'Hello you two, come in.'

'Hi. Who else is here?'

'Oh, the usual suspects who live here. And Nalini's over too.'
'Oh right, cool.'

'So the desktop's in my room.'



'How was your first day of school? I'm sorry I wasn't there. It was my day off.'

'Kind of a mixed bag. Alright, I suppose.
'Oh? What happened, if you don't mind me asking...?'
'Some girls started picking on me... But I made a friend! She stood up for me.'

'Oh dear... Still, I'm glad to hear you made a friend. Who was it?'
'She's called Hazel.'

'What, really? Hazel...?'

'Um. Yes...?'
'What does she look like?'
'Brown hair, red eyes, horns...'

'Wait, what?'
'She's like, a demon? I guess?'
'...And you didn't think to mention that earlier?'
'W-Well no... it... it didn't seem, well... important...'

'Oh, God... I... don't think you should be friends with her. She's bad news.'
'Sh-she is?'

'Hang on. How the fuck can you not think someone being a demon isn't worth mentioning?'

'W-Well, I just don't see people by their occult statuses, that's all! Plus I've got three demons living in my head -'
'- Oh Jesus Christ.'
'You're not a genie to me, you're - you're just Indigo. And s-same with - with - with Mr Farrington being a v-vampire! That's all...'

'It's not really because she's a demon... Look, the thing is... She isn't a very nice person. She's picked on the triplets before, and said some pretty nasty things to Edward.'

'Probably justified.'
'No, not justified. You didn't do anything wrong.'

'...Fanfuckingtastic. So instead of being picked on, this bully's chosen to be her friend instead?'
'I don't know why she'd suddenly start being nice. But she just... well, she hates this family, that's why she's treated us that way.'

'You may as well tell them.'
'Are you sure?'
'They should know the truth.'
'Okay... Well, it's who she's related to. Her father, to put it bluntly, is an evil bastard. Did you hear about Tristan...?'


'A few days ago, he... he was kidnapped and tortured. Hazel's father is a man called Miles. And he was the one who did it.'

'...What the fuck?!'
'He did it to get back at Tate.'

'What the fuck for?! What's a kid got to do with it?!'

'Miles doesn't really care who he hurts if he thinks it'll get to Tate. Tristan was just another way to do it.'
'Tate killed Miles' father years and years ago, before even I was born. So he's had this campaign of revenge ever since. We think he probably got Hazel to bully the triplets as a part of it.'

'...Well that settles it. You can't be friends with this cunt.'

'Don't what?'
'Please don't try and put her off or anything...!'
'Fuck, I'm not stupid.'

'Hey, it's okay.'
'N-No it's not! Promise me you're not going to do anything s-stupid!'
'I promise, okay? Swear on my life. I won't even go near the bitch.'

'Hey, Wednesday, don't worry! It's not your fault, okay? You weren't to know. We just thought it was necessary that you knew the truth.'

'Th-the last time Indigo told someone to leave me alone, she pulled a gun on them...'

'...Well like I said! I won't go near her.'

'...Oh, right. But yeah, no need for confrontation or anything! Just avoid Hazel in the friendliest way possible.'

'I'm sorry.'

'Hey, like he said, you've done nothing wrong.'
'No, there's just something wrong with me, instead.'
'There isn't...'
'Why else do I keep attracting bullies?'

'It really isn't anything wrong with you. You're a lovely girl, and bullies probably see that as a weakness. But you don't need to change, okay? I bet you'll find some friends soon.'
'...Should we postpone this for another time?'
'It's up to you... What do you think, Edward?'

'If you want to stay and get it done, you're more than welcome. I do apologise for upsetting you, Wednesday.'

'N-No it's not you... This just happens all the time. I - I'm seventeen and I've never had a proper friend before who isn't related to me... I just... thought things were turning around...'

'Oh, I see... It's okay. I didn't have friends at your age either. But things can still change for you, honest! You could try spending time with Charon. I'm biased, but he's nice.'

'That's right. So are the triplets, although I'm not sure how long they'll be here for...'

'Okay... Can I go outside for a bit?'

'Sure, go take a breather.'

'Let's get this shit over with then, huh?'

'Okay, I'll get started.'
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