‘This is your house…?’
‘It’s hopefully just a temporary measure. Our last house caught fire, you see, and we needed to be rehomed…’
‘Oh, I’m sorry. That’s terrible.’
‘Things will be resolved in time. So, I’d like you to meet my children-’

‘What? Children?’
‘...Yes. I do have three children.’
‘And you only thought of telling me now? I thought you said you wanted to have them with me?’

‘I wasn’t lying.’
‘Yeah, but I took that to mean the first time… I thought you and your wife hadn’t had any. It’s kinda shitty to just drop this on me now.’
‘They’re nice kids, Roxxi. I’m sure you’ll get along just great. Let’s go in and see them, shall we?’

‘Ellis? Could you fetch your sisters from upstairs? There’s someone I’d like them to meet.’
‘Um, okay…’

‘Who’s this?’

‘This is my new girlfriend, Roxxi. Roxxi, these are my children: Ellis, Aria and Saraya.’
‘Hi, kids.’

‘Hey. Nice to meet you…’

‘Now, I’ve got some good news for you all. Roxxi is pregnant. That means she’s having a baby. Two, actually. We’ve found out she’s having twins.’


‘That’s right. Two little brothers or sisters or both, we won’t know for a while yet.’

‘Are they gonna live here?’
‘Yes, they will.’
‘Ugh. Great.’

‘Come on now, Aria, this is nice news. Don’t you want to be a big sister again?’
‘Not really.’
‘Be kind, sweetheart. Let's not upset Roxxi, now.’

‘Since when have you ever called me that? That’s weird. Don’t do that.’

‘So when’s she moving in?’
‘Not just yet, but we’re going to make plans for it.’

‘We don’t even have room for two babies. Where are we gonna put them?’

‘Ah, we’ll make space. It doesn’t matter if it’s a bit crowded! Not in a household with so much love to share.’
‘I can’t wait to get to know you better.’
‘I’m sure you’ll all be the best of friends once you’ve got to know Roxxi. She really is a lovely woman.’

‘Well, we’ll be nothing but nice, won’t we, girls?’

‘Doubt it.’

‘Sure. Whatever.’

‘Wonderful. I want this to be a happy household again, okay?’

‘Well, that went as expected.’
‘No kidding. You don’t think we could’ve waited to drop that bombshell on them? They didn’t even know I existed until a minute ago, and now they’ve got to deal with getting used to me and two babies.’
‘May as well get them used to the idea early on.’
‘...I don’t like the way you’ve been keeping secrets and suddenly springing them on people. Is there anything else you’ve kept from me?’

‘...My former mother-in-law still lives with us. She can’t afford to move out.’

The next couple of months passed by, and the children and Roxxi had to try to get used to each other. Unfortunately, not every party was co-operating.

‘Hi, Aria. What are you reading?’
‘Your crappy romance book.’
‘Ah… Well, it's a bit adult-oriented, so maybe you should find something more age-appropriate.'

'Yeah, whatever. It's weird anyway.'
'Listen, I feel you and me haven’t really got off on the right foot. So I’d like us to be friends.’
‘You’re not a friend, you’re a stepmother, and those are always horrible.’

‘In books, maybe. Look, I know you’re a smart girl. I know you like a lot of time to yourself, and you enjoy reading. You do pretty well at school and you’re really kind to your little sister. I’ve worked all that out just from paying attention to you.’
‘I’m not the scary evil stepmother you think I am.’

‘Is it true you’re a whore like Olivia said you are?’

‘Yeah, she doesn’t like you. She said you’ve got no class and you’re in dirty videos doing dirty things.’
‘She really said that, huh?’

‘Uh huh. I know you don’t like her. Well, nobody does, but you don’t like any of us either.’
‘That’s not true-’
‘It was written all over your face when you first walked in. You don’t wanna be a stepmum to us kids, you just wanna have your own with Tate. You’d prefer it if we were gone.’

‘Alright, it’s true that I didn’t expect any of you. Olivia, or you kids. But unlike her, you’re all really nice. You’ve got every right to live here. Hey… I know it must’ve been really hard, losing your mum…’

‘Well you’re wrong, because I hated her! She was a bitch! I don’t need a mum, so don’t try to be one to me!’

‘Just leave me alone. Have your ugly babies with Tate and leave me alone.’
The week after...

‘And that’s two heartbeats!’
‘Aww… They’re looking good, then?’

‘Hang on a second.’

‘Is there a problem?’

‘No, no problem... There’s a third heartbeat. I see it now.’

‘A third…?!’
‘That’s right. You’re having triplets, Roxxi.’
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