‘Olivia! I want a word.’
‘I already know what this’ll be about.’

‘Oh, good, then it saves us some time. What the hell were you thinking, doing something so disgusting?’
‘I didn’t think you thought of sex as disgusting.’
‘You know what I mean! In my bed! You have your own double bed, for God’s sake! Why would you do that?’

‘Because I’m fed up of you, and I’ll admit, I just wanted to piss you off. I’m finally taking matters into my own hands. I expected more out of you, the “great provider”.’
‘Actually, Olivia, what was ever stopping you before? You’re perfectly capable of providing for yourself. I was under no obligation to keep you here, you know.’
‘Exercising some caution, perhaps, after what happened to you and Edward? He had dark forces on his side, far stronger than my powers. You know the restrictions he put on you. We’ve had to play ball. I wasn’t about to risk anything like that happening again.’

‘There’s no bringing the Atwood fortune back, Olivia. What happened with him wasn’t my fault, and you can’t hold me accountable for attempting to recover it.’
‘I’m well aware of that, for God’s sake! That wasn’t my goal. You know I’ve lost my daughter because of you?’
‘Keep your voice down! If she’d just co-operated-’

‘I had just presumed I would get more in return, that’s all. But enough. I’ve found myself a house thanks to that idiot young man, and I’ll be moving out shortly.’
‘Okay, listen… I’ve got something to tell you, but let’s go somewhere more private, okay?’

‘I’m about to come into a lot more money. Technically this is supposed to go to my campaign, but I’ll set some aside for you, how about that? It’s coming from a very important backer of mine, and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind it as a personal fund. We’ve reached a very good agreement, me and him.’
‘Alright, I’m listening. What convinced him to give you so much money?’
‘I’m a Farrington. He knows all about us, and he’s impressed to find someone on his level. He’s one of the Sunset Valley elite, and I’m exactly the kind of candidate he wants. Someone who cares about traditional values.’

‘Ah, so you’ve got yourself well in there?’
‘Absolutely. It’s not a one-sided deal, not at all. I’ll be giving him plenty in return.’
‘Like what?’

‘Well, he’s got this son who isn’t good with women, at all. He’s struggling to find someone for him, and he has very high standards. So, a woman from an excellent, prestigious family would be appropriate.’
‘…Who? Surely not one of your daughters?’
‘Why not?’

‘Do you really think Aria or Saraya are suitable for marriage?!’
‘I didn’t mean them.’
‘…Carmella is three years old.’

‘She won’t be forever. I know, it’s a long shot. But if Quinn hasn’t found a wife within the next fifteen years, she’s all his. His father finds that to be a rather good deal. The fact that I’ve promised to help is far more than anyone else has done, and he’s very grateful.’
‘…You know what, you do you. Just give me that money as you promised, and we’re all good.’
‘I’m glad we could settle this.’
The next day…

‘Olivia’s moving out?’
‘Good. Not before time.’

‘That’s right. She found somewhere else to live.’
‘But how?’
‘I have no idea, and honestly, I don’t care. It should be a bit more peaceful around here now, though.’

‘Why, is Tate going with her?’

‘Well anyway, this is good news! So we’ll have an extra room now.’

‘Yeah… I don’t know how we’re going to distribute it yet. With hers being in the basement and all, I don’t think it’s a good idea to put any of the toddlers down there just yet. Not to mention, the idea of moving any of the beds all that way sounds awful…’
‘I guess we can work that out later.’

‘Mummy, I wanna play in the garden.’
‘Me too!’

‘Alright. I’ll take you. What about you, Carmella? Are you coming as well?’

‘I wanna stay and play with the doll house.’
‘Okay, sweetie.’

‘We’ll watch her.’
‘Thanks, hon.’

‘...What I don’t get is why Olivia stuck around so long. Or at all. Just what was going on between her and Tate?’
‘I don’t think we’ll ever know. They’ll never tell us, at least.’
‘Who the hell was that man, the one who hurt Tate? That’s what we need to find out.’

‘Maybe we’re better off not knowing.’
‘Are you kidding? This is driving me nuts. Don’t you want to know?’
‘Of course. But I wonder what else it could drag up… We’re in the dark about a lot of things, and some of them might be even worse than what we know and what we’ve seen already…’

‘Oi! You! You can’t stay here, move on.’

‘Clear off, or I’ll call the police.’
‘Oh, sorry… I’ll go.’

‘Good. We don’t want your sort here. You make the place look rough.’

‘My apologies… I couldn’t find anywhere else.’
‘So you thought you’d camp in front of my business? Do you pay my fucking rent? No, so get lost.’

‘Look at the state of you. And all those empty booze bottles! You get no sympathy from me. People like you bring it on yourself.’

‘Alright, alright, I get it. There’s no harm done. I’m going, okay?’
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