Our story begins with a move to Sunset Valley. In any other situation, a house move would be a lovely thing: a fresh start, in a pretty seaside town. But this is the Farrington family, for whom absolutely nothing is lovely.

'...This is it? What the hell is this, Tate?'
'I know anything would be a downgrade compared to what we came from, but this?'

'Oh, I'm sorry, did you two have any better ideas? Any secret money we have laying around, that we'd be allowed to spare?'

'Why are we moving in the first place? I don't get it, what happened to the money? We're rich!'

'It's nothing any of you kids could understand. We're bankrupt now, and that's it. End of story.'

'I'm sorry, but I'm not living in this. I wouldn't let a dog live here, let alone people with actual standards!'
'Then don't, Sheri. I'm not making you.'
'You're supposed to be the one providing for us!'

'And under the circumstances, that is exactly what I'm trying to do. This was our only option. A dirt cheap house. We were lucky just to find this.'
'Well, I'd hate to see what being unlucky looks like! This place is fit for demolition! What was it, one simoleon?'
'For the love of Christ, will you stop fucking whining already? Do I look like I'm happy with the situation? No! Bitching about it isn't going to fix anything, so can you just shut the fuck up for one minute?'

'I'm afraid he's right. I'm hardly happy about it either, but we have no choice but to put up with it.'
'Exactly. And no, you're not far off with your one simoleon estimation. It's property they couldn't wait to give away. It's supposed to be one of those projects people buy with the intention of doing it up. Only we just really need somewhere to actually live right now.'
'Look on the bright side, we're all alive. If that counts as a bright side, anyway. A person or two fewer would at least ease the burden somewhat.'

'...Um, there's only one bedroom.'

'At least with us all sharing, it means I won't have to endure sex with you.'

'Uh, Mum, please... Not in front of us.'

'I believe that's exactly what she's getting at, yes.'

'...Ellis. Do us a favour and take your sisters and go somewhere.'

'I don't know anywhere...'
'Then it'll be a chance to explore, won't it? I wasn't asking, I'm telling.'
'Okay... Come on girls, let's see if we can find a park or something.'

'Sure. Anywhere's better than this dump.'

'Why are we here? Why can't we live in Bridgeport any more?'
'We don't own the house any more. We don't own anything any more. Just that shack...'
'But why?'

'I don't know, Aria. They won't tell me, either. Something happened, and we lost everything. Sunset Valley is just where we ended up, since there was a job opening for Dad.'
'Is it to do with the man who stabbed him?'
'I think so. It certainly sounds like Dad upset him very much... Either way, we just have to make the most of it now. Sunset Valley. A new life. It might be nice here.'

'Will we be going to the regular school?'
'God, yeah. Private school is way out of the question now.'
'...Is ballet out of the question too?'
'That's something, then.'

'You hated it that much, huh?'

'It sucked. The other girls were awful, and Mum only wanted me doing it 'cos it's “what cute girls do.” It's not about being cute! She doesn't get it.'

'Yeah... there's no point doing something if you're not that into it. From what I saw, it was hard work. Not quite as dainty as Mum probably imagined it to be.'
'Besides, I'm not cute anyway. Mum knows it. She says it often enough.'
'Says what? That you're not cute?'

'That I'm a nightmare brat. Nobody likes a brat, that's what she said.'
'Well, you're not. Mum's just... well, you know how she is.'
'It doesn't matter. Nobody likes her either. Whatever. So if we can't afford ballet or private school now, what can we afford?'

'Oh Ari... Things are going to be different now. Not with Mum and Dad, I don't think, they'll stay the same. I mean, our lives. We won't be able to do or have even half the things we used to. But Mum and Dad and Grandma are going to get new jobs. Like I said, Dad's already got one lined up. It's a good job he's still respected in the party. We'll be able to start saving, then we can buy better stuff, and eventually we'll have enough to move into a house with more than one bedroom.'

'Ew, it's going to be so crowded.'
'...I wish we could've stayed with Uncle Edward instead. Why couldn't we? He'd have let us live in his apartment.'

'...I think something happened to him too. I just don't know what. I couldn't get in contact with him any more. He wasn't answering the phone, and he wasn't at his apartment. I tried asking Dad, but he only says he's just gone...'

'Is he dead?'
'I-I don't know. I hope he isn't...'
'He said he'd be there for us, didn't he? Oh no, maybe he is dead... he wouldn't have just left us, would he? He wouldn't let this happen to us! Oh, Ellis! I don't wanna never see him again!'

'I don't know what to say. I wish I could make it better. I'm sorry.'
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