Saturday, 8 July 2017

No such thing as brotherly love

“Happy birthday, Saraya. I got you cake for breakfast, since it's your last day and all... don't tell your father.”

“Thanks. Where is he, anyway?”

“He had to go to work.”

“On a Saturday?”

“Apparently. You know how he is.”


“ were the exams?”

“I did well. We all did really, except one person. Look, you don't have to act like everything's normal. We've never exactly had a normal relationship.”

“I know that. But I am glad we were getting along... I never managed that with your sister. And anyway, I'll miss you.”

“No, you'll miss my cooking, cleaning and childcare skills. I don't wish to be rude, and I'm thankful for the gesture, but I'll be happy to go.”

“Of course. Okay, forget about me then: the kids will miss you. Tristan was crying about it last night, but he'd never admit it. Don't be a stranger to them.”

“I won't. You can count on that.”


“What the hell do you want? Go away. You're not wanted here.”

“I don't particularly care what you want, Edward. I'm coming inside. Where can we chat?”

“Oh, a social call, is it? Let's just talk about the weather, or your new career move, or the fact that you let Miles Atwood butcher my face and then you bankrupted me!”

“Still bitter about that, I see.”

“Did you really expect any different?”

“No, but this isn't about your face or hurt feelings. This is the living room?”

“Make it quick, and is that a bloody baby you've brought with you?”

“Yes. I'll make it quick, then. You always wanted to be a father, yes?”

“...yes? I may as well be one already. I'm far more of one to Ellis and Aria than you ever were.”

“I'm going to stop you there, because are you really under the impression that I give a damn about those two rejects? Such optimism.”

“Oh, shut up. You aren't worthy of them. They're damn good kids, and you treated them horribly. So where did this one come from?”

“It's mine.”

“Really. So even poor Roxxi isn't good enough for you?”

“I see no problem in having some fun on the job. Except this time, it has had...consequences.”

“I have no sympathy. If you're not even smart enough to use protection when shagging some secretary at work, you deserve all you get. Where is the mother?”

“You don't want to know.”

“Oh, Christ, no... Why are you bringing me into this?”

“Consider it an act of kindness on my part.”

“You were at the back of the queue when kindness was given out. You want me to have this baby?”

“Yes, because even I wouldn't harm a baby.”

“No, you just wait until they're old enough to understand the word 'worthless'.”

“Your whining is getting pitiful, Edward. The fact of the matter is that she threatened to ruin me, so I did what I had to do to protect myself. I realise now that that would have been a lot better nine months ago, but never mind. It would be far too suspicious to go to an adoption centre, and you are my brother. If the child looks like me, it could still pass as yours.”

“I have no wife or girlfriend.”

“Then invent one. I don't care. Just as long as no-one finds out where it really came from.”

“It, Tate? Do you even know the name? The gender?”

“No, and I don't intend to.”

“How am I going to explain this to the others?”

“As long as that green abomination doesn't say anything to my children, I have no problem with them knowing. They won't do anything about it. They know full well that people who defy my wishes often find themselves having unfortunate accidents. Even Olivia, although strangely that was not my doing. Still, you benefited enough from that one. If you were to tell my wife of this child, well, Ellis would be a good bet. It'd certainly be payback to Aria for the grief she's caused over the years. And it's all too fun to see you cry like the pathetic wimp that you are.”

“You fucking bastard.”

“No, this baby is the bastard, but it's your bastard now, and I shall have no further part in this matter. Are we agreed?”

“Fine. It'll be far happier with me anyway. Any child I can save from you is a win in my book. I have nothing but sympathy for the one Roxxi is carrying right now.”

“Excellent. You are useful after all. I'll just let myself out, then. Goodbye, Edward.”

“Go to hell, Tate.”

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