‘Well, I'm no expert, but both you and baby seem to be fine.’
‘Oh, good. I'm really glad.’
‘Again, I’ve never seen an alien baby before. He’s cute as a button, though.’

‘You’re right. I think I’m in love with him already.’
‘Well, there’s no reason why the usual mother-child bond can’t apply here. Just with a father instead. Have you got a name for him yet?’
‘I was thinking about calling him Charon. Y’know, like the moon of Pluto.’

‘Oh, the planet! Charon sounds like a nice name.’
‘I think I’ll go for it, then. Thanks for checking him over.’
‘That’s alright. There are specialists in extra-terrestrial babies, but they’re few and far between. Still, I’ll make some calls, see if I can get in touch with anyone.’

‘Thank you. I’d better be going now; my sisters are waiting for me, and it’s been a long day… You wouldn’t believe the day I’ve had, honestly.’
‘I imagine you’ll be exhausted!’
‘Not half! It was my dad’s wedding today, and my stepmum also went into labour too… they should be here right now, actually.’

‘Oh goodness! Do you want me to find them?’
‘Oh, no, that’s fine. Better not disturb them while they’ve got bigger things on their minds. I’m sure Dad’ll call later with the news.’
‘Okay. Well, do make sure you come visit again so we can set you up with further support.’
‘Will do.’

‘Try not to worry too much, Mrs Farrington. They're in the best hands, and they're looking very well. They just need some time in the incubators to catch up.’
‘Of course, you're right.’
‘It's been quite an ordeal, hasn't it? What a day. Now let's get you back to bed, you need to rest yourself.’

‘Are you sure they’ll be okay? I don’t want to leave them…’
‘I know, sweetheart, but they need you to be well-rested. You can come back to them soon.’

‘Alright. Bye, kids…’

‘Oh, Roxxi, dear! How are they doing?’
‘They’re fine.’

‘Roxxi… Will you be okay if I go back home for some of your things? There’s a lot you’ll need.’

‘Of course, Tate. Honestly, she needs her mother right now. You go fetch some things. There’s no need to rush — it’s been a big day for you too, after all.’
‘Alright. Roxxi, I’ll see you soon, lovely.’

‘…Yeah, because he’s the one who was cut open.’

‘Don’t be like that, Roxxi.’
‘No. I’m fed up of having to be sweet and demure. I’ve had a fucking stinker of a day and my poor babies are in NICU away from me. Don’t ask me to sit around and pretend like Tate’s had it anywhere near difficult. It doesn’t always have to be about him.’
‘He’s just as worried as you! And he’s got his children at home to worry about, too.’

‘Yeah, fine. I don’t care any more.’
‘Sounds like you just need a little sleep.’
‘Good idea.’

‘Ellis? What are you doing here?’

‘Oh! Dad…’

‘What on Earth is that you’re carrying?’
‘…He’s mine.’
‘What do you mean, “he’s mine”? What even is it?’

‘…It’s my baby, Dad. I had a baby.’

‘It… came from you?’
‘Yep. That’s right.’
‘……You know what? Let’s discuss this at home.’

‘He’s asleep now.’

‘Right. You tell me now what the fuck happened.’

‘I was abducted by aliens. I know how ridiculous that sounds, but the proof is right here.’
‘How long ago?’
‘Months. Eight months.’

‘So you were pregnant for eight months yet you never thought once to mention that little fact to me?’
‘I was scared-‘
‘Scared? You think that’s a good enough reason to hide the truth about something like this? Here’s me thinking you were just getting fat!’

‘I’m sorry. I just didn’t know what to do about it.’

‘You should have gone to the hospital and had that thing sucked out of you.’

‘Dad! No-!’

‘What a fucking mess. Giving birth to a monster and having it in our house. Well, no longer, we’re taking it and getting rid of it. I’m sure some government lab would buy it, at least then we’d get something of worth out of this.’
‘What the hell, Dad? D-Don’t talk about him like that!’
‘Oh, you’re not seriously attached to it? Look at it! It has no business being here!’

‘That’s my baby. He’s not a monster and we’re not selling him to any lab! He has a name-‘
‘You named it? What the fuck are you playing at? Some stupid post-birth hormones that fly in the face of all logic? Do you really think we can keep it?’
‘Him, Dad. Not it, him. He is a boy. I’m not giving him up. Sorry, but for once I’m not backing down. You can’t take my baby away.’

‘I will be bringing three premature babies home that will need everybody’s help and attention! My babies! There’s no comparison to be made! I’m not entertaining some green bowel movement and pretending it’s equivalent to my children! We’ve got three new cribs and no space as it is.’
‘Then I’ll buy another crib, and we can ask the council for a bigger house-!’
‘And leech off the state even more than we already are? We’re not accepting more fucking handouts! We’re not like the people around here, we’re Farringtons!’

‘I work hard as a police officer to pay into the system that’s rightfully there to support anyone who needs it, and I have no shame in accepting some more help! Even without Charon, it’s stupid to let pride get in the way of getting what we need and letting nine people pile up in three bedrooms! We can’t afford to be that proud, we’re not rich or important any more-!’

‘You think I don’t know that better than anyone?! Were you the one whose face was cut open and burned?!’
‘You’re a fucking idiot, Ellis. Genuinely stupid. I couldn’t be more disappointed if I tried. You could’ve been finding a nice wife, really making something of yourself, but instead you stand here as a fucking nancy boy virgin and getting probed by aliens. That’s as much action as you’ve had.’

‘Jesus, Dad… That’s low even for you. You think I didn’t feel violated by that? It’s not something to mock…’
‘Well if it’s so traumatic, why are you defending these damn aliens so much? You think your son is any different? That he wouldn’t grow up to be just as disgusting?’
‘He’s a baby. Right now he isn’t anything other than innocent. He’ll be good with the right guidance, I know he will.’

‘Really? And how do you know that?’

‘I won’t parent like you, for a start!’
‘How fucking dare you, after everything I’ve done-!’
‘What have you done? Killed Mum then thrown the girls’ lives into chaos by knocking up a woman the same age as me? Taken all my wage and make fun of me all the time but still demand I’m grateful? Gee, thanks, Dad. I really appreciate it.’

‘He’s not wrong.’

‘I didn’t give you permission to come downstairs! Fuck off, will you?’

‘Why don’t you fuck off? You only came to get stuff for Roxxi and the babies, so why don’t you go back to your real family?’

‘…You know what? That’s the best idea you’ve ever had.’

‘This is far from over.’

‘He can’t sell Charon to science, can he?’
‘I’m not letting him.’
‘Would they really cut him up?’

‘No! God, don’t talk like that…’
‘Not my baby. He’s not hurting my baby. I can’t…’

‘Don’t cry, Ellis. We won’t let anyone hurt Charon. I’ll stand in the way if I have to.’
‘Oh, come here, you lovely girl.’

‘Well, thanks for bringing some stuff over. How are your kids, anyway?’
‘…They’re fine.’
‘Are you sure…? You don’t sound too happy.’

‘…Ellis was pregnant.’
‘…Did I hear that right?’
‘Yes. When he got home, he delivered this… alien thing. And believe me, I’m not making it up. Now isn’t the time for jokes.’

‘An alien? Like a real, green alien?’
‘Yes. Seems he’d been hiding it for months.’
‘That’s crazy… I wasn’t convinced these things even happened. Was he abducted?’
‘Apparently so.’
‘Wow. You’re a grandfather, huh?’

‘Don’t say that! I can’t consider that thing a grandchild! I’m still coming to terms with the fact that it’s happened. This is far too much.’

‘Oh… Sorry.’
‘Look, don’t worry. I’ve already told him he can’t keep it. If he insists on that, he’ll have to go. I won’t let him ruin this for us.’
‘What…? No, no, he can’t give it up. That’s his baby, he’s probably bonded to it already.’

‘He already said as much, but it’s absurd! You can’t be serious?’

‘Aww, Tate, if he’s bonded with it then you can’t ask him to give the baby up. It’d be cruel. Look at me right now… I’m missing mine something chronic and they’re only just down the hall. Babies need their parents. It’s comforting for both of them.’
‘With all due respect, Roxxi, we simply haven’t the space for it. He’ll have to get his own place.’
‘Don’t kick out your son, Tate… we can manage. Poor Ellis has just had a massive upheaval — you can’t cast him out on his own with a baby now. Believe me, being kicked out by your parents is awful.’

‘Then what do you propose?’
‘Mum and Dad already agreed they’ll support us a bit with the babies. We can apply for a bigger house.’
‘And when it gets older? You’ll already be looking after triplets.’

‘We’ll see how it goes, but if I have to help out with it, I will. I’m gonna be a stay-at-home mum anyway.’
‘Four children will be absolute hell on you. I can’t put you through that.’
‘We will cope. Just… don’t make Ellis or the baby go. I won’t be very happy with you if you do.’

‘Look, I get it. You’re just speaking on this as a hormonal new mother-‘

‘No, I’m speaking as a decent person. We’re done here, okay?’
‘Come on, Roxxi-‘
‘Family is family, and if you push out any of yours in favour of me and the triplets, you’ll just be reinforcing everything they’ve been worrying about ever since I showed up. I don’t care if it’s an alien, or anything else. We have to be in this together.’

‘…Fine, fine, alright. You win.’
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