‘Something the matter?’

‘It’s from the boss. He’s calling us for a meeting.’
‘Oh, okay. I wonder what that’s about then, perhaps something serious has happened.’
‘Yeah… I feel like it might be about last night. If it is… well, it ain’t good.’

‘...Should I ask? Something to do with the job Austin wanted Eli’s assistance with?’
‘Yeah. Because Eli warned me, and I put a stop to it.’
‘I can’t deny being glad about that, to be honest. I was trying not to eavesdrop, but, well, they were right there.’

‘I don’t blame you. Austin was obviously happy to say it in front of everyone. Are you coming too?’
‘May as well at least stick my head in to see what it is about, in case your hunch is incorrect. I’m meant to be meeting Billie later as well, too.’
‘Good shit.’

‘Alright, Boss?’

‘Was just waiting on you.’
‘So what’s the problem?’
‘Seems we’ve got an issue. An issue of information leaking where it shouldn’t. You happen to know anything about that, Masters?’

‘What kind of information?’

‘So, here’s the thing. We’ve got our little arrangement going on with the mayor, right? And a while back, Austin here used it for the purpose of getting some details on someone. Yet the other day, the mayor suddenly got some blowback from some people closer to the situation. Well, I say some people, I mean more the Monte Vista Mafia. Funny, right?’
‘Except it’s not really funny, is it? He’s quite rightfully pissed off with us. Details like that shouldn’t be getting out. How’d they find out the mayor’s part in it? Austin tells me only one other person heard about the conversation, and that person… was you, Seth.’

‘You wanna explain that one to me?’
‘Okay, fine. I admit it. I spilled.’

‘And why the fuck would you do that?’
‘Because Austin here got his ex’s address, and went over to her place trying to start shit. Fortunately, Stan’s her boyfriend, and he asked me for help. So I went and found out who gave out the address, and told him. I did it because Stan’s my friend, and because I don’t fucking like woman beaters.’

‘That’s none of your fucking business-!’

‘I don’t give a shit what happened between Austin and Nyla. I do give a shit that what you did has jeopardised our agreement. No surprise the mayor might not want to help us out any more if he’s gonna get the fucking Mafia on his back over it. You get me, don’t you?’

‘From what I hear, the mayor’s a piece of shit himself.’
‘Didn’t I make it clear the first time? It’s nothing to fucking do with us! Considering some of the shit you’ve pulled, Masters, I don’t think you’re in any position to judge anyone else!’
‘No, I have a line I won’t cross, and that’s hurting your own family. I ain’t ever done shit like that. I don’t give a fuck what else I’ve done, I’d never beat my girlfriend or go after my own family!’

‘Well, good for you. Except I’m the boss, I decide who we work with, and none of that shit is my priority. All I know is you’ve betrayed my loyalty for the sake of someone who isn’t one of us any more.’

‘…I’m sorry. I never wanted to betray you, Boss. But that shit’s important to me. I get it, what I care about doesn’t matter in comparison to us as a whole. I just didn’t wanna stand aside and turn a blind eye to it.’
‘After twelve years, I thought you got that. Well, you do get it, don’t you? You just don’t care enough about it. You put your own self, your own morals above us. And I can’t have that.’

‘For real. You’re in the wrong fucking line of work if you care about morals.’

‘And actually, that’s not all of it. There’s more. Because Austin and I went to try to put things right, last night. We were trying to do another job the mayor gave us. We were gonna rough up his grandson. Yet when we got there, they were expecting us. They’d been warned in time.’

‘If anyone knows anything about that, it’s Penelope, Billie, Cole and Eli. They were the ones there when I asked for help.’

‘W-Well don’t look at me, I’ve got the fight club to assist with, and nothing more. I was pointedly trying not to listen in to their conversation. I was just talking to Billie…’

‘I didn’t say shit either!’
‘Me neither, Boss, I weren’t involved at all.’

‘And Eli?’

‘I ain’t do dick, boss dude, I just said I weren’t gonna join in on this particular job.’

‘So why were they expecting us?’

‘We weren’t there five minutes before that copper showed up. The mayor’s son. The alien’s dad. He knew.’

‘I dunno, Boss, maybe he was just goin’ to pick up his kid?’
‘Bit convenient to me.’

‘...Look, that was me too. I warned them.’

‘Who warned you? You wasn’t there.’
‘I was. You just didn’t see me.’
‘What the fuck? Bullshit, I’d have seen you, anywhere else and you’d have been too far away to hear!’

‘Yeah, I was, behind the desk bit. You’ve got a voice like a fucking foghorn mate, I heard every word.’

‘So what we doin’ now? Givin’ the job another try? Once the snitch’s been dealt with, anyway.’
‘Shut the fuck up. Jude’s one of mine, I was protecting my crew.’
‘And that’s real fuckin’ noble, but it don’t change shit among us, does it?’

‘I don’t know. That pig’s onto us now.’

‘We can’t do shit with the cops sniffin’ round, and they prob’ly gonna be keepin’ an eye out now right? Maybe we oughta tell the mayor we can’t do it. I dunno.’
‘Might have to. But I’m not looking forward to it.’

‘So that’s twice you’ve gone against our interests. I didn’t expect it of you. I thought you knew better.’

‘So what’s going to happen to Seth now?’
‘Well, he’s not getting away with it.’
‘But twelve years have to count for something, right?’

‘That’s the only reason I’m not putting him in a fucking body bag. But I’ve gotta make an example of him. I can’t let traitors get away scot free.’

‘That’s fine. I was expecting that.’

‘You’re no longer a lieutenant. I’ll let you keep the fight club, but only because I don’t think anyone else would be better. You know what else, right?’
‘...Yeah. I do.’

‘You got this handled boss, or you want help?’
‘Sure. I don’t mind an extra pair of hands.’

‘Go on then. Get it over with.’

‘Stay back, girl.’
‘Believe me, I am not moving from this spot except maybe to retreat further.’

‘Oh no…’


‘...Alright to take him off to get cleaned up now?’
‘Yeah, I reckon that’ll do.’

‘Oh, and next time you’re asked to do a job for the mayor? You fucking do it.’
‘Oh yeah, sure thing boss dude. I ain’t normally gonna say no, I just figure in the circumstances, goin’ solo woulda give Austin’s rep a well needed shot in the ass after gettin’ beat by a girl before, y’know? Chance to prove himself wi’out backup, s’all.’

‘You shut your fucking mouth!’

‘He’s got a point. You fucked up too, don’t forget.’

‘Anyway, that’s it. He’s all yours.’


‘I’ll help.’

‘Sure thing, girl, ‘nother pair of hands ain’t gonna hurt.’

‘Me too.’

‘Here we go. Fuckin’ A, dude.’

‘I’m sorry. I was fucking useless.’

‘Nah, you did the right thing. I didn’t want any of you caught up in that.’

‘’Splains why you covered my ass over warnin’ you. Weren’t expectin’ that, I fuckin’ owe you one, yo.’
‘You did me a favour. I didn’t wanna land you in the shit too. No point us both getting it.’
‘Yeah, well still. I owe you a drink.’

‘Do you feel like anything’s broken? Because we should take you to the hospital, if so…’
‘Don’t think so. God. At least I’ve got all my teeth.’

‘That was fucking awful.’

‘An’ fuck Tracy an’ all, fuckin’ brown nosin’ cunt. Absolute prick, he is.’

‘For real! Just tryin’ to suck his dick ‘cos Austin’s not in Blake’s good books any more.’
‘Dude’s a fuckin’ sycophant. Ain’t enough that he’s a lieutenant, the motherfucker’s prob’ly tryna brown nose his way up into bein’ co-boss or some shit.’

‘You could probably do with a plaster or two, if there’s any here…?’
‘I’m not five, Pen. I’ll be alright.’

‘You got the shit kicked out of you! You don’t have to be tough now, you know. It’s okay to need cleaning up.’
‘Gotta try to keep some dignity after that.’

‘It’s not like any of us are judging you… not for doing the right thing.’

‘Yeah, you stood up for Nyla and Jude. You totally did the right thing! You’ve got more loyalty and integrity than any of ‘em!’

‘It doesn’t matter now.’

‘C’mon man, you still got our respect. An’ the others? Fuck ‘em, who fuckin’ cares. Austin’s a little assmad baby, Blake’s a fuckin’ asshole, an’ Tracy needs to be drowned in a Goddamn toilet. Fuck ‘em all.’
‘You might respect me, but how many more people will after that? What a fucking mess.’
‘Anyone worthwhile will. You stopped a pair of kids gettin’ beat shitless. Anyone who got a problem with that ain’t fuckin’ worth botherin’ with.’

‘We got you, man.’

‘Well, thanks for helping me out, anyway.’
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