'Hey, Wed.'

'How was school?'
'The same, boring.'
'Did you see your counsellor?'
'Yeah. It went okay.'

'C'mon, time to go home. And just okay?'

'Yeah. Mr Dowsdell seemed upset when I told him about the other night... When you hit Dad.'
'Good, he fucking deserved it. If Abraxas ever tries to scare you like that again, I'm taking something blunt and heavy to his balls. C'mon, I don't want to stand out here cursing him where fuck knows who can hear. Car.'

'You're being quiet today.'
'Huh...? Oh. I'm letting you drive.'
'You're not even talking to yourself.'

'I don't talk to myself anyway.'
'Yeah, you do.'
'...Please, not this again. They're real.'
'This is why I worry about you, Wed. Having an imaginary friend's fine, but saying that they're completely real and talk back to you by themselves and live full lives in your head is just weird.'
'Weird to you. It's not to me -'
'- Fucker cut me off! Oi, learn to drive you fucking dickhead! Ugh, sorry Wed. Let me just drive for now.'

'There, home. So y'say that your imaginary friends travel with you. Where are they now?'

'You really shouldn't drive over the stone fence like that, it's not good for the car.'
'Just because Abraxas is snobby enough to pay for his own fucking parking lot doesn't mean I have to use it. It's only to keep his precious lawn unfucked. Now answer the question.'
'In the back seats.'

'...The empty back seats.'
'They're only empty to you. Baldot and Faira are in there. I was talking on the way home, to them - in my head.'

'This is desperately unhealthy, you gotta know that. I bet if you tell Dowsdell the same, he'll agree. You've got enough of a distorted view of reality as it is with feeling like you're not real half the time, pretending to have actual, real living people in your head is gonna make that so much worse. You're living in a dream.'

'You're wrong. They help me... They understand me, better than anyone else. They know everything about me... about my mind, because it's their home. Whenever Dad does something mean, they're there to cheer me up. Support me.'

'...I do that too.'
'I know... But they're always there. You can't help me if I'm upset in class...'

'...Yeah. I know. I get that I'm kinda hard on you at times, but I care. I worry about how you deal with Abraxas' bullshit, but you can always talk to me. You're my sis, and I love you.'
'Thanks... I love you too.'
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