'Hey. Looking good!'

'Thanks. Anyone else here yet?'
'Yeah, Lazarus. He's in the living room, go on.'

'...You're not really wearing that fake moustache, are you?'

'Indeed I am, my genial genie. I don't normally have a moustache, after all!'

'It's certainly something.'

'The entire get up looks a bit like a gay cowboy persuing a change of career.'
'Oh my. I think you might be right!'

'Oh, Nalini! I didn't recognise you!'
'...I can't say I blame you. It is a drastic change of appearance for me.'
'Then it's a good disguise.'
'That's true.'

'...Fuck me.'
'I know, I know.'


'How are you anyway?'


'Me too.'

'Yeah, and me...'

'Of course. I'm nervous for you! But it's going to be okay.'

'I'm sure it will.'

'And you'll be fine here with the Farringtons, won't you?'

'Hey. Do you want me to show you where you're staying? You're gonna be sleeping in my bed.'

'...What, are we sharing?'
'...Aliens don't sleep, Wed.'

'Yeah, exactly. Don't worry, I'm not coming onto you or anything.'
'No, I didn't mean that. I just got confused...'
'Ahh. Well, the sheets are fresh, and you probably won't be disturbed by Nix crying. It's got an ensuite too.'

'It'll be nice for you in there.'

'Okay... How long do you think you'll be...?'
'Probably should only be a few hours. That plus travel, maybe a day, tops. Don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow.'



'You both look the part.'

'Cheers! Hopefully I won't stand out too much.'

'Cool, so is everyone ready to go now?'


'As ready as I'll ever be.'

'Me too, but the sooner we go, the sooner we can leave.'

'Well, best of luck.'

'Keep me updated. I'll be on standby.'
'Cool shit, thanks.'

'Thank you.'

'I hope you don't smudge your makeup on the poor fellow!'
'I'm not really bothered.'

'We'll all be back before you know it.'

'...Right, everyone let go. We need to get a move on.'

'See you guys later!'

'Keep your chin up Wednesday, your big sister and I shall be back in no time!'

'Well here we are. Devil's Port.'

'Satan's city of suckiness.'
'Sometimes alliteration is hard.'

'Beautiful location. I'll have to book a holiday here. Sorry, Isla Paradiso, you're so last year.'

'Jesus fucking Christ. It stinks.'

'And the beautiful part is, it's not necessarily pollution that's the cause of the city's foul odours! Other culprits are the charming locals that like to use the sidewalks as their personal toilets or Father's rivers of cologne.'


'Is that part of the appeal of keeping our shapeshifting friend here? Nobody can get to it for the stench of this shithole!'

'It wouldn't surprise me. Anyway, let's get going.'

'I have my potions at the ready. And thanks to your charming computer whiz friend, we have a list of names as well as our own profiles.'

'Keep it down!'
'I'm barely speaking above a whisper as it is.'

'...Let's just get moving.'

'Right behind you. We know which people to look for, right?'

'Agreed, I have them memorised as well.'

'I've got plenty of space on my phone for photos and stuff, too.'
'Good shit. Me too.'

'Is that it? Doesn't look like much.'

'The meat of the facility is likely to be underground.'

'How is everyone's nerves?'
'Far less steely than I would prefer.'

'...I feel like I'm walking to my death.'
'If the worst does happen... Wednesday will be taken care of. Deveron and I agreed when this was first brought up.'
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