'Seems quiet here, tonight. There's usually a bit more going on but I suppose it is a weekday. It's a nice lounge, regardless, and the drinks are good.'
'I'm sure it is. You know much more about Riverview than I do, after all! I trust your judgement.'
'Thank you. So, tell me a bit more about yourself. Have you got children, Tate?'

'Three. My son just turned eighteen. Then I have two daughters at ten and six.'
'Ah, lovely. My daughters are twelve and eighteen.'
'And what are they like?'

'Oh, Brie is a good girl. We're really making sure she stays that way. I'd rather she didn't repeat her sister's mistakes.'
'What are those, if you don't mind my asking...?'
'...Don't tell anyone, will you? It's a very sensitive topic, and rather private.'
'Of course not.'

'...I found out she's been... starring in pornography.'

'Oh, goodness me. That's... wow. That must have been a shock for you.'
'It really was. Nobody wants to see their little girl degraded in that way, you know?'
'I understand, Alonzo.'

'It's such a shame. She was such a sweet girl when she was younger. Now I fear we've lost her forever.'
'How terrible. I couldn't imagine how I would feel if one of my little girls did that.'
'Poor Angela's been devastated. I don't get how it happened. We did everything right!'

'Sometimes children just go off the rails for no real reason. Perhaps it's a phase? She may come to her senses.'
'It could be too late by then. How many strange men would she have entertained? Women, too! Have you ever heard such a thing?'
'Oh, wow. No, that's... well.'

'Appalling, I know.'
'Indeed. Well, I hope someone can manage to get through to her. It would be a shame for her to remain that way, wouldn't it? Maybe she just needs some guidance.'
'I did everything I could-'

'Oh, no, Alonzo, don't think I'm implying you're at fault! I know you did all you could. But simply put, and I know it's not too PC: women sometimes just don't know what they're doing. They need strong men like us to point them in the right direction. With her being eighteen, I'm sure there's some aspect of rebellion against her parents. She could use some outside help, perhaps.'
'Absolutely. I'm glad you understand, Tate. Thank you for not judging.'
'It's no problem at all. What's her name?'

'Roxanne. We just call her Roxxi, though.'
'What a lovely name.'
'Thank you. What are your daughters called?'

'Aria and Saraya.'
'Those are nice names too. Italian, right?'
'Aria's is, but I'm not sure about Saraya's. But you're right. Cute little names befitting cute little girls.'
Later that evening...

Originally Posted by Email
Dear Roxxi,
I recently found your videos and they are incredible! Your performances were amazing — anybody would think you were a veteran. I love your body, you are so beautiful. Do you think you could potentially change your mind about this career and look for a husband instead? Because I would marry you on the spot. I'm serious — if you're curious, please hit me up. I could really show you a good time. And I have a lot of money to treat you like a princess just like you deserve. Someone so gorgeous as you should be cherished. I'd love to meet you. Let me know if you want to so we can arrange something. All the best, Tate Farrington |

Originally Posted by Email
dear tate,
thank you for all the compliments. ok, sure, i'll meet you. we could go for dinner maybe. roxxi |
The next week...

'You must be Roxxi.’
'That's right. Nice to meet you.'
'Lovely to meet you too. You're even more beautiful in person.'
'Come, sit down.'

'So... how are you, Tate?'
'Not so bad, thank you. I would ask how you are but you seem rather nervous. There's no need. I don't bite.’
'Yeah... you just kinda surprised me with your email. I don't usually get offers that bold.'

'But you must have been intrigued to agree to meet me in the first place.'
'Uh huh. I was in two minds about it, honestly, but... I guess I was curious to see what you had to say. Y-You saw my videos...'
'I maintain everything I said before. I enjoyed what I saw. You're absolutely stunning, and I want to get to know you.'

'You said you want to marry me.'

'Yes. My first wife passed away recently. Some may think it's too soon to consider remarrying, but I know she would have wanted me to move on and find happiness again.'
'Oh... Um, sorry to hear that. It's good that you had that kind of relationship, though.'
'Absolutely. And much as I hate to admit it, I'm not getting any younger, and I would love the opportunity to have children before it's too late.'

'Wow... how long were you married?'

'Nineteen years. I was twenty-three. I've spent most of my adult life married, and to suddenly be without her now... well, it's rather lonely. I want to fill my life with joy again. To have a real family to whom I can dedicate my time.'
'So you see why I'm keen. And not to brag, but I come from a very prestigious family. You may have heard the name Farrington before?'

'Yeah. But wait... if you're from a prestigious family, surely it'd be frowned upon to marry someone like me? I'm not the kind of woman you can really show off... I'd just end up embarrassing you.'
'Unlike many of my ilk, I don't agree with such prudishness. Honestly, as inappropriate as this may be to say, sex is natural. We all have urges and desires. To hide them away and behave as though it makes a person immoral... I find it wrong.'
'Actually... I kinda agree.'
'Oh, good. Look, one of the reasons I sought an adult film actress is because, to put it bluntly, I have a high sex drive. I'd like a partner who can keep up with it.'

'...Sorry, too far?'

'No, no. Better to be honest. Well... I need to give this some thought. Marriage and kids, that's a huge commitment... I, well, I'd prefer to get married for love, cheesy as it sounds, but to be honest, you've caught me at a desperate moment.'
'I'm really struggling at the moment. Once my family found out I was in porn, they stopped supporting me. Kicked me out of the house... said I was a bad influence on my sister.'

'I'm so sorry to hear that.’
'It's been hard... I'm no big name, so the pay isn't amazing. I'm scared I won't meet this month's rent, and I don't know what I'd do then... And I miss my mum and dad. They hate me now. I'm tainted in their eyes.'
'How horrible for you, Roxxi. That's such a shame that they'd do that to you.'

'Y-Yeah... I'm pretty lonely too, Tate. It's not nice. I guess... getting married would make me look better to them.'
'Perhaps they would be able to see the good in you once again. It shouldn't require that, their love should be unconditional, but sadly it doesn't always work like that. Plus, you could give them grandchildren. I'm sure they'd like that.'
'Mmm... and you being from such a good background would really appeal to them too. They love people like you.'

'You could definitely prove yourself by marrying such a respectable man as me. Sorry, I dislike blowing my own trumpet, but you see what I mean.'
'I do.'

'I would take such good care of you, too. You'd never want for anything. You would be so safe, so secure... worrying about rent would be a thing of the past. A lovely woman like you should be treated like a princess.'
'Thanks... I need time to think it over before coming to a decision. It's a really big thing.'
'Of course it is. Marriage isn't something to take lightly. We'd be making a huge commitment to each other, after all. Especially once we had children. We would be a family, then.'

'Right, well, I suggest we spend the rest of the meal getting to know each other.'

'Well? What was she like?'
'Utterly gorgeous.'
'I don't mean her looks, Tate. I already expected that much, from what you told me.'

'She's perfect marriage material. It seems like her father would definitely approve, too. He'd love for her to marry a respectable man, after disgracing herself over the whole porn business.'
'And that man is you, is it?'
'If she says yes, which I'm sure she will. She's fortunate to have someone like me interested in her.'

'How old is she?'
'Same age as Ellis, then.'

'It's a good age. She'll be in good shape for having children.'
'When do you intend to do that?'
'Right away. Why wait?'

'We're overcrowded as it is! You've got three children piled on top of each other in one room already.'
'And how much room does a baby take up? I can fit a crib in my bedroom.'
'I wouldn't have thought you'd want your beauty sleep disturbing.'

'Roxxi will be there, won't she? She can handle all the night feeds. I've got work to go to, after all.'
'I'm just saying. You're not particularly keen on babies.'
'Yes, but babies turn into children, who eventually turn into adults. I need a proper son, Olivia. Someone who can carry on my legacy.'
'Fair enough.'

'No, I think she'll fit in just nicely. It'll be refreshing to actually fuck someone who's actually enthusiastic for once. Especially someone who looks like she does...'

'Okay, enough! I didn't need that level of detail.'
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