‘Hi. I want a Tight Snatch. I mean, the cocktail.’
‘Of course.’

‘On your own tonight?’
‘Yeah. It’s my 18th birthday, but… My brother had to work and couldn’t make it, and I don’t have any friends. I just came out because I don’t wanna go back. Figured I should do something.’

‘Well, you can still celebrate on your own. And you might meet people here.’
‘…Forgive me for not being enthused.’
‘Hey, I bet they’d buy you drinks all night, if you tell them it’s your birthday.’

‘What people? No offence, but it’s pretty dead in here.’
‘It’s still early, yet. Give it time.’
‘Honestly… I think I’d just prefer to drink on my own.’
‘Suit yourself, then.’

‘Hey! What’s got you down? Cheer up, it might never happen.’

‘…Look, that’s not gonna help anything. Sorry, I’m just not in the mood.’
‘I’m only trying to be nice.’
‘I don’t want you to be nice. I want you to not talk to me.’

‘C’mon, don’t be like that. I’ll buy you another drink. I bet you’ve got a really nice smile.’

‘…Hell no. Don’t talk to me, fucking weirdo.’
‘Fucking hell, what’s your problem? You think you’re so much better than me?’
‘No, I just want to be left alone! What part of that is hard to understand?’

‘Fine, you think I wanted to bother with you anyway? You’re not even that hot. You look like one of those high-maintenance bitches anyway.’
‘Jeez, have you got nothing better to do than harass women in bars? Why the fuck do you think I care whether you think I’m “hot” or not? Oh, wow, the old “insulting women I’ve been rejected by” schtick! It’s fucking old. Get some new material, asshole.’
‘You think I was hitting on you?’

‘Why else would you make a comment about my looks?! Why do creeps like you think they can solve a woman’s problems by telling them to cheer up? Why aren’t I allowed to be pissed off for once? You’re all the fucking same! You only like a woman when she’s sitting pretty and happy, but the second she has an opinion, noooooo, that’s just inconvenient for you!’

‘Look, love, I can’t have you acting like this. You’re gonna have to leave-’

‘Don’t fucking call me love! You don’t know me!’

‘Wow, what a crazy bitch. Making this out to be some sexism thing…’
‘That’s exactly what it is! I told you to leave me be! What don’t you fucking get? You don’t care about my feelings! Nobody does!’

‘Right, I’m getting the bouncer.’

‘Wait! Don’t do that. She’s obviously distressed, don’t make it worse. I’ll take her outside, make sure she gets home.’
‘I really shouldn't-’
'Please. Dragging her around will just cause unnecessary trouble.'

‘Fuck you, I’m going anyway!’

‘Hold on!’
‘I can’t… Please, I’m done…’
‘Look, it’s okay. I just want to help you.’

‘I… I don’t… I’ve had a really shitty day, okay?’
‘I’m sorry to hear that. Believe me, I don’t wish to make it worse.’
‘This was supposed to be my 18th birthday and it’s been a fucking disaster. And I don’t help myself at all…’

‘Don’t feel too bad. The Old Horse pub is a bit of a dive. There are much nicer places, and better people.’
‘I know I shouldn’t have blown up. I’m just so fed up…’
‘I’ll go to a phone box and call you a taxi, okay? I want to make sure you get home safely.’

‘Wait… I don’t wanna go home.’
‘I’m sure you have people there who’ll want you home.’
‘No, I don’t. I really don’t. They don’t give a shit about me.’

‘None of them?’
‘Not my dad. I guess there’s my brother and sister…’
‘Right, then let’s get you home for them, then. It’s unsafe out here, and very cold. You don’t want to be on your own in this state.’
‘Thank you.’

‘Do I know you…? You feel familiar.’
‘Sorry… I’m afraid you’re mistaken. I’m just a regular old homeless man.’

‘Ah, look, there’s your taxi. Go on, you should be going on home. Have a safe journey, okay? Goodbye, Aria.’

‘Wait! How do you know my name?’

‘Hey, come back! …Damn it.’
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