'Five minutes.'

'Thank God. I can't wait to get out of here.'
'At least it's break next. What're you gonna do?'
'I don't know. Try and distract myself, I guess?'

'You can hang out with me and Jude if you like.'
'Yeah, please. That'd be nice.'
'No problem. Wouldn't wanna leave you all alone.'

'...Yeah... Hey, have you heard from the triplets at all?'

'They got there safely. Sounds like a nice house. They haven't really explored yet though 'cos Zeus still feels a bit crappy.'
'Yeah... It's not nice...'

'Sorry... I know I'm really lucky in comparison.'
'No, it's okay. Your dad's great.'

'Right, I'll call time. If you didn't finish, do it for next lesson. But if you're having trouble, come find me and we can talk it over.'

'Oh thank God.'
'Awesome, I'm starving.'

'Wednesday? Can I talk to you for a minute?'

'Oh, okay.'

'I'll wait for you.'

'Are you okay? You seem down today.'

'Um, not really, sir. Things've been a bit bad at home lately...'
'I'm here to listen if you want to talk about it.'
'Could we go see Mr Farrington please? I should probably tell him too...'
'Sure we can, if he's not busy. Let's go.'


'Sorry, I'll catch up with you. I'm gonna go talk to Mr Farrington.'
'No worries. I'll be by the vending machines.'


'Come in.'


'Hello Wednesday. How are you?'
'Could be better. You?'
'Not bad. I'd been thinking about you and Indigo though. How are things...?'

'Not great. Indigo just won't say anything, at all.'

'Anstine did mention that...'

'She's still not talking?'

'She literally hasn't said a word since she got back from Dad's. I even asked her to help with my homework... I wouldn't normally when she's so visibly upset but I thought it might get her to say something. ...Nope, she just turned the computer on, set the browser to Google and locked herself in the downstairs bathroom...'

'Oh dear... sounds like something horrible must've happened over there.'

I'm sorry, this must be scary for you.'
'It's horrible! She only went to that stupid city because Dad pointed his gun at me, if it wasn't for me, she would've refused. A-And now God knows what has happened, but it's clearly something awful...'
'And if she'd refused, I'm sure he would have found another way to get her to go, or would have chosen another terrible option. There's no excuse for a man pointing a weapon at his own daughter. You're not to blame for that, not one bit.'

'Thanks... I just don't know what to do. I feel helpless. The others are saying the same as you, that it's not my fault and that Indigo'll talk when she's ready. I don't know.'
'It's clear to me you're a kind and caring sister. You're doing well, okay?'

'I'm afraid if she's set on not talking, you won't bring her out of it before she wants to. Until then, just try to carry on as best you can. I'm sure she'll appreciate your strength once she's feeling better.'

'But what if she never talks about it? What if she keeps what happened completely bottled up forever?'
'Well, she's been open about past abuse. There's no reason why she can't open up about this too... Support is what she needs right now. I'll try talking to her myself.'
'Okay... Thanks.'
'Not a problem.'

'The help and care of supportive people is great for overcoming trauma. I'm sure having you is good for her.'
'I hope so. She looks out for me so much.'

'It's what siblings do. ...It's what siblings are meant to do.'
'...I'm sorry...'
'Oh, don't worry about that. I gave up on that sad excuse for a man long ago. I have plenty of other good people instead.'

'I don't keep in contact with blood relatives at all. I used to have one useless parent, who I stopped talking to years ago. But it's okay, because I've kinda made my own family since. It's not about blood. It's about people who care. You cast out the ones who are no good for you, and keep hold of those who love you. That's your real family.'

'Yeah... It's been so much nicer without Dad hanging around, hitting us or or rubbing it in my face that he used to scare me so much I'd scream. ...I just wish he'd stay away.'

'I hope so too. Though if he doesn't, well, considering some of the people we know, he'll suffer very real consequences...'
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