'Y'alright there?'
'Yes, thank you. I think I can get to the seat by myself now.'

'I'm sorry you have to keep helping me.'
'Ain't a thing.'
'It's appreciated.'

'Hey, excuse us.'

'Sure, just drop your shit on the ground, ain't like we mind or anythin'.'

'...Sorry. It's heavy and we've been walking for hours.'

'Daniel, don't be an instigator.'

'What can we do for you?'

'We were wondering if the campsite next to this one's free.'

'Sure as fuck ain't seen no other bums 'angin' 'round 'ere, so guess it's all yours.'
'Great. It sure beats living at home.'

'...Is where you came from really that bad...? Sorry, I hope that isn't too intrusive.'

'It is when you live with Abraxas fucking Gore.'

'What's that fuckin' wanker gotta do wi' owt?'

'...He's our dad...'

'That's terrible. I'm sorry.'

'Sounds like you two've got a grudge against him too.'
'Yeah, you could fuckin' say that, I fuckin' hate the cu-'
'- Quiet, Daniel!'

'Your language is appalling.'
'Who gives a fuck, s'only Abraxas.'

''Ere, girl, I'll tell you my story if you tell us yours.'

'...My name's Indigo. Anyway, like we said, Abraxas is our sperm donor. He's the most disgusting, vile piece of shit I've ever had the misfortune to meet. He's no father, he's an abusive, slave driving, lying, trigger happy monster.'

'...He hits us.'
'Yeah...and then some. I don't feel like going into details and I don't think Wednesday does either, but we're coming from a place of violence from a young fucking age. We hate him, and I want to see him get what he fucking deserves. Your turn.'

'Conned me outta me bar. He took me bar, me job, me home. Told 'im to slung 'is 'ook when 'e offered me money to buy the place, it was me livelihood. Got one of 'is mates to befriend me, gain me trust. Dickhead mate got me wankered on booze an' coke on me days off, "encouraged" me by jokin' that I couldn't handle me shit to do more 'til I was a stone cold junkie. Never messed wi' that shit before, it was meant to be just a laugh 'til I got pressured to "keep up". So fuckin' stupid, but Abraxas fuckin' masterminded it all.'

'I know you feel as though it's your fault for accepting the drugs in the first place -'
'- Oh Christ, don't -'
'- But it isn't. He used your friendship to his - and Abraxas' - advantage. It wasn't "encouragement" or a "joke", it was coercion.'

'Don't, Pen -'
'- I know you're embarrassed, but we all know what kind of man we're dealing with, Daniel. Daniel's friend was going to plant contraband on his person and get him arrested if he didn't co-operate. All guised as jokes for deniability, of course.'

'As for me, well... I'm disabled from Tiberium exposure. I probably don't need to tell you what that can do. As you can see, it's as though the flesh melted away. The limbs are still just useable, but as you can understand, doing things such as walking unaided are beyond me. I tried to use a spell to protect myself from further damage, and all it did was freeze things as they are. My arm and leg won't deteriorate, but they won't improve either. Abraxas isn't the only one to blame, but he let the mine be built so close to the city, refused to have it shut down and didn't care about the safety of the workers.'

'Jesus, that's messed up. I'm sorry.'
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