'...What do you mean, you helped run a facility?'

'Exactly as I said. For a brief moment in time, I was a captain.'


'So basically you helped to fuck with peoples' lives in the ways you just described?'

'No. No! In my brief time of authority there, I tried to change things! I don't want to go too much into my personal history with the place but the role I had was for appearance's sake only; the previous captain still held the actual power, and vetoed every fucking change I tried to put through. Do not put words into my fucking mouth.'


'So why the fuck did you even get the job in the first place? That sounds weird at best. Or complete bullshit.'

'Fine, fuck it. The captain's my ex husband, okay? I was given the job by a desperate man clinging onto the final remnants of a sham marriage. My resignation came about when I fled in the dead of night after planning my escape for months. Satisfied?'

'I'm so sorry.'

'Me too. It's okay, you don't have to explain yourself to us.'

'...It's fine.'

'I'll get on making some arrangements in case the worst happens.'

'...If none of that can change your mind, nothing I say will.'

'You'll have a better chance of success if you have others to accompany you.'

'I guess I could ask Daniel, since he can actually walk.'
'...I'm offering to go with you.'
'Oh. ......Thanks.'

'Are you going to be okay...?'

'If there's going to be even the slightest chance of getting in and out in one piece, she's going to need someone with familiarity with the ORTOS facilities. Both the facilities in Midnight Hollow and Riverview were built identically, so if the one in Devil's Port is as well, I can escort anyone else that comes with easily around.'

'You're going to need to get as much information about whatever the fuck this thing inside is as possible.'

'I dunno if I can, the only info I ever heard about it was from Abraxas' phone call. I've not been able to find anything else. If I could get into the base's database that'd be great, but I'm no hacker.'

'Oh, I could try that.'
'That'd be great, thanks.'

'So this is some sort of living entity of alien origin?'
'Yeah. I got the impression that it's insanely strong.'
'...Right. In that case - again, this is going by the assumption all facilities are the same - it's likely to be kept in Level 3, where biological experiments are carried out, or kept in cryo.'

'Cryogenics, it's where very dangerous subjects are kept while not being experimented on.'

'Ah. Do you know of anyone else who would be willing to go along too?'

'Not really. I'm still in contact with people from my ORTOS days, but they hate the facility just as much as I do, and there's no way they'd agree to return, even if it's a different facility in another city. It's still the same bullshit at heart.'

'...Anyway. It's getting late, I should probably leave.'

'Yeah, me too. I'm fucking hungry. Catch you guys soon.'

'Nalini... I'm sorry I doubted you.'

'So am I. I hope we didn't upset you.'

'Well, considering I gave all of these details about a terrible, corrupt and savage corporation and followed it up with "oh by the way, I used to run such a place", I didn't really expect a different reaction. I probably would've jumped to the same conclusion myself.'

'Well, I certainly don't think anything bad of you now I know the truth.'

'I'm glad. Thank you. I completely understand, though.'

'Alright. Thanks for spending time with Vincent, anyway. You've made quite an impression on him.'
'Aw, I'm glad. He's a lovely boy.'
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