'You okay?'
'...What's up?'


'Hey...you can tell me anything, y'know. And something's obviously bothering you.'
'No...it's literally nothing. I don't have a reason to be sad...but I am...'
'Oh, yeah. All part and parcel of depression, I know that fucking feeling. How long you been feeling like this?'

'All of today...'
'Did you go see Edward?'

'Maybe you should. Set up a hour a week to talk to him about shit that's going on in your head. Want me to give him a ring?'


'Hey, it's Indigo. Is there any chance of getting regular sessions with you set up at the school? Wed's been feeling like shit today.'

'Oh, I'm sorry to hear that... of course that can be arranged.'
'Alright, great. D'you know when you'd be able to see her, or should I phone back later?'
'I'm not doing anything at the moment, if she's available.'

'Hey Wed, wanna go over and see him now?'

'She says yes. So will you come here or should we go to you?'

'It's your choice. Do you know if there's anything specific on her mind? Because I was wondering if she would be up for talking to other people with similar experiences.'

'It's just been a sudden depressive mood, she says there's nothing that's really triggered it. Who were you thinking of bringing along too?'
'I see. I wondered if it might be beneficial to talk to the triplets. Perhaps it would be comforting for them too, to hear that they're not alone.'
'Maybe. Hey Wed, how d'you feel about talking to the triplets?'

'Umm, why...?'
''Cause we've all got something in common - horrendously shitty sperm donors. Might be able to provide each other some support? No pressure, though.'
'I guess it might help...'
'If you're sure?'

'Okay, Wed's in.'

'Okay. I'll call them, then. There's no guarantee they'll be up for it, particularly Tristan... but I'll ask. See you soon.'
'Right, well we'll come over to you then? Saves potentially all of you guys traipsing to us.'
'Yes, that would be better.'
'Right, catch you in a bit then, thanks for this.'

'C'mon Wed, let's go over then. Triplets might not feel like it, but at the very least you'll get to see Edward.'

'Come in. They're on their way.'

'Did you persuade Tristan to come over too then?'

'I did.'

'Managed to bribe him with promises of a takeaway and my charming company.'

'Oh, nice. I'd ask how he's doing, but... Stupid question.'

'Mm. It's the first time we've seen him since. I know I probably don't need to tell either of you, but do be aware that he's vulnerable. Don't make a thing of his appearance.'

'We won't.'
'Agreed, completely understand. I bet he doesn't look that bad, anyway.'

'It's wonderful to see you.'

'Yeah, you too.'

'Hey. Guessing you guys already know Wed, but I'm Indigo, her sister.'

'Nice to meet you! I'm Carmella.'

'And I'm Zeus.'

'Hey, I've missed having you around. All those F bombs you could've been dropping in front of Nix.'
'...Yeah, I'll apologise to Ellis for that when I see him. I'll go find you later once I'm done with this therapy shit, okay?'
'Sure, I'll be in my room. Later, guys!'

'Nice to meet you three too.'
'Bye Charon.'
'Yeah, see ya.'

'Let's get this out of the way. I know, I look fucking stupid. So if you wanna get your staring done now, that'd be great.'

'If you wanna see something that looks stupid, you want to see our sperm donor. His jaw's so fucking hideously oversized it's amazing he doesn't demand to have doorways enlarged for him. ...Seriously though, you look fine.'

'Well, he sounds lovely.'

'See, what did I tell you?'


'Oh, it's great. He's got the hair that wouldn't look amiss on a fucking teenage boy going through an emo phase, he's got this big crooked nose, not only does his jaw stick out both ways for fucking ages, he's got the kind of underbite that you'd only expect to see from a parody of upper class stereotypes.'

'And a 70's porn moustache.'
'Don't, Wed.'

'Oh my God.'

'Perhaps we should sit down.'

'So who is this douche?'

'Abraxas Gore. Our waste of space, verbally and physically abusive sperm donor.'

'Oh no, I'm sorry!'
'I hear Tate's pretty much as bad?'
'He's never hit us...'

'Verbally though, yeah. He can't stand me in particular. Hair too long, beard too long, too much of a sissy, or something like that.'

'Oh yeah, Abraxas does the whole "sissy" shit too. Our brother Lazarus, he's pretty fucking camp. He was screamingly flamboyant as a kid too, and it pissed Abraxas off no end that he didn't have a more "manly" son. Even when, y'know, Laz was still a kid.'
'Poor guy. It's so stupid.'

'Dad decided to make him "manlier"...'

'...Yeah, he forced Laz to take fucking steroids.'

'What the hell?'
'Steroids?! How old was he?'

'That's awful!'

'What the fuck is wrong with him?'

'I don't have a fucking clue. He's treated us all like crap. Almost all of us kids have one story that stands out as an obvious escalation of Abraxas' abuse.'
'Lazarus knocked three of Dad's teeth out though...'
'...Hah, yeah. Abraxas started beating him when he was 'roid raging, so he turned around and returned the favour.'

'Good, the asshole deserves it.'

'That must have been really scary though...'

'It was.'

'Not for me it wasn't. Watching Abraxas being on the receiving side of a beat down for once was satisfying as fuck. I would've cheered Laz on if it wasn't for the fact Abraxas would've gotten payback once he recovered.'

'Well, I'm a pacifist. I don't blame you, though.'
'Suddenly I feel kinda lucky.'

'Oh, right. I'm the complete opposite, to be honest, I rush to violence as an answer too much.'

'Don't dismiss your own experiences. Verbal abuse can be just as bad.'

'Verbal abuse is worse for me... At least bruises and things heal.'

'It messes with your head, doesn't it?'
'Yeah, and Dad did that a lot... He'd tell me that I'm a nasty and stupid, and that he doesn't know how I learnt to be so manipulative. He'd say it's my fault that Indigo hates him, because I got her wrapped around my finger somehow. He - he tells me that I'm crazy, I'm a fucked up ugly idiot, a bitch and that I should be locked away...'
'Wow, what a prick.'
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