Originally Posted by Nat 619
Why -

'Is that a picture of yourself in your avatar? If so, you're very attractive.'
(A/N: Nat's avatar at the time was a picture of Aria. Like the poor girl hasn't been through enough.)
Originally Posted by Nat 619

Originally Posted by Nat 619
What was your upbringing like?

'Probably fairly normal. Well, apart from the fact that my father lived a life of crime. Honestly, I don't consider my upbringing to be abnormal in a way that'd be beneficial or a hindrance.
I come from a wealthy family, and my father's contributions to our multi-million fortune was from crime. Extortion, smuggling, things like that. Usually tobacco or alcohol, but sometimes weapons too. Not that his criminal activities made up the entirety of the fortune, same with my pornography incomings. Pardon my wording.'

'I suppose growing up, my parents might have been a bit emotionally distant? Father was, as you can imagine, frequently busy evading law enforcement, and Mother spent a lot of time helping his activities or turning a blind eye to something she disagreed with. I've never been that close to them. Our relationship certainly wasn't helped by Father inevitably getting arrested and sent down for quite some time. Mother actually used that as a reason to divorce him. Still. He's back as a free citizen now, and has remarried.
...My stepmother is actually around Indigo's age.'

'And gorgeous.'
Originally Posted by Nat 619
Which child is your favourite and why?

'Like all parents, I don't have a favourite.'
Originally Posted by Nat 619
How did you (excuse the phrasing) get into porn?

'I started off as a cam model. When I was 19, I decided to experiment to see if I could gain a following and recorded a few short 'teaser' videos of myself alone on my webcam. They seemed relatively popular from the responses I received on the sites I posted them on, and being, ahem, genetically gifted, I was contacted by somebody that wanted to try me out on camera with another person.'

'...Unfortunately, being a male cam model it was assumed that I intended on catering towards gay men and therefore was gay myself. A quick conversation cleared that up and I was cast in my first shoot with a woman.'
Originally Posted by Nat 619
Do you have any regrets?

'None at all. I feel lucky to have a life I'm happy with.'
Originally Posted by Nat 619
Why did you get a tattoo on your penis?

'To stand out among the hoards of other male performers. My performances do that for me now, but as a young newbie I thought something to make me different would help.'

'As for why money? Well, I could make the joke answer about how if my wife wants to blow 100 bucks she doesn't need to leave home to do it.'
Originally Posted by Nat 619
Do the previous two questions go hand in hand?

'My penis and hands are good friends, but no, I don't regret the tattoo either. If you'd asked me that question during the tattooing or before the swelling had gone down, the answer would've been very different.'
Originally Posted by Nat 619
And finally: you should stop being such a dick to your family.

'I'm not. Indigo's an angry person, and no, perhaps I haven't been the best father I could have been, I hold my hands up to that and accept it. But some of the things she says about me are utterly reprehensible. I could never do the things she accuses me of. I worry for her.'
Originally Posted by TigerAnne
If you could have ONE super-power, which one would you choose?

'I've often thought that something like mind control would be quite interesting. Or invulnerability. Imagine being able to take a shot without getting hurt.'
Originally Posted by TigerAnne
If you were a super-villain, what would your schtick be, and what would your costume look like?

'I'd dare say that I'd be more inclined to be a superhero rather than a supervillain. At least as a superhero I could say that I'm doing things such as fighting crime. I don't know what I'd do as a supervillain.'

'As for a costume, hmmm... I'll have to consider this. If I magically gained the aforementioned invulnerability, I could probably take my black zipped mankini as part of it...'
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