'Wow, it stinks!'

'Oh good, I was getting nostalgic for it.'

'I will never complain about Miniopolis ever again.'

'So you've got the directions for the campsite to take your new friend to, and the current inhabitants have agreed to fuck off temporarily on the condition they get to see photos of the end result.'

'Hey Nari, you should teabag him at some point.'
'What the fuck.'

'Why yes, I should. What an amazing idea, Genaro!'


'Put his genitals in his face. Because apparently Nari cannot go two minutes without doing that.'

'Nari normally sticks his balls in womens' faces though.'

'...Yeah, uh. You guys have fun. I'm gonna resist the temptation to off myself from the mental image.'

'I'm used to shoving my balls in men's faces, but I think my cock would fall off if it went near Abraxas.'

'Enjoy. I'm stuck with these idiots.'

'I'm not in a much better position, I've got Anstine. Catch you later.'

'You boys! See you later, Indigo.'

'I told Zane to meet us here. Shouldn't be long.'

'Not late, am I?'
'Nope, me and Anstine got here just a minute ago. Let's get this shit underway then, huh?'

'We'd like to see your editor.'

'Do you have an appointment?'
'Nope, but we really need to talk to somoene. It's important.'
'I'm sorry, but without an appointment -'
'Abraxas Gore has been lying to everyone and keeping freaky shit in the ORTOS facility right beneath everyone's noses. Wouldn't that make a nice story?'

'I don't think any of the appointments will be as significant as this.'

'The editor is really a very busy man -'

'Look. Abraxas has been hiding more than that. Can we see the editor now?'

'Go through before I hurl.'

'Thank you.'

'Can I help you?'

'We've got a story for you, about Abraxas Gore. And the fact that he's a fucking lying cunt.'

'It's about the ORTOS facility.'

'The ORTOS facility has a giant fuck-off alien specimen contained inside one of the levels. Now before you throw us out, the three of us are eyewitnesses to this thing, and we have biological proof in this crate.'

'Really? Let's see it, then.'
'...It's gross as fuck, just be warned.'
'.......What in the world is that?!'


'This is a part of the alien monstrosity Abraxas has knowingly and deliberately kept hidden inside Level 3 of ORTOS.'

'It kills. The thing it came from. A lot of the scientists were violently killed. They had me kept in a cage in the same room as it for months.'

'...I feel sick. They kept you in a cage? How?'
'I don't remember how they caught me, I don't have any memories from before I...arrived there. But...yeah. A giant cage. The conditions of my containment weren't great, but they paled in comparison to having a shapeshifting nightmare as a Lovecraftian roommate.'

'Sometimes its face - or where its face should've been - was covered with...eyes. Just eyes, all over it, staring in different directions. Blood just...flew everywhere. We could hear everything. The sounds of bones snapping, skin tearing... It broke through the technicians' defences easily. Some of them were rendered insane. Out of the scientists who had to leave the Yahzoputl experiment, most of them died. But some of them had to leave for their mental health, after it got into their heads somehow.'

'I'd... like some photos of the specimen you've brought.'

'Sure. We've got some pictures and videos of Yahzoputl too, taken from inside ORTOS if you want those too.'
'I can email them over to you then.'

'That'd be great. Do you know how to get in contact with any of these scientists?'
'That might be tricky. This is meant to be secret, which is why I'm here, because fuck Abraxas' secrets and lies. I only found out about it because I overheard him talking to one of his "friends" involved. Maybe we could see if there's a way to get someone on the inside to come clean, but I really can't promise anything.'
'I see. Well, having an inside source would be incredibly helpful. Having said that, the evidence I've seen here is like nothing else I've ever come across. Are you willing to be named as witnesses?'
'Yeah, I am. Indigo Lilan Gore. Sadly, I'm the fucker's daughter.'

'I think I'd prefer to stay anonymous...'

'Sorry, it's a no-go from me.'

'Thank you for bringing this to our attention.'

'No problem, and thanks for your time. I'll email you that stuff ASAP.'

'What is the meaning of this?! Who are you people?!'

'Your biggest fans.'

'We've just heard a lot about you and the kind of person you are.'

'And you happen to be the kind of person we really don't like.'

'I don't understand, what have I done to deserve being kidnapped like this? I'm a good man, what have you heard?!'

'That you like to hit kids. Toddlers, too.'

'Oh my God... No, no! I wouldn't - I couldn't, I promise you! I'm not a monster!'

'I know a liar when I see one.'

'You're wasting your time, Abraxas. Don't bother trying to convince us that you aren't total garbage. We know you are.'

'How can you know that though?! I - I'm sorry, if you've been told all these vile things about me, I absolutely understand why you think I'm trash, but isn't there two sides to every story?! I love my children! All of them! Please, I'm begging you, let me explain my side of things, there are a lot of nasty people here who will do or say whatever they want.'

'Why is that, then?'
'I can't claim to understand it, but there's a high crime rate in this city, and a lot of it seems to be for people who just do what they want, when they want, including spreading gossip and lies. I'm not the most popular man here, I'll admit it, but I promise you it's for no good reason, and certainly not for reasons of violence against the helpless! I - I mean, every day celebrities in the media get trashed and lied about, don't they? Not that I'm saying I'm a celebrity, but it's a similar sort of thing, surely you can understand?!'

'We've seen the proof.'

'And the fact that you hold such power makes it easier for you to cover up your crimes. Using your influence to paint yourself as a good person, while abusing people behind closed doors... it's what your type does.'

'Proof? Power? There is neither of those things! I'm just an ordinary man here, I'm no cop, I'm not a military figure, I'm not a politician - I'm just me!'

'So how come you live in the biggest house here?'
'W-Well, I got it from my father. I come from a rich family -'
'- And being rich has its own power, doesn't it?'
'I guess, in some cases -'

'- So the fact you just said you don't have any power was a lie.'
'No! No! Please, I don't know who's told you these lies or what alleged proof has been offered, but I promise, I swear on my life I'm telling you the truth!'

'But you literally just lied to us.'

'I don't know about you guys, but I'm finding this begging and pleading a bit boring. Can we move onto the fun part?'

'Yeah, good idea.'

'If it's Indigo who told you these things, you definitely can't trust anything she says! She's ill, it runs in the family, she lies -'


'Oh shit, you're still healing, aren't you?'

'Whoops! My bad!'

'I think I may join you this time.'

'Haha! You're so disgusting, even he wants to teach you a lesson!'

'I'm usually happy to let the others take charge, but you're a special case.'

'Oh God, oh no... Please... I promise I didn't do anything...!'
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