'Better not start assuming we're going to die before we've even entered.'
'Hey, I don't intend to die here! I've gotta get married first. And that means none of you lot are going down either.'

'Better to have plans and not need 'em.'

'Thank God for that. It was right to suggest doing this now.'

'D'you think there's many people here?'
'It's not uncommon for employees to live here, there are beds and whatnot. But it's not compulsory to either.'

'Maybe we should...not split up, as such, but not hang around in a tight knit group either.'

'Who's going with who then?'

'I'll take Anastasia and Lazarus. You two hang around, pretend to be on a break.'

'Okay, good idea.'

'I'm gonna get some food then.'

'Excuse me good sir, may I possibly take up a moment of your time? I'm a new employee here, and I was told to confer with a miss Astrid Earle, however it seems she's in Level 3, and without having been issued a card of my own yet, I can't get to her. I don't suppose you could be of any help?'

'...Oh. Right, yes. I'll call the receptionist.'
'Thank you very much!'

'Ms Earle?'
'Duncan Brown, a new employee assigned to your level.'

'I believe you're expecting me?'

'...No, I'm not.'
'Oh. I do apologise, I was told to speak to you to get acquainted with the facility. I was assured you'd been notified...'
'Does it really have to be me? I'm busy at work and someone's called me to the receptionist.'
'Yes, I'm afraid that was me, I flagged down another passing technician to ask someone to call you. I'd most love to be busy at work too, but unfortunately I need to know the facility better first. It won't take long, I only have a few questions.'

'...Alright. But it has to be quick.'
'Could we speak outside please? I'm not yet ready to give up the feel of fresh air. Or at least the equivalent of it in this city!'

'Ah, of course, your vampirism. I suppose that could be an issue.'

'Oh, God.'
'Are you alright?'
'...Let's go outside. My head...'
'Oh dear. Migraines? Fresh air does help a bit, I find. Here, allow me to assist you.'

'...That was a bit convenient.'

'He seems to know what he's doing. You can get quite far with complete bullshit if you're confident enough.'
'And she just coincidentally got a bad headache?'
'Mmm, probably not.'

'I do hope this headache of yours disappars soon, I can completely empathise.'
'I've never had a migraine in my life. I don't know where this has come from.'
'I'm very sorry to hear that.'

'Now where in the devil is that card...?'

'Time to go.'


'Holy fuck!'
'Sounds pleasant.'

'What the fuck was that?!'

'...I believe that may be the beast in question.'

'Let's find a closer lab.'

'Someone's coming.'

'I wish that thing would shut up.'

'Me too. I'm grateful it's far enough away to not keep me awake in the bunkers.'
'I bet it's only going to be just a matter of time before it kills again.'
'...Don't be so morbid.'

'It's true. I can't stand working here any more. I'm grateful Captain Westwood took me off the team before I could die too, but I want out completely.'
'Can't you arrange a way to cut your contract early?'
'Nope. I already tried that. He says Level 3 is understaffed enough as it is. My therapist has gone missing, too, you know.'

'...How do you mean?'
'He contacted Westwood to try and get me out of the contract. That...thing, it's messed with my head. I thought it was going to kill me after it was done with Lewis... I think Westwood got worried that he'd get in trouble. Either way, bye bye therapist. Quit, allegedly.'
'You suspect foul play?'

'How did you find this out?'
'My T told me when he was going to phone Westwood, and I just happened to be in the area. I figured he was going to try and worm his way out of it and I wanted to hear what he'd say. It sounded like it got pretty heated, he mentioned... I don't remember which one, one of those aliens, something-or-other Graves.'

'For what reason? To be arrested? One of 'em runs the police force, right?'
'Yeah. And I think they're also friendly with Abraxas?'
'So I hear.'
'And he's also friendly with the gangsters that keep shooting our streets up. Maybe I'm paranoid. But God, I saw Lewis torn to pieces right in front of me... I've earnt the right to be paranoid, I'm not going to forget what I saw or heard for a long time, and there's so many horrible people running this city...'

'Who are they talking about?'
'I'll explain later. Let's move on.'

'Excuse me, this lab is taken!'

'Yeah, sorry. Wrong one, didn't mean to intrude on your work.'

'Our mistake, my apologies.'

'Who are you? Neither of you look familiar.'

'New here, that's why. S'why we came here by mistake, still getting used to the place, y'know?'
'We have only been here for a few days. We will not interrupt you any longer.'

'No harm done.'

'Thanks. Sorry again.'
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