
'Watch it, will you? Stupid new girl.'
'I said sorry...'

'Yeah, well that's not good enough, keep your fucking eyes open, dumbass.'

'What's wrong with your face? Your chin's massive, you look like Bruce Forsyth's granddaughter.'

'Oi, you were asked a question, you dumb skank.'

'I get it from my dad, okay?'

'Did he fuck a troll or something?'
'...Pretty much.'
'It shows.'

'Y'know, I'm desperate for some fags. How 'bout you Nicky?'

'Yeah, wouldn't mind a smoke.'
'Why doesn't our new friend here get us some?'

'I don't want to buy cigarettes...'

'Hey Abby, she told you no.'

'Just give us some money then.'
'I - I need to go...'

'Not so fast.'
'L-Let me go!'

'Do we have a problem here?'

'Not at all, love. See ya!'

'Come on, just a few Simoleons, you're not that hard up are you?'

'Please just leave me alone.'

'Go on, do what she says and get lost.'

'What, are you her body guard now?'

'Are you deaf or stupid? Ahh. You're both.'

'Oh fuck off back to Hell where bitches like you belong.'

'Wow, you really are stupid. It's simple. You either leave her alone, or I'll roast you into charcoal.'

'Come on, Nic, she's not worth it. Let's leave Cerberus before her other two faces show up an' all.'
'Good idea.'

'Bye then.'

'You okay?'

'This is only my first day...'

'Watch where you're going, I saw that!'

'Congrats, you don't need glasses after all.'

'Watch your tongue, I am a teacher.'
'Wow, now there's an achievment for your tombstone.'

'...God, I hate kids.'

'So why did you become a teacher then?'
'Nobody said I'd be working with kids!'

'...What did you think you'd be teaching? Insects?'

'Be quiet and get back to class before I come to your house and break all your mum's Elton John CDs.'
'Do it, I don't care!'

'Yeah, I thought so, I haven't seen you around before. Take no notice of the bitches.'

'Thanks... I attracted bullies at my old school too, so...it's just kind of a blow.'
'Mm. People took a dislike to me at my old school as well, but... they were more scared of me than anything. Tell me if they harass you again. I'll put a stop to it.'
'Thanks. I'm Wednesday, by the way...'

'I'm Hazel. Which classes are you in?'
'English literature and language, and chemistry. How about you?'
'Biology, chemistry and PE.'

'Oh, we share a class then... That's nice.'
'Yeah. Have you got Mr Bolton too?'
'Um...I think I saw his name in my organiser... It sounds familiar anyway...'

'Oh, good. He's really nice, you should like him. So... where are you from?'
'Devil's Port. My big sister and me moved here not too long ago.'
'Ahh. Never been there myself. I'm from Midnight Hollow.'

'Lucky you. It sucks, to be honest.'
'Oh yeah? What's it like?'
'Dingy, polluted, full of scary people, corrupt...'
'Oof, sounds rough. Is it better here?'
'Yeah. I haven't seen a single drive by shooting or drug deal yet.'

'That's always a good thing.'
'Ah. Looks like it's time to get a move on.'

'Yeah... Thanks again. It's nice to meet you.'
'No problem. Nice to meet you too. I'll see you around?'
'In class probably.'
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