'No, the coast is clear. Annalise is looking after the babies, the brats are at school, and I told my bitch of an eldest to change all the bedding. Given the amount of beds in my manor, that ought to keep her distracted for some time.'

'Given the amount of personal risk I'm putting myself in for you, Nephilim, I want to know more about this...thing.'

'Of course I'm grateful. But there is still an imbalance in our deal, and I think that could be evened up a little more by the sharing of information. A deity? From what I've seen, it's no deity that I've ever heard of, but each to their own, I suppose. Does it have a name?'

'...What's that prick doing this time...?'

'Yahzoputl? Sounds vaguely...Aztec. No? Oh. Well what kind of abilities can we expect it to display? If we're going to keep it safely contained, the keepers in question ought to know what to look out for. ...Jesus Christ. Consider me pleased to not have to go anywhere near it. I thought I already told you that. No, I invested in the facility, but I don't need to go far beyond the main entrance to collect my money, and I think with this... deity of yours in there, I'd rather not change that, though I suppose I'd better keep an eye on it personally. I can look through a window. I'm putting myself at enough of a risk just keeping it at the facility, I'm not going to take the chance that it might literally turn me inside out.
'The scientists there will be keeping track of its wellbeing, don't you worry. But if you want to know how it's doing day to day yourself, I can arrange that. I don't care if it only attacks when it feels threatened, that's still not something I'm prepared to chance -'

'...Hold on a minute. Either my mind is overactive, or I just saw movement...'


'False alarm. So what is your end game with this deity? What can I expect to happen at a later point in time? ...I see. That sounds absolutely insane to me, but what do I know? I wouldn't have thought this deity is even real if I hadn't seen it with my own two eyes!'

'No, I can't really tell you what sort of conditions the facility's keeping it in, but I'd imagine they'd do anything to keep it docile. It's only in their best interests, after all. ...I haven't the slightest clue what they're feeding it. The finest, freshest lobster. ...That was sarcasm, I'll check, but really if I were any of the scientists, I'd not know where to begin about the dietary habits of something akin to one of Lovecraft's abominations.'

'I had better not continue talking for much longer; it may have been a false alarm earlier, but Annalise will come back downstairs eventually. The less she knows, the better, but she seems to feel as though she's entitled to my innermost thoughts just because we're married. I know, so much for third time lucky.'

'But once again, thank you for my...subservient skeleton. It's been very useful...'

'I'll speak to you soon. Goodbye.'

'...What did Abraxas do to get you...?'
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