‘A week is pretty fuckin’ good, though.’
‘No, I haven’t made it this far in quite some time.’
‘How do you feel?’

‘The worst of the physical symptoms are wearing off. I still want to drink, but I’m not going to. I can’t, anyway, I made them hide my wallet.’
‘Wow. When’re you gonna ask for it back?’
‘Not just yet. They’ve just been giving the odd bit of money for taxis to get to my appointments… and watching to make sure I get in them, if they’ve been around. Yes, it’s that bad. I just didn’t trust myself at first.’

‘Well, I think you’re doin’ great.’
‘Thank you. I think I’ve surprised myself. I didn’t have a lot of faith in myself.’
‘Good job the rest of us got faith in you, then.’

‘I certainly can’t do it alone. So how are you coping without me?’
‘Oh, I’m fine. I still got my old friends. Anyway, you ain’t missin’ much… you can save your energy for goin’ to actual nice places instead of, y’know, shitty pubs.’
‘The problem is that alcohol really is everywhere. I can’t avoid the stuff. I can choose not to visit bars and pubs, but it’ll limit where I really can go. And it’s bloody everywhere in advertising, too.’

‘…Guess you could go to kids’ places?’

‘Yes, I’ll just take my youngest niece and nephews out, that’ll be nice… or it would be, if Tate didn’t consider me a “threat.”’
‘Pfft, a threat to what? His reputation?’
‘Exactly. Oh well, there’s still Charon. May as well make the most of him being little. It’s not like I’ll get to have my own children.’

‘Hey, you never know. Men stay fertile a long time.’
‘There are a lot of issues with that idea, but instead I’m just going to pretend I never mentioned it.’
‘Aww. C’mon. You don’t gotta give up on the idea.’

‘It’s not even in question. It’s not the end of the world, anyway. I’d rather just focus on getting better, and appreciating being back with Ellis, Aria and Saraya.’
‘Sure, I get it. I just think you’d make a great dad. You already do.’
‘I’m grateful for getting a second chance at all, honestly.’

‘Well you deserve it, ‘cos ain’t none of what happened to you was your fault.’
‘I know that. But I’m still embarrassed that I ended up sinking so low.’
‘You didn’t make a choice to be like that. You got an illness, and the fact that you took charge in the first place and went and asked for help is a brave thing to do. Even when stoppin’ is makin’ you sick, and even though it’s gonna be a long road.’
‘Thank you, Stanley. I’ll try to hang onto that.’

‘Why can’t we go to your house any more?’

‘Dad doesn’t want you to.’
‘But why?’
‘Because he-’

‘Because he’s a prick.’

‘Hey, no he’s not! Why are you so rude about him?’
‘Yeah, Ari, that’s not a nice thing to say!’

‘Fine, fine. Sorry.’

‘…I was going to say, because he doesn’t like Uncle Edward.’

‘Oh. But he seemed nice.’

‘He is nice. They just don’t get along, for totally-not-one-sided reasons. Completely mutual, blame on both sides, etc etc.’

‘But why can’t I come to your place, either? I’ve never been to your new house.’

‘Father said it’s an alien-free zone.’
‘…But that’s not very nice either.’
‘Yeah, I dunno why. Maybe it’s dangerous? Maybe you’ll melt if you come to our house. What if it’s toxic to aliens? That might be it.’

‘Oh. I don’t wanna melt.’

‘Yeah, but look on the bright side, at least you can still play together! At school, or out… Anyway, why don’t we go in the haunted house, or something?’

‘Oh no, I don’t wanna go in the haunted house… it’s too scary.’

‘Well I’m not scared! I’ll go in. I’m not a baby like Zeus.’
‘Shut up! I’m not a baby!’

‘Oh Christ, kids. I’ll stay outside with Zeus, okay? Aria can take you in.’
‘Yeah, I’ll lead the way.’

‘You’re coming in with us?’
‘You think I’m letting you three go in there on your own? I might never get you back!’

‘I’m okay with Tristan not coming back.’
‘Your mum probably isn’t, though.’
‘Yeah… you don’t think I’m a baby, do you?’
‘Of course not. We brought you here to have fun. It doesn’t matter if you find something too scary.’

‘So where do you get your optimism?’
‘I don’t know. I just didn’t wanna upset them by mentioning racism…’
‘Yeah, I get you. I wouldn’t wanna hurt Charon’s feelings like that.’

‘Besides, we don’t want to turn the triplets against Tate. It’s safer for them if they still like him, and he can’t accuse us of manipulating them, either.’
‘You’re right. They’re only seven. I shouldn’t keep making comments like that. They deserve to stay innocent and oblivious for as long as possible. Anyway, how’s school going?’
‘Oh, better than I expected. I found a group to sit with.’

‘That’s great! Who are they?’
‘They’re in a band. Logan, Heath and Ivy. They’re nice, but I still feel like a bit of a hanger on.’
‘Aww, well, I’m sure you’ll get used to them! Maybe you should ask if they want to go to the arcade, or the cinema, or something.’

‘I could do…’
‘Go for it! Go on, live like a normal teenager for once. You’re always working so hard, whether it’s school or babysitting or cooking. Do something fun, Raya. You’ve earned it.’
‘Yeah, you’re right. Thanks, Ari.’

‘I won!’

‘Well done!’
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