'Afternoon. Who should I say is calling in?'

'Afternoon. Abraxas Gore, Tate invited me over.'

'Alright. Hi, Abraxas Gore is here. Okay, thanks. Go on.'
'Thank you.'

'Oh, hi...'

'Ah, hello. Where's your father?'
'Um, I think in his office...'

'Ah, thank you. I'm Abraxas, by the way, a friend of Tate's. It's nice to meet you three.'

'Lovely to meet you too.'

'I'm Tristan, and that's Carmella and Zeus.'

'Hello, Abraxas.'

'Good to see you, Tate!'
'You too. I see you've met my triplets.'
'Very briefly, but yes. Is your wife in as well? It would only be polite to say hello to her too.'
'Of course. I believe she's with Julius.'


'So what brings you here?'

'Tate invited me over. There's some distance between us, so there's not many opportunities for a good face to face catch up.'
'Business related?'
'Partly a social call, and yes, partly business related.'



'What? I'm not some dog who just runs to your side when you call me.'


'Lovely to see you again Roxxi, it's been far too long.'

'Yeah. Lovely indeed.'
'I do apologise. It must be that time of the month again.'

'Oh, not to worry. It must be a shock to suddenly see me again, I understand.'

'I wasn't expecting you.'

'A lot's changed since then, hasn't it?'

'Indeed. Growing up, marrying, having kids... I have to say, you look wonderful though, if you don't mind my saying.'

'Yes, I'm a very lucky man in that respect.'

'He meant Mum, not you.'

'Sorry Tate, you're not my type!'

'It's okay, he's not mine either.'

'Well, I think we all know what kind of a woman you are.'

'A great one!'

'Shall we talk in private? I'm sure your family won't be interested in hearing the ins and outs of the business.' Especially since Tristan refused my offer.
'Definitely not.'

'Wonderful idea.'
'No, I didn't think so. Business talk can be so boring. Anyway, nice to meet you as I said, and to see Roxxi again.'

'My pleasure.'
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