'Look, I'm doing it!'

'Nice one.'


'Oh, hi. What's up?'

'Not much, just enjoying one of those rare, work-free days. You?'
'The same. Been working my ass off getting commissions finished, so fuck it, I'm taking a me day.'

'That and plus you're putting off the latest piece of furry porn to do.'

'Thanks Wed, I don't think you said that quite loudly enough.'

'Any good me day definitely has a lack of furry porn. Though for some people it might be essential!'
'Oh my God.'

'It's pretty important for Indigo.'

'It's true! You make money drawing it!'

'...Anything to pay the bills.'

'Yeah, better than wrapping yourself around a pole. Been there, done that.'

'At least art is something I'm good at. I think if I took up pole dancing people would pay me to stop.'
'Hey, it's a learning curve. And it keeps you flexible.'

'Enough of your life lessons.'
'Nah, it's not for me.'

'That's fine. I have notoriously low standards. ...Except for Tony, of course.'
'I should hope so.'
'Anyway. How's the blob?'

'Disgusting. That crate seems to be pretty good at keeping it in a decent condition, I keep opening it up to check it's not rotting and then immediately regret it. So now I'm thinking about my next trip back to Devil's Port.'
'It was pretty gross. What're you gonna do?'
'The people that guy we found are staying with have been checking out the papers. What's got the highest public opinion, what they reckon'll be the easiest to get to, that kind of shit. Hopefully Penny's been doing most of the talking, 'cause I think Daniel'd just swear non-stop.'
'If you want, I'll go with you when you go back there.'
'Yeah, thanks. Can't hurt.'

'Right. Oh yeah, you were telling me about those sisters before. Who are they again?'
'Oh yeah. The Graves sisters.'

'How'd they come up?'
'During our group visit to the city of horror, we overheard someone talking about them. ...I dunno if it's such a good idea to talk about it in public though.'
'Tate's not here though. Anyway even if he was, he could just find out about them from Dad, right? So you'd not say anything he couldn't find out easily? Or are you planning something to do with them...?'
'Nah, nothing like that.'

'I dunno. Nobody here's gonna know what you're talking about. 'Sup to you though.'
'To the best of my knowledge, none of Abraxas' cronies know where I am or what I'm up to. I don't want to change that, so it makes me paranoid. Better safe than sorry, huh?'

'Yeah. You've got a point.'

'Back to ours then.'

'Sure. We're done here, aren't we...?'

'Want anything?'

'Ah, no thanks.'
'I'm good as well.'

'Alright. So, the Graves sisters are important figures in Devil's Port. They run different parts of the city, but they answer to Abraxas. They're also, uh, with him.'

'...All of them?'
'He's made "jokes" in the past about how if things fall through with Annalise, my stepmum, he'll marry them all bigamously. They're also alien hivemind quadruplets.'

'Now that shit can't be legal.'
'Yeah, it's not. There's a lot of illegal shit that goes on in the city. They're called Jessamine, Jaceina, Jarah and Jairyn, and they run the politics, the cops, crime, and the military.'

'So basically, it's corrupt as fuck?'
'Bingo. Crime's rampant as all fuck, but the cops only deal with hit that doesn't benefit Abraxas or pisses him off, basically. Jessamine, the sister that's in the "beneficial" crime scene scratches the back of Abraxas' gangbanger leader bestie too. Fuck that city.'

'I don't blame you for getting out of there.'
'Yeah. What a shithole.'

'Yeah. That's pretty much all there is to say about the sisters, I luckily never had the pleasure of their company that frequently.'
'That's good. Have you got anything in mind about them or are you just focusing on Abraxas?'
'They'll probably have to be dealt with at some point, but for now Abraxas is my main target.'

'Hello. I saw someone who looked like your daughters in town earlier, so I did a bit of digging and yes, it is them. I found their address.'

'Fantastic! Thank you so much.'

'Not a problem. It was my pleasure. Does that mean you'll be making the journey over sometime soon?'
'Oh yes. I'll think on it for some time, figure out a way to handle Indigo as easily as possible, since she can be quite the livewire. Then once a plan is in mind, I'll be on my way.'
'I see. Well, let me know when and you'll be welcome to visit me at my house. I've taken a few extra security measures.'

'Ah thank you, I'll be sure to do that.'
'Good, good. The security guard is quite the looker as well, which is an added bonus. Anyway, the house you're wanting is called Shearwater, at 120 Wright Way.'
'Brilliant, I'll do some research.'

'As for the security guard... Think you'll seal the deal?'

'I can certainly try. With a pair like that, who wouldn't?'

'Well, give her one for me too!'
'Don't worry, I will!'
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