘Hahaha, yeah, that was a stupid question. It’s just that we know a guy who’s good, but man… it’s complicated.’

‘With a name like Satanist Steve, I can see why you’d look for someone else.’
‘Right! You wanna come sit with us? We’re at the back.’
‘Sure. Oh, could Saraya come too?’

‘Oh, uh… yeah, if you want.’
‘Cheers. I was talking to her first, you see, and I'd feel rude just moving like that.’
‘Well, there's two more free seats on the back row, so you'd both fit.’

‘Hey, I'm off to sit with those guys at the back, but do you wanna come too? They said it's okay.’

‘Oh, no… you guys don’t have to have me out of pity, I’m fine…’

‘It’s fine, Saraya. Of course you can sit with us.’
‘Are you sure? I really don't wanna intrude...’
‘Not at all. It's cool.’

‘You guys don’t mind Saraya joining us for lunch too, right? I don’t wanna make things awkward and force her on you, I just thought she seemed nice. And she was on her own.’

‘No, I don’t mind. She always sits on her own… I don’t think she has friends here.’
‘Why's that?’
‘Dunno really. Haven't paid that much attention. She seems really shy, though.’

‘Yeah… She always used to hang out with her sister last year, but I think she just graduated.’
‘Ohh, right. So she’s definitely on her own, now.’
‘Aye. It’s not that I mind either, just… Her sister seemed a bit…’

‘A bit what?’
‘What do you mean, scary?’

‘Like, aggressive?’
‘She got suspended once for punching this guy. Properly knocked him out.’
‘Aria, they called her. Not like we know her or anything. Never even spoke to her. But she got a reputation.’
‘They kept to themselves, those two. I don’t think Saraya’s like her sister, but still…’

‘Hey! We’re over here, come sit with us again.’

‘So, tell us a bit about yourself? What do you do in your spare time?’
‘Oh, not much… I read a lot. I spend a lot of time babysitting my nephew and siblings…’

‘Hey, haven’t we seen you at the arcade before?’
‘Yeah… I go there sometimes, too. I’m not very good at games, though. I like them, but then my older brother is better than anyone. Even my nephew beats me.’
‘Sounds like you got a big family.’

‘You have no idea… There’s six of us.’

‘Six in your family?’
‘No, I mean my dad had six kids… Um, what about you?’
‘Me, I don’t have any kids, no.’

‘Oh God, Heath. You’re not funny.’
‘You’re laughing, though!’
‘I wish I wasn’t.’
‘Nah, I’m an only child.’

‘Yeah, me too.’

‘So am I. Guess your dad had enough kids for all our families, huh?’

‘Sounds like it! It’s kinda embarrassing.’
‘But it’s probably nice having siblings, right? I wouldn’t know. Probably never will, either. My mum’s gay.’

‘Oh, that’s kind of a relief. I'm gay, too. I was hoping you guys wouldn’t mind.’

‘No, not at all!’
‘What if I mind very much?’
‘Then you can go sit in Homophobe Corner by yourself.’

‘Just kidding. Honestly, these days I’m wondering if I might be into guys as well as girls.’

‘Do you like dick? If you do, then there’s your answer.’
‘Y’know, I think you’re gonna fit in just fine.’

‘Well, I’m straight, but I don’t mind at all. You don’t have to worry about me being judgemental.’

‘Cool. I’m glad to hear that. ‘Cos not everyone’s so accepting. Don’t tell anyone else, will you? I don’t want any of the chavs taking the piss.’
‘No, of course not. I won’t say a word.’
‘Thanks a lot. Like I said, you know what people can be like.’
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