'Hey man, is that a drip? What were you put on a drip for?'

'...I was shot in the cock. Have you ever taken a bullet to the genitals? I lost a lot of blood, I needed transfusions.'
'Oh. Yeah. That makes sense.'

'Heeyy man, I've got a blunt for you. Gettin' chilled might help with the pain.'
'...Thank you.'

'Never mind that. What's coming next?'

'First and foremost, I'm going to focus on my recovery. I'm still in a lot of pain thanks to that stupid fucking bitch.'

'Tell me where Indigo is. I'll eviscerate her for you.'
'No. I'm not going to let you hog all the fun. I'm going to get my own back for this, mark my words. You and the others are all welcome to help out, but I want the meat of it.'

'The meat of her.'

'Of course. She's got another fucking thing coming if she seriously reckons there will be no retribution for this. If Indigo had kept her nose out of my business in the first place, I wouldn't have been provoked into taking her back here. Any hurt feelings she has are all her own fault.'

'You want us to do anythin', dude?'
'Hmm. I'd tell you to ask if there's a sponge bath with any attractive young nurses going, but that might actually put a counter-productive strain on my injuries...'

'Oooh, ow, man.'
'...Not what I meant.'

'Indigo...? When are you going to talk again?'

'I know Dad did something really messed up... But whatever it is, you can't keep it to yourself forever. I - I'm worried, Indigo.'
'...I love you, Indigo...'

'I know we've had it rough... with Dad. With him hitting us -'



'Indigo, what the hell are you doing?!'


'Stop! Indigo, please, just stop!'

'Indigo, please... Whatever Dad's done, we can get through this... P-Please, just...talk. L-Let someone else in...'


'Oh, hi. Didn't know you were coming over.'
'No, it was unplanned, I'm sorry about that. Is Mr Farrington in? Uh, Edward, to narrow it down.'
'Yeah, he is. Come in.'
'Hi Mr Farring-'


'Are you okay?'

'Sorry, I'm still not used to this. I'm pretty tired. Actually, I've come here because I've got both good and bad news. I wasn't sure where to go.'

'Well, you know you're always welcome here for help, so you did the right thing. Do you want to sit down?'
'Thanks, and yeah I think if I don't sit down soon I'll fall again. These damn legs take some getting used to. Could you help me?'
'Of course...'

'So... what's going on?'

'Thanks. The good news is, Indigo finally broke her silence. The bad news? She did a lot of screaming.'

'Is she on her own now?'

'Yeah. She got violent. Not to us, I mean, thank God, but to herself. She began screaming insults about Abraxas, yelling "fuck you" about him, and punched the wall repeatedly. It looked like she bloodied her knuckles. That kind of rage brings... I suppose kind of almost PTSD reactions out of Wednesday and she has to flee.'
'I see...'

'Why are you referring to yourself in the third person?'
'...Oh, yeah. Um, you remember when Indigo and Wednesday visited for the first time, right? When we first arrived. After you left the room, they really got talking about things a bit more. Wednesday mentioned her tulpas. Sentient imaginary friends, basically.'

'You asked Wednesday if any of them were with her at that meeting, and she told you Baldot said hello.'
'You're Baldot...?'
'Yeah. I know this is confusing. Wednesday fled to her mental bolthole after Indigo started punching the wall, she was bloody terrified.'
'Ah, I can imagine... I would have been just as scared. So you took over, then?'

'Yeah. I'm the only one of Wednesday's tulpas that's had any practice of possession, the other two aren't that fucked. Actually, they're with her right now, trying to calm her down. She goes completely catatonic during these episodes.'

'I'm sorry. I hope she starts to feel a bit better soon. Do you have any idea how long this could last?'
'It depends, Wednesday's been really shaken up. Honestly, Indigo's silence disturbed the whole system. Even me, and I don't even like her. Hopefully Wednesday'll feel better to resume control maybe tomorrow at worst? I'm crossing my fingers because this is tiring.'
'Okay. What did Indigo say, when she finally began to talk? Did she say what happened in Devil's Port?'
'No, she merely exploded in a rage. She mentioned her uncle, though. Orpheus, he died when Wednesday was still little. Maybe Abraxas boasted about killing him.'

'He's twisted enough for it. It was mainly "fuck you Abraxas" on repeat. And "how the fuck could he do that to Orpheus?" Wednesday ran out of the room when Indigo bellowed like a wounded lion.'

'Oh, how awful.'

'She did seem convinced when she mentioned Orpheus before that Abraxas killed him, so this seems like an extreme reaction to something she already suspected... I don't know. Perhaps having it confirmed set it all off. Either way, I shouldn't speculate. We need to hear it from her.'
'I don't know when she'll calm down, it can be dangerous to stop her when these moods strike. In Indigo's defence, I do want to stress that she won't deliberately lash out at her loved ones and friends, but she did injure Wednesday's big brother once because he tried to physically restrain her and got in the way of a wildly flailing arm.'

'Well, someone should probably go over. Not you, Edward, in case she's still in a rage. But I can handle it.'

'Can I be rude and ask to stay here a while longer? I'm so tired.'
'Not a problem. I won't send you away, don't worry.'
'Thank you. Good luck with Indigo.'

'Thanks. I'll do my best.'
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