'So, do you know why we're being called over?
'Possibly just to say hello. Edward and I invite each other to our places a fair bit.'

'Oh yeah, I'm sure you two totally get together just to say hello.'

'...Are you implying something rude?'
'Say hello to his penis, maybe.'

'Sorry, I couldn't resist.'

'Hello, you two.'

'...Did you overhear what Madina just said?'

'You know what it's like, being a vampire...'

'Oohhh, I'm sorry. I was just trying to wind up Aunty Nal.'

'If you want me to send her back home, I'll find a big box and some stamps.'

'That won't be necessary. I'm fairly sure we still have a box here somewhere.'

'Oh good. We might even put a few airholes in if you're lucky.'

'Aww, don't be mean Aunty Nal!'
'Don't be inappropriate then!'
'I'm an Izon, I can't help it.'
'You normally try to deny that.'

'I wasn't joking, by the way. Heath got an amp and Nix thought the box looked like great fun.'
'Well just so long as Aunty Nal was joking about putting me in it.'

'I could probably manage it quite easily.'

'You'd better watch your back. Anyway, I have some good news for you. I spoke to the school and they'd be happy to let you join me for work experience.'

'Oh my God, seriously?!'
'Yes. The job's yours, if you're interested.'

'Yessssssssss, thank you!'
'You're welcome.'

'I'm so gonna tell Tristan.'

'Oh, you're keeping in touch?'
'Yeah, I exchanged screen names with Zeus and Carmella too, but like, I mainly talk to Tristan. I made the mistake of leaving the computer unlocked when I went to go pee though, and Kia got on.'

'One of my younger sisters, pain in the ass.'
'Oh dear. What happened?'

'Well, like, she saw his name and realised I was talking to a boy and then asked him if he's hot. Then she asked him to send her a topless pic. She didn't tell him that it wasn't me there any more so I had to chase her away, apologise and explain.'

'Oh God.'
'She's ten and totally boy crazy already.'

'That sounds embarrassing. I'm glad you talk to Tristan though. What do you think of him?'

'God yeah, although I think he was more embarrassed than I am, I'm just, like, used to Kiana being mental. She likes to chase a boy in Moonlight Falls around to play kiss chase and he hates it. At least it wasn't Talana, she'd put a fucking curse on him! And I like Tristan, he's cool. He's nice. Pretty funny.'
'Yes, he's lovely.'

'I'd say he seems so relieved to get away from Tate, but like, I only met him that one time and was glad to get away.'

'Christ, tell me about it.'

'Hello Vincent!'

'Anyone would be.'

'Hi Nalini.'

'How are you?'
'I'm okay.'

'Why don't you come in properly? I'm sure neither Nalini nor Madina will have any problems with what you're wearing. They're both very nice.'


'Aww, well look at you!'

'Aw, that's cute.'

'Thank you!'

'We bought it the other day. It suits him, doesn't it?'

'Absolutely! You look like a princess in it.'

'Yay! I wanted to look pretty. I know boys aren't really meant to wear dresses, but Dad said it was okay.'

'Well, when I was young it wasn't considered appropriate for women to wear trousers. Nowadays you'll have to wrestle them off me!'

'Do you ever wear dresses?'
'Only on very, very rare occasions. I used to before trousers were more "acceptable".'

'I bet you look nice in a dress.'
'Probably not, but thank you.'
'I think you're beautiful no matter what you wear, but a dress would be lovely on you.'

'We can be pretty together!'

'Yeah, listen to them!'

'Okay, I give in. Thanks though.'
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