‘Thanks for coming round.’
‘It’s okay. So what happened with the job?’

‘I’m afraid we’ve got bad news, Mr Mayor.’
‘That isn’t what I wanted to hear. What is it?’
‘…The job was a bust. We couldn’t get to your grandson.’

‘What? Why not?’
‘We went over there to do it, but it turns out someone overheard and tipped Charon and his girlfriend off first. They were expecting us and unfortunately, raised the alarm. Your son turned up as we were still getting in.’
‘What the hell? Who tipped them off?’

‘Someone with other interests. Austin was looking for someone to help him, so this person ended up overhearing. I promise you, they’ve been dealt with.’
‘I should think so! Now what, then? Are you telling me you can’t do it?’
‘Now that your son knows about it… I think it’s too risky. Unless you use any of your pull with the cops to help us out.’

‘After failing me again, do you really think I’d be inclined to do that?! So first you get me beat up by the Mafia, and now you’ve blown a job I asked you to do? What the hell are you playing at?’

‘I’m sorry, Mr Mayor. I know I fucked up! I trusted the wrong person. I had every intention of doing the job.’
‘I can’t believe you have the nerve to bring me here and give me that news after promising you’d make up for before!’
‘I swear, it’ll be the last time!’

‘You have our word, Mr Mayor.’
‘I’m questioning how much your word actually means right now, Mr McIntyre.’
‘Up until now, there haven’t been any problems. Give us a chance to put it right.’

‘So what are you going to do to make it up to me? You’re on thin ice, both of you.’
‘I can talk to Suzie, get you set up with some of her girls.’
‘That would be a start. How do I know this obvious hole in your security won’t be exposed again?’

‘Like I said, I dealt with the traitor. He won’t be causing any more problems for any of us. I’ll work on making it up to you.’
‘Good. Don’t let me down again.’
‘We won’t.’

‘I’ll be going, then.’
‘Alright, I’ll see you later.’

‘What a fucking disaster.’

‘Boss, I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to cause any of this shit.’
‘Yeah, I know. Forget it.’
‘Is there anything you want me to do?’
‘No, I’ll handle it. Just wait for now, see if he asks you for anything else.’

‘Holy shit. What happened to you?’

‘Y’know, Stan, when I agreed to do some spying for you, I was doing it under the assumption you weren’t fucking stupid enough to go telling people about it.’
‘What? What do you mean?’
‘I at least expected it wouldn’t get back to the mayor himself.’

‘How’d that happen?’
‘You told your family. Who then went and cornered him at this bullshit fucking wedding you went to, and told him they knew about his part in selling addresses on. Without any consideration to the person who got you that information in the first place!’

‘Oh, fuck… I’m sorry man, that was my fault. I didn’t tell ‘em to not mention it. But I didn’t know they were gonna start shit at the weddin’! Not ‘til after they already did it!’

‘Yeah, I hadn’t even known they knew about what happened with Nyla.’
‘I told ‘em what’d happened, but I didn’t tell ‘em to corner Tate. I figured they’d just intimidate him by bein’ there. I didn’t realise I’d need to tell ‘em to protect you. I’m sorry, Seth.’

‘It was obvious the information came from me. All Tate had to do was ask Austin who he’d told. And I was the only one. They think I’m a fucking traitor, him and Blake.’
‘Blake did this to you?’
‘Yeah, and I’m lucky that’s all it was, but that’s twelve years of goodwill down the fucking drain. I did you a favour, Stan. I had a good feeling the address came from Tate but I wanted to be sure, and I wanted to do the right thing. And now look.’

‘I’m so sorry, man.’
‘I’ve gotta avoid you from now on. They think you’re the enemy now. I can’t be seen with you.’

‘Stan’s the enemy? Does that mean he’s at risk?’

‘No, they know better than to piss off the Gallos. But I’ve gotta look out for myself now, see if I can salvage any of my reputation.’

‘Ain’t there anythin’ I can do?’

‘No. Just leave it. And don’t ask me for any more fucking favours.’
‘Oh, fuck me.’

‘That’s how Blake doles out punishment, huh?’
‘Oh, yeah… But I never thought I’d see it happen to Seth. God, I’m so stupid! I shoulda realised!’
‘What are we gonna do?’

‘I’ll have to tell the Gallos. Obviously it don’t matter now, but… well, they oughta know.’
‘You think Seth might cool down?’
‘Maybe if I apologised properly, but he ain’t gonna want me goin’ over if he’s avoidin’ me from now on.’

‘Yeah… Well, I’d say give it a bit of time and see if there’s any way you can see him again without Blake and his cronies finding out.’
‘You’re right. I don’t wanna make him even madder at me. He can be pretty scary sometimes.’
‘You’ve known each other forever though, right? I’m sure he’ll forgive you, eventually.’
‘I hope so, man.’
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