'Hello Abraxas.'
'Hello Abraxas.'
'Hello Abraxas.'
'Hello Abraxas.'

'...What the fuck.'

'Hello, ladies. Thank you all for coming - all five of you.'

'What is this about?'
'First things first, introductions. These are the Graves sisters. Since Nephilim doesn't know much about how Devil's Port is run, allow me to explain. Jarah, Jairyn and Jessamine, they run politics, the police, the military and organised crime -'

'Jessamine, as the head of the criminal organisation is Saul Kim's boss. Though Saul's part in Devil's Port's crime is running a street gang. Saul keeps his gang members doing what they must, Jessamine basically leaves him to it but occasionally looks in and influences other beneficial city crime.'

'Jarah, as head of law enforcement, turns a blind eye and arrests anyone who hinders us.'

'Jaceina keeps the citizens as happy as possible with her influence in politics -'

'- And Jairyn makes sure that our military is strong. Not that the military has been needed yet, but it's better to have it and not need it than vice versa. All of the people in this room, barring yourself Nephilim, report to me.'

'So who is this chick and why're we here?'



'Nephilim is someone I've been working with for some time. Am I right in assuming we all saw the news?'

'We did.'
'We did.'
'We did.'
'We did.'

'Yes. How did she get a hold of all that information?'

'She broke into ORTOS.'

'You need me to go rough her up?'
'She lives in Sunset Valley. I do have her address, so I'll let you know as and when I need force. Right now, damage control is required.'

'We should attack her credibility.'
'We should attack her credibility.'

'We must make her look like a liar.'
'We must make her look like a liar.'

'We must make it clear that she cannot be trusted by anyone.'
'We must make it clear that she cannot be trusted by anyone.'
'We must make it clear that she cannot be trusted by anyone.'

'...Uh. D'you girls always talk in unison like that?'
'We do. We are a quadruplet hive mind.'
'We do. We are a quadruplet hive mind.'
'We do. We are a quadruplet hive mind.'
'We do. We are a quadruplet hive mind.'

'But how? How can we do so?'

'Can't we force her to retract her statement?'
'...Maybe. But it might be too obvious. No, I think we need something a little subtler than that.'

'The safety of Yahzoputl is the topmost priority in my mind.'

'Wait a fuckin' minute -'

'Don't ask.'

'If she is spreading information about Yahzoputl, then the people may demand that the facility proves they have nothing.'

'What if...'

'...We frame her.'
'...We frame her.'
'...We frame her.'

'Frame her for what?'

'Something terrible.'
'Something terrible.'

'A desperate act of evil to discredit you.'
'A desperate act of evil to discredit you.'

'She attempts to do something harmful to the city.'
'She attempts to do something harmful to the city.'
'She attempts to do something harmful to the city.'

'...Alright, I'm sorry I have to stop you there. While I'm intrigued, the speaking in unison thing is starting to get a little too creepy.'

'Thank fuck it ain't only me.'
'Can you stop it?'

'You like it when we do it in bed.'
'You like it when we do it in bed.'

'I know, but things people like in bed don't necessarily carry through to non-sexual activities. If I'm going about my day like normal, I'd be a little put off if you put your feet around my -'

'If we can press on please!'

'I think I have an idea...'
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