Saturday, 22 July 2017

Dropping hints

“I know she can't do anything serious here at school, but Jude, she really scares me... I don't think I've seen her smile once, and the way she looks at people...”

“Yeah, she kinda freaks me out too. And Horse Girl's clearly terrified of her, with good reason.”

“Excuse me, I have a name.”


“And yes, as I've said, she's absolutely horrific. She tried to kill me, for God's sake-”

“Oh, well done! Too loud!”

“I didn't try to kill you.”

“Oh no, I'm really sorry, I take it back!”

“...You're pathetic. As it stands, I burnt down the lab. Not you. Otherwise you'd be scarred for life.”


“I'll just be going, then!”

“Speaking of scarred for life, I see the way your uncle Edward avoids me.”

“Hey, that's not very nice...”

“Wow. Are you always that classy?”

“Jude, don't-”

“Oh, relax. I have better things to do. I'm not losing my temper, not to you anyway.”

“Why would you bring up someone's scars like that?”

“...Do you even know how he got them?”

“No? I..I wouldn't ask...”

“Well, it explains why he nearly shits himself every time he sees me.”

“...What do you mean?”

“Hey, what's going on?”

“My dad did it.”

“Did what?”

“Scarred Edward.”

“...Your dad.”

“I...thought he'd only hurt my dad...”

“No. Both of them. I'd go into the reasons why, but I'd rather do that when all three of you triplets are present. So I can destroy whatever good image you had of him.”

“So you're just stood here telling us that your dad mutilated another man-"

“Two, didn't you listen?”

“- as if you were telling us about the weather. What the fuck?”

“Hazel... I don't understand. Why would he hurt Edward? He's a good man, he's never done anything wrong to anyone... Dad didn't mention that in his talk.”

“Mine didn't either, he just talked about himself.”

“Carmella, that's nothing new, to be fair.”

“Another time, I said. Unless you work it out for yourselves before then. Or ask Edward himself. He's supposed to be good at talking, isn't he? He's a terrible counsellor if not.”


“Let it go, Charon. We're meant to be avoiding her...”

“Yeah, and that's because of her crazy dad!”

“Crazy and dangerous! So leave it!”

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