‘How can you even stand to be around Tate any more? I can’t.’
‘I can’t either, Aria. I’m just… putting up with it. What other choice do I have?’
‘I don’t know. Ever since he’s been back, though, I’ve wanted to just cave his fucking head in. Even more than usual, I mean.’

‘I get it. I really do. I feel like doing the same, ever since I found out what really happened with Edward. And he killed our own grandfather before we were born. Then went on to marry the man’s daughter! How can he live with himself?’
‘You don’t get it, do you? It doesn’t bother him. None of it does. He’s inhuman.’
‘…I know.’

‘This can’t go on. We can’t go on living with him like this, not now we know the truth. None of us are safe either, you know.’
‘Don’t say that…’
‘If he decides he wants to off any of us, he could do it. Why would we be any different? It could be you, it could be me, or Roxxi-’

‘…Roxxi. She should know, don’t you think?’
‘What? How? We’ve got no proof.’
‘Edward’s face, maybe? What we witnessed?’

‘What we witnessed is no proof at all, there’s only our word for it, and a police investigation that concluded Mum’s death as a suicide. And there’s no way we can get Edward on board. Even if he wanted to, it’d be putting him back in danger. Do you really want that?’
‘Our entire lives are danger! I can’t sleep at night! Our father is a fucking murderer and we still live under his roof! Fine, I get it, Edward should stay out of it, but Roxxi’s in the same position as us and she doesn’t even know it!’

‘Aria… oh God, oh fuck, shit. I don’t know the right thing to do, okay?! You think I don’t have this conversation with myself every day? The past ten years I’ve done nothing but worry over the best ways I can protect you kids. And I haven’t done a good job, I know, but it’s because I’m scared. I know what Dad’s capable of, and I’m terrified of upsetting him. I’ve kept quiet when I shouldn’t have because I’m scared he’ll hurt us. One of you. Or Charon…’
‘Couldn’t we go to the police? You’re a cop yourself, don’t you have influence?’
‘There is no proof, Aria. That’s what I keep saying. Tate can make anyone believe him over us, and if we go accusing him of murder then we really are setting ourselves up for something terrible. That’s if we don’t get into trouble ourselves for withholding information.’

‘Can they do that?!’
‘They can do what they want. We have no power.’
‘…Yeah, I’m starting to think this is an ongoing theme of my life.’

‘If you wanted to get away from this, leave home… you can. You’re 18.’
‘Oh, sure, and leave everyone else behind? Leave Raya in Tate’s hands? The kids? Hell no. Why do you think I’m not going to university?’
‘…You’re not?’

‘No. I’m not.’
‘Oh, Aria, you should! Don’t throw away your future!’
‘What future? You think I can just walk away from this? Magically pull together some kind of good life at university? I’m not equipped for it.’

‘You’re a smart person-’
‘I don’t mean in terms of ability. Mentally. I can’t even make friends here. What would I do over there? I’d go to lectures and come home and do nothing. At least here I have you and Raya. And Edward, now. University can’t work for me.’
‘And what about the rest of your life? You’re capable. You can do so much more.’

‘It doesn’t matter, Ellis. Really, it doesn’t. I’m gonna go lay down. Think I’m getting a headache.’
‘Well, we’ll continue this conversation later, okay?’

‘Roxxi? Can I talk to you?’
‘Of course you can! What’s on your mind?’
‘…Tate’s definitely not back yet, is he?’

‘No? He isn’t home from work for another hour. What’s up?’
‘I have to talk to you about everything that’s happened. You need to know the truth. Look, you’re not safe. None of us are. Tate’s a dangerous man and you need to get out of here.’
‘What do you mean? I can’t just do that, what about the kids?’

‘Take them with you! Oh come on, you can’t actually be happy? You’re miserable here, that much is obvious.’
‘No, I’m not-’
‘He nags you about your appearance, basically treats you like a decorative doll, speaks to the rest of us like shit… He’s old, he’s ugly — both in personality and looks — and he actively makes me want to kill myself by just being around him. So what the hell do you get out of being with him?’
‘He’s my husband, Aria. Sweetheart, if you really feel that way-’
‘It’s not about me. You don’t have all the facts. He’s a killer. He killed Sheri.’

‘What? She committed suicide, didn’t she? They investigated it, right?’
‘Well, obviously, but they got it wrong.’
‘The police can tell the difference between murder and suicide, honey… Not to be too graphic, but from the trajectory of the bullet, things like that…’

‘Not if you’ve used mind control to get her to physically do it herself.’
‘Mind control?’
‘Yeah. Olivia had a hand in it. They planned and did it together!’

‘You’re telling me Olivia has mind control? Aria, that sounds impossible…’
‘Well, it happened! They were arguing about her leaving! Sheri tried to leave, she even packed a bag!’
‘…Did you see it?’

‘No, but I heard it. We were all upstairs. Olivia even went back upstairs to unpack Sheri’s stuff, to cover it up.’
‘Why would Olivia agree to kill her own daughter?’
‘I have no idea. She’s a fucking horrendous person. Evidently Tate married into just the right, fucked up family.’

‘I’m sorry, but that sounds completely insane…’
‘I know it is. And I can see you don’t believe me, but I wouldn’t lie about this. That’d be fucked up.’
‘Aria… I know you’re not lying to me, but I do think you’ve got it mixed up. It must’ve been a traumatic time, and maybe you misheard or misinterpreted what went on-’

‘No, I didn’t. I know what I heard.’
‘But it doesn’t make sense…’
‘It helps if you stop thinking of them as rational people, because they’re not. Look, none of this is worth hanging onto. You’ve seen how he acts. We’re still not even rich-’

‘You still keep saying that, like you think I’m just a gold-digger. We’re a family. It’s not about that-’

‘Oh, bullshit! You five are a family, though it’s a fucking poor imitation of one.’
‘…That’s a cruel thing to say.’
‘I’m not claiming to be the expert on how things should be, but good families aren’t made from a walking midlife crisis marrying and knocking up a nineteen-year-old and not even telling his existing kids about it. I mean, look at you! You could probably have any man you wanted but instead you settle so young for this? So tell me, what is the appeal, if not the promise of money?’

‘I don’t have to justify my choices to you, Aria. I’m sorry, but you don’t have the right to insult me and make assumptions.’
‘Well, you never clarify anything! You just give me some mysterious “you wouldn’t understand” bullshit and act like it’s some noble cause that I’m simply incapable of grasping. You don’t even pretend it’s out of love, so why so tight-lipped? Is it something to do with your dumbass family?’
‘Enough. I thought we’d turned a corner. Do you really still want me gone, is that it?’

‘For your own good, yeah, I do. Not because it’s you.’

‘You want to know what I think? I think you’re hurt, and I think your mother’s death hit you hard, regardless of whether you liked her or not. I think… Tate has done an inadequate job of helping you, and you understandably see him as the enemy. I think you should see a doctor and try to get some counselling, because you’re having a tough time of it.’

‘I don’t need a fucking doctor! I’m not crazy, okay? You just buy into his lies at every possible opportunity! He’s told you so many times I’m disturbed that you now believe it!’
‘I don’t mean it like that! I don’t think you’re crazy or disturbed, I didn’t say those words-!’
‘All I wanted to do was help you ! But now I know nothing I say will ever be believed!’

‘I don’t need help, sweetie... I just… You’re telling me Tate’s a murderer, but you can’t prove it, and all the evidence says otherwise… ’

‘Forget it. Okay? Just forget it. This conversation never happened. Erase it from your memory and move on, whatever. And for fuck’s sake, don’t ever tell me I need a doctor again. I’m not the fucking problem here.’
‘Alright… I’m sorry.’
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