'Uh, Wednesday...?'

'Hey. Sorry, I'm just a bit tired...'

'It's alright. You okay?'
'Yeah. Mildly hung over though. How are you?'
'Ah. I'm alright, thanks. Just a bit surprised.'

'Well, I wanted to apologise for freezing you out the way I did... I know Indigo was just trying to look out for me, but in this case I think she was wrong, and I shouldn't have gone along with it. I'm really sorry.'
'I'd never do anything to hurt you... I know she doesn't see it that way though.'
'She knows I wanted to get back in touch with you though. Actually, she was okay about it. She saw it coming.'

'Really? That's something then. I'm glad you don't hate me.'

'I never did. I just... I was struggling with how I felt after Tristan's attack. I - I mean, I know it's not your fault, I never blamed you. I just, I was really worried about looking like I was taking sides in the whole thing, or that I was betraying the triplets. It's probably not even a rational train of thought to follow, I know. I didn't really know what to do.'

'Honestly, neither did I... I understand.'
'Still. They've gone somewhere better now, away from Tate.'
'Good for them. It's really nice to see you, anyway.'

'Yeah, you too. I've missed you.'

'I've missed you as well. It's been lonely, to be honest. It was always nice, spending time with you.'

'Yeah, I enjoyed it too.'

'Oh God. Sorry.'
'It's okay. Luckily I have a good tolerance to alcohol. I think it's a demon thing.'
'I don't normally drink, last night was my first proper... not bender, as such. Alcohol fuelled night out. And Indigo brought home two of our baby sisters so we're both really tired.'

'Oh, wow. Permanently?'

'Yeah. Dad was mistreating them too. Although the down side is there's now four of us in one bedroom, but it's better than living with him. ...They swear so much though!'

'Oh dear. Still, at least they'll be happy with you.'
'Yeah. You should come over and see them some time.'
'Sure. If me being there isn't too awkward.'

'I think Indigo would probably expect you to come over at least a few times. She anticipated us talking again, after all. It shouldn't be a problem. And Jezebeth and Aura are both so cute! Even when they're tipping baby food on the floor.'
'Aww. I don't mind kids. My cousin's got a toddler and he's cute. Probably wouldn't have my own though. I mean, I'd struggle anyway.'
A week later -

'Here we are, one husband fresh from the hospital.'

'Oh my God.'

'Huh, so you do care.'
'W-What? Of course I do...'
'You could've fooled me. A week I've been in that damn hospital, and you didn't visit me once.'
'I've been busy... There's been the boys to look after.'

'I thought you had some girls too.'

'Y-Yes, of course. The kids. The, um, the boys have been the most attention seeking, though...'

'And you couldn't have passed them over to the Bonehilda for an hour to come and see your poor, suffering husband?'
'Well, I don't really like the idea of a skeleton babysitting. I'd... hate to imagine an eye being poked out by a bony finger or something. I just f-feel better if I'm there with them. ...Are you angry with me?'
'I suppose not.'

'Oh. You're home.'

'I am. Did you miss me?'

'Parry, don't be rude...'

'I didn't, though. Neither'd Auren.'

'Aw damn it, I thought you'd be in the hospital for longer!'

'Oh nice. I'm thrilled you kids are so pleased to see me.'
'Yeah, whatever.'
'Don't you talk to me like that!'

'Why, what you gonna do? Get out of your chair and hobble after me?'

'He should! Dad being confined to a wheelchair's way better than him stomping around screaming. Not as good as living with Indigo, but -'

'- What's she got to do with anything?'

'Hey kids why don't we go to the park wouldn't it be nice to get some fresh air.'

'Good job.'

'Annalise! What has Indigo got to do with anything?'

'Um. Um well...'
'I'm waiting.'

'Jeez. Indigo came to the house and took Jezebeth and Aura home with her while you were in the hospital.'

'...She did what?! And you didn't stop her?!'

'W-Well what was I supposed to do...? She was furious! And I can't really put myself in other peoples' way at the moment...'
'You could've stood in front of the door, you could've called Saul or someone for backup, you could've done literally anything but let her kidnap my two daughters! Get out. Take the boys and go to the festival.'
'W-What're you going to do?'

'Yell at you to fucking leave if you don't do as you're told for once. Parasite and Failed Abortion -'

'Want to go to the park, so go. I'll stay here and make the most of some solitary time to calm myself down.'

'God, he's such a wanker.'

'...'Ere, your mood's gonna get worse.'
'I don't think it possibly can.'
'Oh yeah, it definitely can. Check the news. Indigo's been sayin' shit 'bout you to the media.'

'...Right. I need you to stay here for a while longer yet. I have some calls to make...'
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