'Hey, have you seen a teenage girl here? Long, wavy black hair, freckles, lots of yellow make up, pretty shy?'
'Yeah, she's in the back. Do you have an order?'
'No thanks.'

'So this is where you are.'
'Yeah... it's empty in here, so I thought it'd be better. Hey, what're you looking at?'
'Just this craphole of a city. Seeing if anyone's coming in.'

'Sorry it took me so long to meet you, took some time persuading a few people.'

'..."Persuading"? I thought you were going to get this money peacefully...!'
'Hey, I did, that's why it took me a while. Some of the business owners were expecting to see Abraxas, not me. I had to persuade 'em that he'd sent me to collect his money this time. I'm not overly proud but a couple of 'em I said to call him, if they didn't believe me.'

'You would've been in so much trouble if they called your bluff...!'

'Tell me about it. That's why I asked if they wanted to waste his time and piss him off by being an incompetent twat.'

'Hey, barista boy.'

'Sir, I'm with a customer, if you could get in the line -'

'I'm here on business on behalf of Mr Gore. Now if you wanna co-operate, nobody's gonna get hurt.'

'Holy shit!'
'Is that a gun?!'
'Oh God, please don't kill me!'
'I'm too pretty to die.'

'Whoa, okay, hang on buddy, maybe we can figure something out?'
'Yeah, that's why I'm here. Mr Gore's been robbed.'

'Oh no...! How much of Dad's money did you get...?'
'Fifty grand.'
'Fif- !'

'We're right by a window...!'
'Yeah, but around the corner. Just keep quiet.'
'How are we going to get out? Is he right by the door?'
'Sounds like it. Look, I've got an idea. I'll get rid of him, just... I don't know, lie flat for a bit.'
'Lie down. Literally, get on the floor, leave this to me.'
'Ind- '
'Trust me.'

'Hey jackass!'

'Huh? Oh, it's you. You've got some fuckin' nerve, you little bitch, showin' your face after robbin' your old man.'

'Like I give a fuck.'
'Oh great idea sweetie, taunt the gangster pointing a gun at us.'

'I'm not scared of some coked up thuggy gangbanger.'

'Watch who you're fuckin' speaking to!'
'Yeah, yeah. Jog on.'

'Fucking asshole. What the hell happened to him?'
'Banished him. Being a genie's got to be good for something, I guess. Hey Wed! Get over here, we better split.'

'Good idea, since it's your fault that idiot came here and held me up in the first place!'

'"Me"? Uh, there are other people here too, y'know.'

'Do you know who I am?!'
'An entitled cunt? I don't care. Now get the fuck out of my way.'

'He could've killed you...!'
'That goes for virtually everyone in this Goddamn city.'

'So...what do we do next?'
'I dunno, man. You've still got school, I can't just pull you out. But we can't stay here, either.'
'I could go to school somewhere else...'

'Maybe. I didn't want to mention this in front of Penny and Daniel, 'cause I still don't know how much we can trust them. Sure, they hate Abraxas, but that's all we know about them.'
'Mention what?'
'Before that big jawed dickhead threw us out, I got to look on his computer. He's got a business partner he brings over to see every now and then, they co-own the brothel.'

'Oh, gross.'
'Yeah. He lives in Sunset Valley, his name's Tate Farrington. If we could sabotage some of Abraxas' deals and businesses, it could be a start to fucking his life up. But he's got too many of his psychos and gangbangers here for just us. So somewhere out of the city sounds like the perfect place to start.'
'How far away is it?'

'Yeah, that's just one issue. It's gonna be, like...two days on foot? Unless I can use some of that money to hire a car -'
'- No.'
'Didn't think you'd be up for that. So yeah, a couple of days.'
* * *


'I said, mornin'.'

'Oh, yeah. Morning.'

'Nice slippers, by the way.'
'Oh shut up.'

'How did you girls sleep?'
'Uncomfortably. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to not have to sleep directly on the fucking ground, but still.'

'Could've been better...'

'Did you hear about the hold up last night? One of Abraxas' gangster friends, Saul...something or other -'

'- Saul Kim. I've been "lucky" enough to meet the bastard before, he's my best mate's dad. And uh, yeah, at the coffee shop, right? ...That kinda might've been my fault.'

'...What d'you mean, your fault?'
'I collected Abraxas' investment payouts yesterday, before he got the chance to do it himself. Fifty grand's worth.'

'So he sought reimbursement at gunpoint.'
'Didn't fucking manage it though, I banished the bastard.'

'Good job.'
'...Are you being sarcastic again?'
'Nah, amazin'ly I really meant that.'
'Huh, thanks.'

'Did anything else happen yesterday?'

'Hey, I just remembered something... Indigo, haven't you seen some of, um, Dad's movies...?'

'...Ugh, Wed, please. That's not something I wanna remember.'

'I just wondered, because before we met up, I saw a sex aid based on him -'

'- Oh dear Lord, no -'
'- Wednesday, stop -'
'- and it had a tattoo on it! Why would someone do that?'

'Jesus fuckin' Christ.'

'Kill me. Please. Something kill me.'
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