'Saul seems pretty pissed with you, I thought he was one of the few people you actually put a fucking effort into not annoying.'
'Oh, he'll get over it. He's just a little tetchy at the moment because he discovered I've been sleeping with Jin.'

'...Are you fucking serious?'

'Believe me, I don't need to lie about sex.'
'...Jin. Your best friend's daughter.'
'Who happens to also be my best friend?'

'What the fuck is wrong with you?'
'Nothing -'
'- Bullshit.'
'There's nothing wrong with having a few mutually pleasurable sexual encounters with an attractive young woman.'
'You're fucking repulsive.'

'Oh get over it, you stupid cunt. Just because you'd require thawing out before some blind idiot tries to fuck you doesn't mean the rest of us can't enjoy a happy, healthy sex life.'

'I'd rather be a sexless freak, like you've been so eager to call me, than shove my genitals in the face of every breathing person that walks past, you fucked up shitstain.'

'Oh yes, how dare I have sex with women that desire me. Oh, how horrible I am.'
'I'm surprised, I thought Jin had better taste than that.'
'On the contrary, I'd say her taste is exemplary.'
'That's because you're fucking out of touch with reality, you dangerously deluded narcissist.'

'You're one to talk about being out of touch with reality. Not only are you completely unstable, but the way you encourage Wednesday's own insanity, it's sickening.'
'You leave Wed the fuck out of this -'
'- I mean really, what is it she claims? That she has demons living in her head? That they're living entities separate to herself, and they all harmoniously share a body? Bullshit, what absolute bullshit. If I'd known what a miserable failure she'd grow up into when Phaedra was expecting, I'd have bought her an abortion.'

'You shut the fuck up!'

'I could shoot you in broad daylight and nobody would care, you know. Not one person here likes you. If you turned up dead, there's not a single soul that would bat an eyelid. Hell, people would be lining up to bury the body. Or pieces of it.'
'Yeah, I'm sure Annalise would totally be up for assisting with murder and dismemberment, you fucking cunt -'
'- She might be a rare non violent person in this city, but she still can't stand you. She's happy you're gone. Parasite, Failed Abortion, Samhain, Nehemiah, they're all glad you're gone too. We all hate you. There's been such a more harmonious atmosphere in the house without your temper tantrums.'
'Shame they still have to contend with yours.'

'...Way to prove my fucking point, you absolute manchild.'

'Jesus, you don't know when to fucking be quiet, do you?'
'It's a trait that runs in the family.'
'Get in the fucking house!'

'Right, hurry up and get on with it, the sooner you start, the sooner I can leave and drown my sorrows.'

'If it's drowning you want, that can be arranged.'

'Yeah, 'cept if you kill me right now you'll not get to belabour whatever stupid fucking point you want to make. I know how much you love listening to the sound of your own voice, and corpses don't make for great listeners.'

'Fortunately for you, I planned on getting to the point. I don't want you in my manor or my city for longer than necessary, so I'll ask you outright. What were you doing in June?'

'In the city.'

'Sorry Abraxas, but I haven't been here since you threw me out.'
'You're fucking lying!'
'Prove it.'

'Fine. There are security cameras, you useless bitch. Oh you might think you had me fooled with your fucking lab coat, your blonde wig and that disgusting disfigurement slathered in make up, but it was still fucking you, I've seen the security footage. You know who else I saw? Lazarus. So I'll ask you again: what were you doing in ORTOS?'

'Oh, you're scared. You're acting fucking furious but inside you're absolutely shitting yourself, aren't you? Scared I might've found out a few choice secrets.'

'...Fine. If you won't tell me what I want to know, I'll progress straight onto breaking you.'
'Yeah, good fucking luck.'

'Well, isn't this nice? A miniature family reunion.'

'Yeah, real nice that you're so fucking shit at being a parent the family Bonehilda managed a better job than you despite having only the slightest hint of autonomy thanks to magic. Just lovely.'
'Oh, you misunderstand. I was being serious. You haven't seen Orpheus for some time.'

'I haven't seen Uncle Orpheus since you fucking killed him, you Goddamn maniac.'
'Whoever said he was dead? I certainly didn't.'
'Oh yeah, well let's see. You and him fucking hated each other, you're a soulless murderer and one day Orpheus just disappears. It doesn't take a fucking genius to work it out.'
'Well, you're wrong. In fact, until you left, you interacted with him every single day.'
'I don't have fucking time for this, Abraxas.'

'Then allow me to be direct. The family Bonehilda is your precious fucking uncle.'
'Magic is a powerful tool. Making deals with witches and warlocks is also powerful. Do you know how Bonehildas are made? I struck up a deal. In return for doing a favour for her, she put Orpheus to good use. He was repurposed - as the family slave.'

'...You're lying.'

'Do it. Perform her favourite childhood trick.'

'And so you finally see. You never lost contact with your uncle until the day you left my house. Because he has always been here.'

'No...! No! This is some kind of trick, it - it has to be!'
'The only trick is Orpheus pulling the coin from your ear.'

'...What did Abraxas do to get you...?'
'But once again, thank you for my...subservient skeleton. It's been very useful...'
'What did Abraxas do?'
'Thank you for my...subservient skeleton.'
'My subservient skeleton.'


'Nalini - you need to get to Devil's Port. Abraxas took me, and - and... fuck!'

'Indigo?! Oh thank Christ, Anstine and I are already here, Wednesday raised the alarm.'
'Shit, I dropped Abraxas' fucking gun. I need to find it, I want to take it with me.'
'Gun? Oh God, what happened? Are you sure you want to keep it?'

'Just fucking meet me at the Flying V's coffee house, okay?!'

'Indigo, wai-! ...Fuck. Come on, she's going to the coffee house.'
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