‘Hey, guys. I’m finally back.’


‘Whoa, Ellis, what happened to you?’

‘I got punched by some absolute dickhead while trying to arrest him.’
‘Oh no, are you okay?’
‘Yeah, I'm fine, sweetheart. Don’t worry about me.’

‘What happened?’

‘He was robbing the Landgraabs. Tried to make a break for it, I caught up to him and he went and full on hit me in the face. That’s one more charge added to his record. Hope they throw the book at the scumbag.’
‘Absolutely. Is resisting arrest a charge?’
‘Not here, but assaulting a police officer definitely is.’

‘Why did he think that was going to work?’
‘Some of them just panic and lash out when they’re being arrested. I’ve never taken a hit before now, but I’ve seen it happen to the others.’
‘Will you have to go to court again?’

‘Depends what plea he enters. He won’t be up in court until tomorrow.’

‘You should have a bite to eat and get some sleep. What a night.’
‘Yeah, good idea.’

‘I’ll be up by the time you’re home from school, okay? We could do something then.’
‘Can we watch a film?’
‘Sure we can. I’ll get us some goodies from the shop, then. Anyway, you’d better go get dressed before you’re late for school.’

‘Oh, I wondered what was holding Charon up… I didn’t realise you’d got back. Oof, are you okay? That looks really sore.’
‘I’m alright, Roxxi.’

‘Did you get into a fight with a bad guy?’

‘Wasn’t much of a fight, but he’s probably going to prison.’

‘Well, you take care of yourself. Tell Charon we’ll be waiting in the car.’

‘Bagsy the front seat!’
‘Hey, no, that’s not fair! You had it yesterday!’
‘But I bagsied it, which means I get it and nobody else can. That’s the rules!’
‘No it’s not! You just made that up!’
‘And even if I didn’t, I’m the oldest, so I get it anyway!’
‘Muuuum! Tell him, that’s not fair, he’s being mean!’

‘Tristan, honey, you should let one of the others have a turn. It’s only fair to share. Why don’t we work out a schedule so everyone gets it on a different day?’

‘There’s six kids and five days in a week. It doesn’t work!’
‘There’s seven days in a week, moron.’
‘I meant in a school week, you jerk!’

‘Boys! Don’t call each other names! If you can’t behave over this, I’m just putting Aria permanently in the front seat, okay?’

‘Yeah, and I’m older and bigger than all of you.’

‘Mum! Why should I miss out because the boys can’t get on? I didn’t do anything wrong!’

‘Uh, why are we all yelling?’

‘Oh, thank goodness, there you are. Let’s just go.’
A few weeks later…

‘Happy birthday, Aria!’
‘Oh, thanks…’
‘You’ve got cards and presents from all of us. I left them on the dining room table.’

‘You mean cards and presents from you.’
‘Well, I helped the triplets, but Ellis and Raya organised their own.’
‘Oh, that’s nice… Thanks, Roxxi. It's appreciated, anyway.'
'It's okay, hon.'
'Nothing from the ogre, I’m guessing.’

‘What a fine way to talk about your own father.’
‘I wouldn’t, if he actually bought me presents instead of leaving it to his wife to make all the effort.’
‘Perhaps you should do something to deserve them. Anyway, Roxxi’s is from me as well.’

‘Putting your name on it doesn’t make it from you.’
‘And whose money paid for it? You’ve always been so ungrateful, even when we try to do something nice for you. Well, you’re not having any kind of celebration here. The kids still go to bed early and I don’t want you disturbing them.’
‘I wasn’t planning on it anyway. I’m going to the pub with Ellis.’

‘Don’t make too much noise if you come back late.’
‘Jeez, I won’t.’

‘Oh, come on, there’s no need to fight… Aria, why don’t you go find your presents, and I’ll get the kids and they can watch you open them.’

‘Was that really necessary?’
‘Oh, don’t pin this on me. She was being antagonistic from the start. That’s Aria all over; start an argument, somehow still look like the victim.’
‘Well, please try to cheer up a bit.’
‘You don’t need to tell me that.’

‘Oh, hey, Ari… Happy birthday.’

‘Oh, Ellis! You didn't have to get up. I know you’re tired from the night shift.’

‘Well, that’s just it… I’ve got bad news. They’re making me work tonight.’

‘What…? Why can’t you say no?’
‘I really tried arguing, but my boss was having none of it. I’m really sorry.’
‘But… it’s my 18th birthday.’

‘Another night, I promise, I’ll take you. I’m not working at the weekend. We could go Saturday night.’
‘Don’t bother. I don’t want to now.’
‘Hey, it’s no trouble… I feel awful about letting you down.’

‘No… I guess it’s not your fault. These things happen.’
‘Saturday. I promise.’
‘Yeah. Whatever…’
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