‘Okay, I know it’s not been long since we last had a conversation like this - well, some of you lot did anyway, I wasn’t there - but… We need an actual plan now. I don’t think we have any more time to do nothing.’

‘What’s happened? I’m guessin’ it ain’t just Tate, since you invited me and Nyla too.’
‘...He and Austin working together wasn’t a one off. Tate sent Austin over to Jude’s house last night, to try to hurt him over the meteor.’

‘And unfortunately, going the legal route isn’t going to help us here, given Tate’s involvement. How are we supposed to get him done for arranging a beating when information about his crimes conveniently disappear? But this is fucking ridiculous.’
‘That, and other than what I saw, there’s no hard evidence, yet again.’

‘What did you see, Ellis?’
‘I got there, and Austin and Blake were trying to get into the house.’
‘Blake was there too?’

‘Yeah, which I find weird, because he doesn’t usually get his hands dirty. But it turns out the gang has some kind of longstanding agreement with Tate.’

‘Whoa, what the fuck? How’d I never hear about this before?’

‘Yeah, don’t you know all of the shady dealings going on in Sunset Valley?’
‘Obviously not all of ‘em. Man, I’ve become outta the loop.’

‘Well, let’s be honest, to know all of the dodgy deals going on in this town, you’d need to have access to all the information in City Hall.’

‘I think Blake wasn’t meant to be the one to go, originally. Seth said Austin asked E- someone else first. But it was definitely Tate who arranged it, and it was definitely over the meteor.’

‘Honestly, right now, I just want ideas. I want to find Austin and teach him a lesson.’

‘Sounds good to me, I’m in-’
‘You’re banned from violence.’

‘I’m not really sure that starting a fight with the local gang is a good idea, but then again when our hands are tied like this, what else can we do? ...I feel a little powerless, honestly. It’s not something I enjoy.’
‘Me neither, but if I can’t do something to protect my child, when will I? Some thug was going to hurt my son. I never thought I’d be in favour of police brutality, but fuck.’

‘That asshole’s got away with no consequences for too long. He’s been violent to three different women that we know of, two of ‘em in this room.’

‘...I can look the other way if any of you decide to teach him a lesson.’
‘I ain’t usually the violent type, but if Ellis wants a hand…’

‘...No. I don’t think you should.’

‘C’mon Nyla, he deserves it.’

‘I know what he deserves, and I can’t stop any of the rest of you, but… I just don’t want Stan to be the one to do it. My current boyfriend beating up my ex? That’s not my idea of justice. I hate violence.’
‘Well, your wishes come first. I don’t wanna do nothin’ to upset you.’
‘Thank you.’

‘But if I can’t, and Stan can’t, who can?’

‘I’m guessin’ my family’s prolly out too... Though speakin’ of them, I didn’t actually get to tell you all. Apparently, they cornered Tate at the weddin’, while he was in the toilets.’

‘Oh good. I hope he had an accident.’

‘Does that mean they got to see his-’
‘Ugh. I don’t want to know, I’ll just take pleasure in imagining him in pain.’

‘Jesus Christ. I know, I’m not related to him but damn, it was horrifying enough seeing Abraxas’, let alone imagining that too.’

‘Do you think Hazel would be up for helping beat up Austin?’

‘No offence, love, but the last time she got involved, it didn’t end very well.’
‘Would she even want to get involved? She’s got a personal vendetta against Tate, but not Austin and Blake.’

‘I don’t know. It’d have to be because of the connection with Grandad.’

‘If it’s to protect her dear cousin, then maybe she’d be fine with it. God knows she needs to do something good.’

‘To be fair, she has made strides.’
‘Better late than never, I suppose.’
‘I just feel like encouraging her to be violent would be playing into Miles’ hands.’

‘I know… I just don’t have any other suggestions right now.’

‘I don’t think we’re going to come up with a satisfying plan of action right now, unfortunately. So perhaps we ought to take some time to give it a proper think over, look at the problem from all angles, and come back in a few days. Because Edward’s right, we don’t want to play into his hands, but none of the rest of us have anything else better in mind either. I don’t think this is something we can sit around and brainstorm together and immediately come up with a solution.’

‘Yeah, you’re right. The one thing we all agree on is that something needs to be done about those two. Tate goes without saying, but I haven’t forgot what Austin did to my mum. She’s not a nice person, but she didn’t deserve that.’
‘We’re not letting either one go unpunished, I swear. At the very least, we need to make sure Charon and Jude are safe up until they leave, and it ought to be easier after that.’

‘I just want to apologise for all the trouble Austin’s causing now.’

‘Hey, it’s not your fault.’

‘Exactly, he’s his own person with his own mind, admittedly a rather weak and feeble one. But regardless, what he does is no more your fault than Tate’s continued cuntery is Roxxi’s fault.’
‘Besides, him being involved is only a coincidence. You didn’t bring him to Sunset Valley. It was just an unfortunate thing.’

‘I just wonder, if I’d reported him years ago…’

‘You weren’t obligated to report him, though. It’s a fucking traumatic experience to go through. Nyla, you’re not the one who’s done anything wrong here. It’s Austin, Blake, and that overgrown sack of spam in City Hall. Not you.’

‘Can I ask, who is Blake?’
‘Blake McIntyre. He’s the gang’s boss.’

‘He’s an asshole too, but he ain’t really the one we’re dealin’ with.’

‘What does the rest of the gang think about this, anyway? Presumably they don’t know?’
‘Well, Seth was horrified when he found out ‘bout some of the things Tate’s done.’

‘And he was the one to raise the alarm last night. But I can’t speak for anyone else.’

‘Out of the good people I know, none of ‘em would be alright with any of the shit Austin and Tate have done.’

‘I wasn’t sure if name-dropping was a good idea, but… Eli was the one Austin asked to help first, and he refused to help beat up Charon.’

‘Well, name dropping doesn’t mean anything to me, because I don’t actually know which one that is. Strangely enough, I’m not on conversational terms with any of the gang when I do end up passing them on patrol.’

‘Elias Crain?’
‘That’s right.’

‘Whoa, he was in my year. ...I can’t say I’m that shocked he ended up in a gang, though.’

‘Why, did he get into trouble a lot at school as well?’
‘Yeah, he did. Honestly, he made me look a model student. One time, he broke his coccyx from cannonballing into a puddle.’

‘That sounds like him alright.’

‘...What in the actual fuck?’

‘Then once, he swung on an overhead pipe and broke it.’

‘Every year has that kid, doesn’t it?’

‘...Well, he sounds like a gentleman and a scholar. ...Was it a school pipe?’
‘It sure was.’
‘That’s… impressively stupid.’
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