After Abraxas had been taken into hospital, Annalise had phoned up the school to explain the events that had occurred, and to excuse them from classes for the time being. She was finding it difficult to keep herself together as a fully grown adult, and imagined that the younger ones were having even more trouble. The only relief was that Hope was small enough to not remember a thing.
She took the kids out to the beach, partly to try and give them something to look forward to, and partly to have an excuse to get in touch with someone, anyone that could help. She knew she had to explain what had taken place to Brianne, but beyond that was uncertain what to do, who to tell. Maybe Indigo. Maybe Nalini. But would either of them want to remain involved, now that things had taken such a sinister turn?

'Hey, hon. How are you holding up?'

'Not great. We're all really freaked out.'

'I've taken the kids to the beach, there's no way they're going to be able to focus on school right now...'
'What the hell happened, anyway? Who were they?'
'That's just the thing, I have no idea! A-Abraxas has been acting kinda weird and paranoid lately, and he said that he invited Caile and Nephilim to stay because they're down on their luck at the moment, but - but as soon as Sam said that there were "monsters" downstairs, he immediately sprang into action, calling them over to help him and yelling at me to get out the way. I know there's some... unusual looking supernaturals here - Nephilim always creeps me out - but... Jesus. These guys were red, Brie. They had big fucking horns!'

'They were red? So were they demons?'
'I - I guess so, yeah... I only saw one of them myself. Red and black eyes, spikes sticking out of his shoulders... he - he cut off one of Abraxas' fingers... right in front of us. All of us...'
'Holy shit! The kids saw that? No wonder they're freaked out...'

'Exactly. Sure, none of them like him, but seeing that... S-So I just - I just can't stay any longer. I need to take advantage of him being in the hospital to get out. It's just not safe for any of us now. The - the guy who did the finger said he wasn't after any of us, but that's just this time. If - if Abraxas is hiding stuff - and I'm fucking sure he is - then... what next?'
'That sounds like he knew something was coming. And if something like that happens again, God knows you don't want to be caught in the crossfire.'
'Yeah, exactly. This time, the guy said he was only interested in Abraxas, but next time, if he's pissed off enough psychos... there's no reason why I couldn't potentially be used to blackmail him or hurt him or something. Or... o-or worse, one of the kids...'

'We won't let that happen. Have you made any plans yet?'
'Not yet, l-last night was spent getting Abraxas to hospital and calming the kids down. I - I think I'll call Indigo, at the very least let her know. M-Maybe it'd be worth mentioning this to Nalini, too... But I don't know if she'll still want to help me out. In case this brings danger to her as well. B-But I have to get out of this damn town as soon as I can. E-Even if we have to stay in a hotel somewhere for a bit. J-Just anywhere away from here.'
'I think you’re doing the right thing. Call both of them. This is your safety, hon, and the kids' too. It's the most important thing.'

'Yeah... Yeah, I will. Th-Thanks. I'll - I'll keep you updated as things progress.'

'Fortescue residence, Lazarus Shoel-Gore speaking!'

'L-Lazarus? ...Oh God, of course, Indigo’s on honeymoon...'

'Wait, Annalise?'

'Well, how nice to hear from you! How are you doing? Ebullient, I would hope, though perhaps ebullience would require more energy than you have to spare, so far into your pregnancy.'
'N-No, I've had the baby... Um, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have called... I needed to tell Indigo something, b-but I forgot she was away...'
'The wedding wasn't that long ago.'

'N-No, I know... Something happened. It's driven any other thoughts out of my mind, that's all...'

'...What did Father do?'
'I-It's not what your dad did, it's what happened t-to him... L-Let me explain...'

'...Wow. Those poor children, and poor you, too, being forced to witness all of that. Would you like me to tell Indigo myself? I have her mobile number, I can give her a call, and just pray that she and her new husband are not feeling too concupiscent; I would not want to interrupt them consummating their marriage.'
'...Uh... huh...'
'...And immediately, I feel remorse for that comment. Ew.'
'Yeah, uh, well... I'll, um... just leave that to you... I've... got other people to call...'

'Farewell then.'

'Hi, Laz.'

'You're not having sex right now, are you?'
'...What the fuck?'
'Sorry, I had the inappropriate thought that I might be calling at an inopportune time.'
'Oh yeah, I'm a great fucking multitasker, I can hold a dick in one hand and a phone in the other, so carry on talking.'
'Indigo! Oh ew!'

'You set yourself up there.'
'Ugh. I know, I'm being childish, relatives have sex, but... ew.'
'Yeah, I don't want to think about you at it either. So a really fucking well needed change of topic - what're you calling for?'

'I had a call from Annalise, she forgot you were on honeymoon -'
'- How the fuck can she forget that already? She was a guest!'
'Indigo, if you don't interrupt, I can explain. So listen well...'

'...Indigo, can you settle down?'

'Yeah, yeah I'm okay, I'm calm now.'
'It's really not funny.'
'No, it really is.'

'Not when Annalise and our siblings bore witness to such an act of violence!'

'...Yeah, you're right. That part's not funny, but Abraxas finally getting some fucking comeuppance is.'

'I mean, shit, how many body parts has he lost now? A fair few teeth, and now a finger. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving person!'
Lmao I love how sympathetic Indigo is. Also damn Lazarus, you definitely brought that line of conversation on yourself!
ReplyDeleteInstantaneous regret. :X
DeleteLmao Lazarus.
ReplyDeleteAlso I definitely feel Indigo's reaction lol.
lmao don't we all?
DeleteI think we all feel the same way Indigo does every time something awful happens to Abraxas. It's like a major YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS moment. C:
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely! Everyone united in their hatred of him. >)