'Is this the right place...? There might be others?'
'Right now, I don't fucking care, I'm desperate to sit down.'

'It's a nice town...'

'Hi! Can I get you any drinks?'

'No, we're just sitting down for a minute. D'you know the person that owns this place? We're looking for a Saraya Farrington, I'm hopin' this is the right joint.'
'That's me. And it's Saraya Greene now.'
'Shit. Sorry, no offence meant. Have you got anywhere a bit more private we can talk?'

'No, none taken. Um, what's this about? Because I'm a bit busy.'

'Tate Farrington and Abraxas Gore. I understand they know each other.'

'Abraxas is our dad.'

'Do they? I've never heard of him. Ellis! Come here a sec, will you?'

'Do you know an Abraxas Gore?'
'No, I don't.'

'Grey eyes, black hair, porn 'stache, huge chin and underbite. Dresses in mainly black?'
'Nope, sorry.'

'I think I'd remember someone like that. If it helps, we're not exactly on good terms with Tate. Is your dad meant to be his friend or something?'

'Who'd be friends with Tate?'

'Again, I'd really prefer to take this somewhere more private.'
'Sure. Follow me. You too, El.'


'Tate and Abraxas are business parters. They co-own Dangerous Curves together, in Devil's Port.'

'That's where we're from.'

'Dangerous Curves?'

'...It's a brothel.'

'...What? Are you sure?'

'Sadly, yes.'

'I think Dad does some of his work in there, too.'

'For God's sake. That's disgusting.'

'Tate owns a brothel.'

'Does it surprise you, really?'

'...What work does your dad do?'

'...He's a porn star.'


'My condolences.'

'This is awkward.'

'No shit. Anyway, we're here on recon, basically. Or I am, at least, to find out more about Abraxas' out of town business deals. And to be honest, Wednesday can't really be left on her own.'

'I'm never alone, though.'
'Please, not now. Don't start that shit again now.'

'Okay...? What do you want to know?'

'Anything you can tell us, really. I want to try and sabotage this deal between Tate and Abraxas, and I think that knowing what sort of guy he is might help. So anything and everything you know.'

'How long have you got? He's an abusive twat. Eight kids-'

'Eight biological kids, sorry, and every one of them he's treated like shit.'

'Oh fantastic. No wonder those fucking two get along so well.'

'Why, is Abraxas the same?'
'He's a violent, verbally abusive, lying insulting narcissistic piece of shit and -'

'- We - none of us like him.'

'Ooh, fun, another narcissist. Yeah, Tate's the same.'

'He literally called himself perfect.'

'...Great. So what does he even do? How many enemies does he have? Allies? Abraxas has almost the entirety of Devil's Port on his side, 'cause apparently that city attracts the fucked up.'

'He's the mayor. Owns most of Sunset Valley too.'

'...The mayor. ...So people actually looked at this guy, who looks like the lovechild of Agent 47 and Professor X and oozes sliminess from every pore and thought "perfect! That's our guy!"?'

'Yeaaah, don't look at us for an explanation. We tried to get people to vote against him but I guess we need more friends.'

'He's full of this fake charm. He turns it on and off when he pleases. It's his wife and kids who get to see the real him.'
'She was nineteen when they got married. ...A porn star too, actually. Not any more though.'

'Do you think she ever did a scene with Da -'

'- Wednesday PLEASE!'

'...I hope not.'

'Poor Roxxi, she's spent way too much time on the other end of awful men.'

'What's even creepier is his second wife was Indigo's grandma.'

'Eww. As in, his mother in law...?'


'I didn't think most people liked their mothers-in-law enough to have sex with.'
'I don't think he did like her. He's a stupid wanker.'
'No, he has too many kids to be a wanker.'

'Fuck, can you go back to talking to the voices in your head?'

'I'm so sorry. He sounds like a real waste of space.'

'He is. Uh, sorry to make you talk about Tate. I hate talking about Abraxas, so...yeah.'
'It's not my favourite thing in the world, no. Hey, if you're going to mess with him, be careful. He's a murderer. Seriously, he used to be a hitman. I'd hate for you to get hurt.'
'...Noted. Thanks.'

'Dad's killed people too... We're kind of used to being around dangerous criminals.'

'Yeah. Devil's Port is full of murderers, gangbangers, drug dealers, psychos. He's nothing new.'

'Poor you. He's threatened to kill his current wife. He'd kill you without hesitation.'

'Dad killed both our mums...'
'Oh God... We're so sorry.'

'We really are.'

'Thanks. ...I reckon once we've found a place to stay and things calm down a bit, we oughta find a therapist.'

'For both of us.'

'Where are you going to move to?'
'Maybe round here. Abraxas has too many allies in the city to really fuck with him there, so if we can start making a difference here, then it'll be a lot safer.'

'We oughta swing by the library, use the public computers. See if there's anywhere cheap available. See about getting you in the school here.'

'That'll be nice. Sunset Valley isn't a bad place, despite Tate. How old are you?'


'Well, you can see the school counsellor at least. He's our uncle.'

'I don't know...'

'Can't hurt, though.'

'Hey, he's really nice. Not a bit like Tate, I promise. We live together.'

'Tell you what, you see this guy once, I'll stay with you and if it's a no go, at least you tried. How about that?'
'I guess...'

'When would you want to do it?'
'Dunno. Is she gonna have to be a student to see him first?'
'At school, yes. But maybe we could set something up at our place? I'll have to ask him first, of course.'
'Sure, could be good. Whenever he's free then.'

'I'll give him a call, I'll be back in a minute.'

'He hates Tate as much as we do. He'll feel the same way about Abraxas, I'm sure.'

'That's good to know. ...Hey, did Tate really make a sixteen year old a big business CEO?'
'...Yeah, it was his birthday present.'
'...Right. No offence to the kid, but I wouldn't be able to run a business as a grown-ass adult, never mind as a teen.'
'He has a lot of support from advisers. It's crazy, but... they're doing okay. It upset his other triplets though, they didn't get anything near that big.'


'Two boys and a girl. Apparently multiples run in this family. All I can say is I'm glad I won't be getting pregnant!'

'...I'm extra grateful to be a virgin.'
'Mmmm. Ellis is gay and has two aliens, and our sister Aria is asexual, so that's something.'

'How does he have two aliens?'
'He was abducted and came back pregnant.'
'Ooohh. I didn't know men could get pregnant!'

'Well, we can.'

'He's had boobs and everything. He still feeds his baby.'


'.....I can't say I noticed.'

'Ohhhhhhh, I thought he had breast implants.'
'Oh my fucking God.'

'N-no! I'd make a pretty ugly woman! ...So yeah, you can see Edward this week. In the evening, after school.'
'...Sorry, she has no verbal filter. ...Thanks though.'
'It's okay.'
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