
'Good afternoon, Mrs Gore. Is Abraxas in?'
'Yeah, he's on the computer. I'll get him.'
'Thank you.'

'Abraxas, you have a guest.'

'Who is it?'
'Mr Westwood, from the facility.'
'Ah, it must be about my investment. I don't suppose you could give us some space while we talk?'

'Uh, is that really necessary?'

'We are going to be discussing private financial matters. Is it really that much of an issue to have some privacy?'
'No, but -'
'Good, I'm glad you agree.'

'...I just feel like more of an annoyance to you than a wife when I constantly have to leave because you've got people over. Like you don't trust me... Or I'm a leper.'

'Aw, you're feeling unappreciated, is that it?'
'Well... Yeah, I guess.'

'You are most definitely appreciated. Never forget that.'

'My request for privacy isn't based on mistrust or anything like that. Moreso with these financial matters, they are boring. Mindnumbingly so, and I am sure you have much more fulfilling ways to occupy your time than listen to myself and some stranger drone on about things that could turn the most steely mind to sludge.'
'I guess... I'll go keep the girls company.'
'Thank you.'

'Wife trouble, eh?'

'Heh, marriage. Who'd do it?'
'Not me, that's for certain.'

'So what can I do for you?'

'Can we go somewhere private? I have something really important to discuss with you.'
'Sounds serious.'
'Sadly it is.'
'Let's go to my study. It's on the second floor, and Annalise has gone to the third. We shouldn't be overheard.'
'Lead the way.'

'So what did you want to discuss?'

'It's about the facility, as you probably imagined. Recently there was an...incident.'
'Another death?'
'Yes. But as callous as this sounds, that's not the issue.'
'Go on.'
'...The security tapes were brought to my attention, after somebody noticed something...amiss.'

'During the incident, it shed again. One of the techs that was on duty offered to take it to the cryogenic stasis laboratory. The shedding never made it there, and furthermore, another technician - Astrid Earle - reported being knocked out cold. She identified her attacker as Duncan Brown, who I did meet myself before Yahzoputl raged. He even had an employee profile on the database, but nobody that works with new employees could say that they confirmed him. Not only did he assault a legitimate technician, he also backed up the technician that offered to take the shedding to cryo. So I believe his name was a pseudonym, and that he had an ally. ...Multiple allies, in fact.'

'....So what you are saying is that there was a security breach on a massive scale, and that physical and biological evidence of a very important subject has been let loose into the public?'

'Find him. Find out who this Duncan is and what happened to the shedding. Then teach him that he does not get away with stealing from ORTOS. From me.'
'...That's another thing. I think we've figured out who it is. You'll not like it.'

'...Are you actually telling me this absurd situation gets worse?'
'I'm afraid so. There was a group of five we identified as intruders. Three of them we couldn't get an ID on, but the other two... We believe they were... Indigo and Lazarus Gore...'

'Are you fucking serious?! What the hell kind of operation are you running over there, Westwood?!'

'Are there any kind of limitations on what sort of intellectually faulty pond scum can enter your fucking facility, or have you replaced the front door with a fucking turnstile?! You useless, moronic waste of air, do you have any fucking clue what the hell you've done?! What the hell that nasty, spoilt, bipolar, trashy cunt is going to do?! You might as well have given her a fucking loaded gun and put it to my head, she is going to run every advantage possible on this, and fucking believe you me, if I go down, I am taking you with me!'

'I'm sorry -'

'Oh, you're sorry?! So everything's going to be okay because you're fucking sorry?! I should hope you are sorry!'

'Believe you me, you're going to be sorry if this doesn't get fixed. Get the fuck out of my sight. Get the fuck out of my manor.'

'...Sounds like Daddy's angry... We don't like it when Daddy's angry, do we?'

'We prefer a happy Daddy, eh sweetie?'


'Hello, Tate. Just a quick call, I have a small favour I'd like to ask of you.'
'Not a problem. What is it?'

'Indigo and Wednesday left my home a few months back now, and they didn't tell me where they went. I believe, however, that they might have gone to Sunset Valley; I did overhear them talking about your town before they left Devil's Port. Unfortunately, it's just come to my attention that Indigo has been messing around with things that don't concern her. I wondered if I could perhaps ask you to keep an eye out for her while you're out and about. If you or someone else could find out her actual address, if she is in Sunset Valley, that would be incredibly helpful.'

'Of course. If I see her, I'll let you know. What does she look like?'

'Thank you. Slim, grey eyes, waist length black hair, covered in tattoos, a lot of them being of occult-related symbology, including a leviathan cross on her throat. She constantly looks pissed off. Wednesday tends to follow her around like a lost puppy, too. Also black haired, genetically inferior around the jaw, freckles, and pastes herself in yellow makeup.'

'They should be easy to recognise, then. You'll be the first to know should I see them.'
'Brilliant, thank you so much. I really appreciate your help.'

'Any time. It's my pleasure.'

'Oh, and also... I'm sorry to hear of the attack on you. And on Tristan.'

'Since you haven't been to here in a while, how about I organise some transportation for you to spend some quality time and your pick of the women at Dangerous Curves? You could even bring Tristan along too, if he wants a girl.'

'Thank you. That sounds like a wonderful idea. I'll ask him what he thinks.'
'You're welcome. Talk to you soon.'
'I'll get back to you once I've spoken to Tristan. Goodbye.'
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