'Unless... I add some fake profiles to it? For all of you.'

'Ooh yes, that sounds brilliant! We'd be best to come up with pseudonyms, in that case.'

'And get the disguises done for photos to be included.'

'Okay, so. We get a list of Level 3 employees and our own fake profiles are added to the database. Then someone gets a face full of knock out potion and we take their card. Go into Level 3, and...then what? Just nose around?'

'We probably shouldn't hang around in a group. Once we're in Level 3, we should probably split up, to cover more laboratories and to draw less attention to ourselves.'

'Absolutely. Though we should make sure we're always with at least one other person.'

'I won't actually be accompanying you on this mission, I'm afraid I do have other things for my attention. But Anstine and Anastasia have been selected to accompany you.'

'So that leaves me, Laz, your two and Nalini. Five of us.'

'A pair and a group of three.'
'Sounds good.'

'And maybe keep contact with each other via phones. I presume you two have mobiles?'

'Yep, and it even works! When my normal coworker hasn't messed with it anyway.'

'Oh yeah, no need to worry there. Pretty necessary, considering how often I work away.'

'Okay. So whoever finds this being first contacts the other group to either make an escape or for Indigo to take the requisite proof depending on where she is at the time of it discovery. Then we get the fuck out before someone raises the alarm.'
'Alrighty. Hey, I've got a question. What can you three actually do? In case it does go tits up.'
'I don't have any abilities, but I'm a damn good fighter. Though I should say that if things go tits up, it's likely that ability suppressing security measures will be activated...'

'I happen to be quite sufficient not just in alchemy, but in the art of biomancy as well.'

'I've done kickboxing for years.'

'What the hell is biomancy?'
'It's a school of magic that focuses on manipulating the body. It can be most lethal for a well practised witch. I could mess with a person's blood pressure, or make their blood actually boil. Create a fatal haemorrhage, that sort of thing. Not that I have any intention in going into this to take peoples' lives, I again must clarify, just that it's possible and I am more than capable of looking after myself.'

'...Well that's pretty terrifying.'
'I looked into it as a measure of protecting myself and my loved ones from Father, though didn't become adept at it until after I left his manor of misery. I would never do such a terrible and violent thing to a person that had not done something most monstrous to make themselves deserving of such an agonising suffering.'
'Of course not. I understand.'
'Ah good! The last thing I wish for is to come across as unhinged.'

'Too late there.'

'Don't worry. I didn't get that impression.'
'Wonderful, I am pleased to hear it my good man! And Indigo, may you perhaps be referring to my veritably verbose use of vernacular? Because I most definitely do not deny that I can be wordy and a little bit effusive. One may even describe my verbiage as loquacious!'

'I think I got about half of that.'

'...He simply said that he talks a lot.'

'Indeed. Is there anything else left to discuss?'
'I think we can wrap it up? I've got nothing else anyway.'

'Well, before we leave, perhaps we ought to decide now on when would be best to go.'

'Another weekend? Might be a bit quieter in the facility aside from anything else.'

'Is your next weekend free?'

'Nothing that can't be rearranged.'

'So far it is. Should be fine, but I'll let you know if something does come up. I'm waiting on something else pretty important too.'
'Alright. Well ideally this time next week you'll be off to investigate this being, in that case.'


'Looks that way.'

'If that's everything, then I'm going to take my leave. Good luck to you all. Anstine, Anastasia - keep me updated.'
'Yes ma'am!'
'Cheers! Will do.'

'Right, well I think I'm going to leave now as well.'

'Yes, and myself. I want to have a look around your charming little town some more.'

'Enjoy. I've got a baby to get back to.'

'So... Seven days to prepare.'

'How do you feel about it?'
'Me too, and I'm not even going. But at least you have a plan now?'

'Indeed. It's not that I'm really scared of the creature in there, although it doesn't help my nerves. This is silly, I know, but I'm more worried about the consequences if we're caught. If I'm discovered there.'
'What do you mean...?'
'I know my ex-husband has been in contact with other ORTOS captains before. After being driven out of multiple other towns by his relentless stalking, I'm just paranoid that this will end with him discovering where I am again. It's probably an unjustified fear and nothing of the sort will happen.'

'Oh God, I'm sorry.'
'I'll cross that bridge if and when I come to it.'

'You won't get caught.'

'Even if we do, I can handle it. I'm used to danger.'
'Good. Well, not good, but I have faith in you.'
'I'm glad. We're probably just worrying over nothing. With Anstine and Anastasia on side, and my knowledge of the facility, plus the Gores... It'll be okay.'

'Also, I want to apologise to you. For our last conversation, when you came round to mine. I was trying to emphasise that I know how you feel about...everything, and got off topic and turned it into a woefest about myself, and that was wrong. I'm sorry for doing so.'

'Oh no, you don't need to apologise for that. You've every right to vent about your past too.'
'Thank you, but still. It was an inappropriate time.'
'I appreciate what you were trying to do.'
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